#and the only way I would consider watching season 2 is if rosa was bumped to series regular because WHAT A DELIGHT
niuxita21 · 5 months
Finally finished Las Pelotaris and went on the tag and OMG I can't fucking beLIEVE that yet again there is not a single gifset of Chelo and her pretty pretty face even though her character had the best denouement out of all of them by actually being allowed to kill her abusive fuckwad of a husband and watch as his body was eaten by pigs (queen shit). I also can't believe the level of simping over Itzi with a woman who apparently loved her SoOOOooOO much that she easily believed she killed her husband just from a signature on a typewritten confession. Ugh I'm so mad at this show like it started off so good then was utterly terrible in the middle and the finale was actually enjoyable (if majorly stressful) because for the first time all season the three lead characters (+ Rosa, the true MVP of this show) were in the same country and interacting with each other. I will always be a sucker for scenes of female bonding over killing/disposing of trash men or helping each other do it. I also can't believe that the prospect of a season 2, no matter how grim it is, does not entirely displease me because at least the four of them would be all together and I would really enjoy watching them deal with this new shitty situation. But alas, I highly doubt there will be a second season, and if there is, they'd find a way to ruin it the same way they mishandled everything after episode 3 give or take. And I would have to continue watching Itzi pine over a woman who chose to believe the worst of her. Itzi, mi amor, love yourself!!!!!!
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comradesummers · 5 years
3, 17, 27?
Hi, thank you for asking!
Top 5 underrated TV shows
Idk what really qualifies as underrated, but I’ll try my best.
1. Legends of Tomorrow
Like, outside of the cult following, people don’t give it credit for being one of the most creative and batshit crazy shows on TV. I think what really gets missed in the conversation about Legends, even when the show is brought up, is that it’s not just a weird, kooky show. I genuinely believe LoT is doing something that no other show on TV is doing rn. Like it may be silly, and not take itself too seriously, but it’s actually super creative, it tries new things, it takes risks that shows that take themselves more seriously don’t have the luxury of taking. It’s out there doing something genuinely different from the regular serialized drama format that’s overtaking television, and that’s unique and important and we should appreciate it more.  
2. Every show for or about women that’s ever been referred to as a “guilty pleasure” by men, including but not limited to: BtVS, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Jane the Virgin, Sex and the City (I haven’t even seen it, but I know that it changed television as we know it, and men still dismiss it as meaningless fluff), Gilmore Girls, and too many other shows to list here. All of them are underrated by assholes who think they’re too good for girl things.
3. Blackadder
Y’know, the concept of something being underrated is super weird, because like the question becomes: underrated by who? I mean, if you’re in the know about British comedies or whatever, then of course you know that Blackadder is one of the funniest and most innovative shows ever. But with everyone else I’ve talked to in real life, I’ve had to explain that Mr. Bean and Dr. House dress up in period costumes, and hang out with different important historical figures in British history, and it’s really funny and great (except for maybe the first season).  
4. Don’t Trust the B in Apartment 23
And then on the other hand, I’m pretty sure a lot of people on Tumblr know what this show is, and know it’s hilarious, but I would still probably consider it underrated and pretty unknown outside of certain circles.
5. Sense8
Again, I’m not sure it’s underrated on Tumblr but more people need to see it, so I’m counting it. I like Sense8 for the same reason I like Legends: it took risks, and did things other shows weren’t doing, albeit on a much larger and more unruly budget, which is probably why it got cancelled. But it really was a great, if short lived show, and I wish it had gone on for longer.
Top 5 “deserved better” characters
1. Kendra Young
Yeah, so I think there are two reasons that Kendra’s death makes me so angry. The first being just how much potential was wasted with her death. Yeah, they made her do a goofy accent, but she was still a really interesting character. Her worldview was completely entrenched in that of the Council. She was raised by them, and had never rebelled like Giles had. She would have made an amazing contrast to Buffy and the gang, but I also think there’s a really great story there about her coming to terms with just how exploited by those assholes she had been. Also, her dynamic with Buffy was already fascinating, and I think they had really good chemistry (I ship it).
The other reason her death makes me so angry is that she is the most obvious example of the horrendous treatment of people of color on BtVS. It really is unacceptable how white that show is, and once the writers finally did create an interesting and powerful (if admittedly pretty stereotypical) woman of color, they killed her off after three episodes. Kendra deserved better just like every other non-white character on BtVS deserved better.
