#and then im reading reddit discussions about how ppl are confused why there are ships like
kirabethstar · 1 year
isagi & bachira, blue lock chapter 49
happy holidays i am here to make my annual hellsite post, this time about blue lock because my god i cannot with some of the lines in this (spoilers: they’re gay)
let’s take a look at chapter 49, this iconic line by bachira:
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i commonly see this line cited as one of the big bachira/isagi moments and while this translation definitely not wrong, those wouldn’t be my exact word choices
this is the original japanese panel:
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bachira: 俺が欲しけりゃ、奪いに来い
the verb used here is 「奪う」 (ubau), which does indeed mean to take without permission, but has a much more aggressive feel to it. 「奪う」is more commonly translated as “rob”, and overall there’s the implication that the thing was taken through unlawful means specifically by force, in a pretty obvious/in-your-face kind of way
the japanese verb that has a closer feeling to the english word “steal” would be 「盗む」 (nusumu), which is more commonly used in situations where the thing is taken secretly without the person noticing (of course there are exceptions; but generally it’s used for more hidden/secretive types of action). 
feeling/imagery-wise, the difference is like one person prying something out of someone’s hands vs. trying to sneak into someone’s room at night to take something
tldr the line is a lot more aggressive and forceful in jp, and i think what would’ve conveyed the feelings better here would be something more like
“if you want me, come and take me by force”
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