#and the thing is my roommate agreed with the exotic animal ownership argument
baby-prophet · 2 years
Jesus fucking Christ ok so I just got in an argument with my mom and roommate bc my mom was watching a video about that one man and his pet alligator and I was annoyed with it and told them why I hate videos like that and my mom was like noooo it wouldn’t encourage owning wild and exotic animals. people know better. (funny that she loves to say people are stupid) and so I got up to put dishes in the fucking dishwasher and was talking about how we have to stop humanizing animals like this. And my roommate was like yea yea sure that means all animals. And I was like yea, all animals. And she fucking hits me with even humans since we’re animals too.. like?? What the fuckk are you talking about?? Where do you think the word humanizing comes from. Stop humanizing people?? Whattttttttt I’m just so annoyed. And then Kai starts barking and lunging at me like I can’t show any emotion near him at all
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carriethedictionary · 5 years
*sends a video of a fennec fox to my best friend*
“I’m so so happy. And I think I might get one instead of a regular fox since they’re made to be pets.”
Her response:
“You have to have a completely stable home because it isn’t fair to an animal to have to live in a car. We can’t repeat what happened last time because that wouldn’t be responsible pet ownership.”
What I thought in my head:
“Uhm.. as my best friend can we just explore the fact that I cried my eyes out over that situation and I was homeless because my roommates were terrible people and I made the decision to move out before my life got any worse than it already was and yes it affected my pet fox but ultimately I did what’s best for him and placed him in foster care and it follows me everyday. I cry myself to sleep over it. I watch videos of him daily. I try to visit him but I can’t. Etc. etc.. it’s making me cry to think about all this.. I mean god damn why’d you have to say that.. why’d you have to disrespect me with words like that demonstrating that you don’t care about how deeply this subject effects me...”
What I ended up actually saying:
“Trust me. Life throws stuff at you. You’ll learn when you move out. You are blessed to not have to figure it all out yourself.”
“And dude I put up thousands of dollars for him. It was $180 alone just to keep his fur under control. I didn’t just give up or give him bad living conditions. I myself needed help and I still do. I really don’t want to have Skylar be brought up because that point in my life no one was there to help me or guide me or even fucking talk to me and I don’t like to be reminded of it at all. It triggers the worst depressions in me ever and now I can’t stop crying. I did everything for that beautiful being. I literally did everything in my power to keep him safe and healthy.”
Her response:
“I’m not saying that you didn’t have the best intentions for him, the most love for him, or that you didn’t try your best. Because you did all of those things. But unfortunately at the end of the day, that isn’t enough to keep exotic pets happy. It wasn’t a good situation for him and he’s doing better now. I know it’s hard for you to lose him, but you have to look at what’s best for the animal. And none of that was at the time. And I know it’s not your fault, but you have to look at it subjectively. All you can do is learn from that, and in the future, don’t put another animal through that. They need stability. And that probably won’t be a factor until you’re settled down in your own home. Buying another fox before you can provide them with what they properly need is selfish and inconsiderate to the animal. But you already know that. And I know you’ll do what’s in a future animals best interest.”
“Also, under no circumstances should a fox live in an apartment. They are not apartment pets. You need an actual house.”
My response:
“I already have been through all those motions. I subjectively look at it until it’s brought up in a way that makes me feel or look like I failed him. If anything the person who sold him to me saying it was just like owning a dog claiming to be a professional fox handler should of been locked up for that transaction. I wish that my past just wouldn’t be brought up when I bring up happy little future decisions. I never said I was going to have one in an apartment nor have I ever had one in a apartment to begin with.”
Her response:
“You have to learn from your past in order to proceed in the future. As someone who wants to go into exotic medicine, it makes me panicky when you talk about buying another fox in the foreseeable future because I know you don’t have the means nor are you ready.”
My response:
“I said one day I was going to buy a fennec instead of a regular one first. To basically warm myself up for having a real one. I do not plan on doing that any time soon. I am just dreaming. Just talking about something that peaks my interest.”
Her response:
“That I can understand. I just thought you were doing research into buying another soon. I think you should try having a small dog first. Before a fennec fox. That’s the ultimate first step.”
My response:
“Well you don’t need to remind me of my past. I will stop talking about certain things and subconsciously close myself off from sharing things with you. I know I get, I know how I am. And I can’t move on and grow when I’m being told what to do and how to do it and what I plan to do when I’m not planning anything. I’m just having a simple conversation with my best friend about how cute an option to have one one day would be.”
Her response:
“I’m just going to drop the subject because I have an opinion on this that you don’t agree with and I’m able to recognize that instead of taking my part of the conversation constructively, you take personal offense and just want to argue.”
