#and the sweet blessed relief when the bridge burnt to rubble is finally restored
noooo i just thought of the “it was everyone but you” line in your superhero au but first as part of beatrice sharing something about herself to gain ava’s trust,
but then later after beatrice takes ava in, ava throwing it back in beatrice’s face in a “i expected this from everyone but you/i always thought it was everyone but you who’d betray my trust” or something to similar effect way
and now i’m just wailing and gnashing of teeth a tad over the thought
Thanks for returning my punch in the eye with a killer right hook of your own 👊. Now I too am doubled over in agony. Ohhh, that would hurt so good, AND BEA WOULD DESERVE IT IN THAT MOMENT. She let the mission go to her head, she let that classic superhero arrogance cloud her judgement. She thought she knew what was best for Ava, she thought she was working for the Greater GoodTM, until Ava throws it right back in her face. Ohhh, the guilt! The doubt! The fracturing of all her personal convictions!
This could lead to a situation where Bea nearly leaves the OCS in shame, similar to her almost reassignment in season 1, and Mary has to call her out and drag her back (probably because either Ava or the other girls are in danger).
Also, uh oh, this is actually worse in Scenario 1, where Ava's body has been mutilated and pieces of Shannon were forcibly stitched onto her. Because Ava really doesn't have anyone on her side in that situation. She might meet civilian friends like Chanel but that's not the same as having a team of trusted comrades and friends at your back. Mary isn't there in the beginning to try and ground Ava. Hell, she can barely even look at her. Beatrice is the only one who reaches out, who shows compassion for Ava's circumstances, who doesn’t shy away from the strangeness of her body. And it's all part of a ruse. The compassion (and feelings) is genuine, but the pretenses aren't. That's so deliciously awful. You couldn't ask for an easier villain origin story.
Good thing Ava isn't a villain. Despite being Frankenstein's monster, she would never do what the monster did. But the fallout would still be intense and have approximately six billion long-lasting consequences.
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