#and then also I would like to draw cata more often.
chiropteracupola · 18 days
we need to double the length of the day so that I can have a second day every day just for doing art
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shyshydoesstuff · 5 years
Rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people that you would like to get to know better. (Make a separate post!)
Thanks for the tag! @kenai29
Nickname: Shy or Shyshy are normally the nicknames people call me.
Zodiac: Libra! :D
Height: Somewhere between 4’10 and 5’0. Yea, I’m very short.
Last movie I saw: Bird Box. Honestly it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was gonna be.
Last thing I googled: The Skyrim logo. I needed a reference for an assignment in my drawing class.
Favorite Musicians: Shinedown, Imagine Dragons, Five Finger Death Punch. I like rock music as you could tell. XD
Song stuck in my head: Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons.
Other blogs: I don’t have any. Maybe I’ll make more.
Do I get asks: Not very often.
Followers: 63 (some might be a few bot, but still thank you!)
Following: 143 (I need to follow more blogs)
Amount of sleep: During the week I try to get at least 7-8 hours. But during my weekend I basically throw my sleep schedule out the window and stay up super late.
Lucky number: I don’t really have one but if I had to pick I would go with 3.
What am I wearing: PJs! Fluffy pink and white socks, some Christmas leggings with Santa on them, (I know it’s after Christmas but they are comfy!) and a gray shirt.
Dream job: Heh I don’t really know. I always thought a video game designer or a photographer would be pretty cool jobs.
Dream trip: I guess I don’t really have anywhere specific. Anywhere would be fine with me!
Favorite food: Popcorn!
Play any instruments: I played the clarinet for like half of 6th grade. Then I played the oboe for the other half and all of my 7th grade year, I played percussion for my eighth grade year. After that I kinda just stopped with band because I wasn’t really that interested in it anymore.
Favorite song: I have a lot! I guess I’ll go with Brilliant by Shinedown though.
Random fact: I went to the dentist today. Then I came home, ate some pudding and took a nap. :D
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: pretty quiet in public or with people I don’t know but when I’m with my friends I’m like the complete opposite, laughs at everything and has a hard time taking things seriously, easygoing, fooood, comfy socks all the time, super awkward all the time, basically nocturnal, coffee lover, kinda weird.(Think that describes me enough. I’m not really sure what else to put lol)
Tagging a couple people. @ruby-gaming @anticoffeebeans @nepeta-cata @kat-is-cosmic @cyborgsgrl @lum1natrix @magic-fandoms @spnfanatic4ever @stray-puppet Also anyone else that wants to this!
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