My thoughts on that^
She didn’t even recognize what I shared with her to be my feelings being affected and I need her to hear me. She made it about herself, as usual then tried to make me talking about my feelings as an argument. I think that’s both psychologically odd and uhm.. yeah I need to reconsider who I call my best friend at this point.
Anyways here’s my response:
“That simple conversation turned into a reminder of how fucking rude and shallow my parents are with their money and energy. It reminded me I have to just cage in when I want to share something with you because instead of hearing me you create what you think it is to be then try and tell me what to do as if you have some sort of power over me or something. I dont like the way I can’t just simply have a conversation without it getting to be an ultimate serious decision or like I am retarded or something. If I have a question, I’ll ask. But I literally just shared with you a video of a fennec fox and how it would be cool to one day own one. I’m trying to let you know that I don’t need to be talked to like an uneducated idiot.”
Her response:
“There you go, doing exactly what I said you were doing.”
My response:
“I’m not trying to buy one right now.
You implied I was.
I’m not trying to argue.
I’m trying to tell you how I feel and that I would like for you to not bring Skylar up. I don’t fucking do this shit to you when you come to me with little stuff you’re thinking about doing. I certainly will never remind you of anything you did wrong that touches your soul being. It’s just wrong. Think about what you say next time.”
Her response:
“I think if you aren’t willing to hear me out, then maybe it’s best you don’t talk to me about fox ownership. If I’m not able to give you my side then it’s a subject I’d rather not talk about because it’s upsetting to me as well.”
My response:
“I am willing to hear you out but the way you speak to me is like you have some sort of power over me. It’s not cool.”
Her response:
“I think you’re perceiving that in your own head. All I did was give an opinion on fox ownership.”
My response:
“ “We can’t have what happened last time be repeated. That wouldn’t be responsible pet ownership.”
How would you feel if I brought something up that you spoken to me about regretting. “
Her response:
“I have to be able to be honest with you. If I told you that the situation you had Skylar in was good I’d be lying. If I told you that the thought of you buying another exotic animal didn’t make me nervous I’d be lying as well. When you talk about fox ownership I can’t be happy for you because it makes me really nervous and unhappy because of what happened last time. I realize it makes you feel guilty. But I figured you should know how I feel about the subject because it’s not fair to keep it from you.”
My response:
“I literally just wanted to talk about happy things. I didn’t want to have that subject be brought to the table. Trust me. Believe it or not I cry myself to sleep thinking about that decision. I think about his eyes. His little cries. Just everything. Every day. I already think about it. I don’t need to be reminded that others think I’m a fucking idiot for making the decisions I did. It’s the past. It’s been learned from. It’s passed already. It’s done. It’s over. Don’t bring it up right now. I am not ready. I am still letting go. I am still processing.
You. Don’t. Need. To. Bring. It. Up.”
Her response:
“One day when you’re ready we can talk about it.”
My response:
“We. Already. Discussed. It. You and I both already know how we both feel about that situation. I would never bring up bullshit that hormonally and internally fucks you and your day up. It’s not what you do if you’re considerate and aware of your persons feelings.”
Her response:
“Would you rather I kept my feelings from you instead in fear that you might not like what I have to say?”
My response:
“I mean fuck.. every decision you made in your life wasn’t perfect. You want to try again and do the decision right and then have your best friend bring you down because of it? There’s better ways to go about making sure everyone is safe. You could of reworded it to show recognition that my feelings matter to you. I would rather just never talk to you about fox ownership again to be honest at this point.”
Her response:
“That’s fine. We can revisit in the future when you’re ready.”
My response:
“I already know how you feel. I don’t need to be told every fucking time I talk about foxes. I’m not revisiting this subject with you in the future. Fuck that.”
Her response:
“When you’re ready to calm down and talk rationally I’ll be here. This is one of those times I was talking to you about at the kitchen table where I feel like I can never be real with you without you freaking out. Read over these messages later when you’ve calmed down and see if you can see things from my side as well.”
My thoughts on that^^ she knows I don’t enjoy being called irrational. I should have NEVER shared with her my mental problems. I should have NEVER let her know my fears. She’s the most irrational psychologically messed up person I know and I don’t fucking ever. Ever. Remind her. I always push happiness and positivity her way and the second I give her a taste of her own medicine not out of spite but out of pain...lol I have NO words other than I’m sorry but why the fuck did I invite you back into my life? I’m not that lonely Lacey. I love myself. I’m cool with myself. I’m okay with not ever fucking talking to you again. I see your side. But do you ever. And I mean ever. See anyone else’s side?
This is part one.
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