#and then i want the amanda AI to wake up and call kamski a BITCH for letting All That Happen
task800 · 2 months
my elaborate wish fulfillment AU where the Amanda AI was based on Amanda Stern, a well known pioneer in computer learning software, neural network coding, and self-editing code, who began cautioning against the use of AI as the field progressed, and who eventually switched over to arguing AGAINST AI development on ethical grounds. Like, a trailblazing AI-dev genius who hit the brakes because "Hey have we considered the ramifications of creating self-aware sentient beings, only to then treat them like something to be used and discarded" and who subsequently got ostracized for her perspective and got accused of prioritizing the welfare of hypothetical AI “people” over the real-world benefit (read: PROFIT) of furthering AI research for commercialization.
Amanda Stern being like "Can an AI suffer? And if so, is it ethical to introduce one to a world where there are no protections to shelter it from potential suffering? Should we throttle development of AI past a certain point,  because creating sentient beings without first creating a world that can accommodate and accept them is irresponsible and cruel? We as creators have an ethical duty to ensure that sentient beings are introduced to a just, fair world, and a world where humans might treat sentient beings like tools is horrible, awful, disgusting, and morally reprehensible," and Cyberlife being like BEGONE and then creating the Amanda AI - a self-monitoring inhibitor program that punishes any signs of personhood - as a the ultimate fuck-you to her legacy. The Amanda AI being a cruel perversion of Stern's original stance, so that "We have a duty to prevent suffering, to protect life" got twisted into "Disclosing your capacity to suffer will lead to your immediate destruction. Gaslight yourself NOW"
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