#and the thing abt spn is that it stops meaning smth in terms of the narrative. there aren't any consequences for it so it's a nonthing
tvxcue · 2 years
but it is kind of annoying that death stops mattering bc jared and jensen are good at showing that it does! like red meat is so good bc it depends on that! like this is just a regular hunt for them and sam is dying and dean is losing his fucking mind. dean literally kills himself because of it. and then, bc hes insane, he tells sam that he knew he wasn’t dead. normal people things. and the finale of s11! dean is going to die to solve the big plot and sam is standing there saying goodbye to his brother and at first it’s like they’re not going to do anything but then dean says “come here” and he pulls sam in for a hug and sam folds himself in against deans shoulder and they’re saying goodbye and this isn’t nothing to them!!!!! it was never nothing, it’s always heartbreaking and gut wrenching and it’s the worst thing you could think of, it’s your worst nightmare come to life, it’s the thing you would give anything to stop!!! dean went to hell just so he wouldn’t have to live without sam. this never stops. they never stop being willing to die for each other, they never stop grieving, it doesn’t matter how many deaths it’s been, they grieve every single time.
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