2. Meg Manning and Paker Lee
(Yeah, I’m cheating, it’s a tie.) So one of the main issues that I have with Veronica Mars is that there just aren’t that many women on the show. With the exception of Veronica herself, most of the main characters are men, and most of Veronica’s important relationships, be they romantic, familial, or platonic, are with men.
The female characters we do have either have very little screentime, in spite of their considerable awesomeness (Mac and Jackie). Or, in the case of Meg and Parker, are used and disposed of according to the needs of the plot, often to create drama in Veronica’s love life. Meg surviving the bus crash, only to be killed off once she’d given birth, basically because she was no longer relevant to the Duncan/Veronica story is super icky and gross. And Parker getting dismissed as nothing more than road bump in LoVe’s story by both the show and the fandom drives me a little crazy, especially considering how she was introduced to the show.
Also, while we’re at it, every single ‘feminist’ character in season 3 deserved better from Rob Thomas.
3. Tara Maclay
She deserved to live, and we the viewers deserved better than Bury Your Gays.
4. Martha Jones
I mean, Martha Jones deserved better from the fandom more than anything else. And I’m adding her to the list because I’m one of the many people who owes Martha and Freema Agyeman an apology. I was like 12 when I watched Doctor Who for the first time, and I totally bought into the racist sexist bullshit (she’s boring, why is she in love with the Doctor, etc.). To be fair, I also bought into a lot of sexist bullshit when it came to Rose, so I hated her too, but obviously Martha got the shorter end of the stick, because of racism, and she deserved so, so much better.
5. Donna Noble
Fuck the amnesia bullshit and erasing her character development. Why did they have to do this to her? What possible purpose did it serve? Why not just give her a reason to leave and go home like every other companion? Wtf was the point? Was it just so that the doctor would have manpain about it?
Nevermind, I think I just answered my own question.
Top 5 brotps
Ok, not including any relationships I view as purely familial (Dawn and Buffy, Giles and Buffy, Tara and Dawn, Holt and anybody, etc.). Friendships only.
1. Buffy and Willow
Buffy and Willow love each other so much, and they hurt each other a lot too. This relationship isn’t simple and sweet, it starts out that way, but it becomes difficult, and they both do things to one another that I don’t think either one of them ever fully forgives the other for. But even still, at their worst, they love each other so deeply and so completely. This relationship is at the core of the show, I think. It’s arguably the first relationship the show establishes, and the one it spends most time on. The ups and downs are painful, but they feel real (even when they involve things like bringing someone back from the dead without their consent or whatever). And through it all, they never stop loving each other. As flawed as it may be, I think it’s also one of the most complex, interesting, and important relationships between two women ever on television. And that’s worth celebrating.
2. Jane and Petra
So I’ve been on a bit of a Jane the Virgin kick lately, and I’ll be honest, I can’t decide if this is a brotp or an otp. But I love Petramos too, so let’s go with brotp.
In any case, these two were pretty much my endgame for the show. I really didn’t care who Jane ended up with (unless it was Petra, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen), and I got sick of her love triangle real quick (to be fair, I just really can’t stand love triangles, which is why I didn’t give the show a shot for a long time). As for Petra, I just really wanted her to have a healthy relationship with someone, and Jane seemed to be the only person who seemed interested in having a healthy relationship with her.
Plus their dynamic is just amazing and hilarious. My favorite scenes in the show are always when they’re on screen together. The way they grudgingly grow to care about and love each other is genuinely sweet and well developed. And I love how even when they do become friends, their basic moral divide never changes. They still disagree very strongly about certain things, but they love each other regardless. And btw, the scene where they say “I love you” to each other for the first time might be my favorite “I love you” scene ever, platonic or otherwise.
I just love them so much.
3. Gurl Group (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
This is another show about romance where I’m far more invested in the female friendship than I am in any of the romances, but to be fair, I think CxG kind of wants you to do that anyway.
Regardless, I love everyone in this Gurl Group, individually and together. And their individual relationships are already fascinating. Like, Rebecca and Valencia’s frienship is pure enemies to lovers friends bliss and I love it. Rebecca and Paula’s relationship is the heart of the show, and like Buffy and Willow, this relationship is often difficult and complicated, but the love is always there. And we never had enough scenes of Heather and Valencia interacting. Every scene where they were together was pure comedic gold. And the group together as a whole was just so powerful and amazing to behold.
4. Amy and Rosa
They do not have enough scenes together. This relationship deserves the same amount of care and development as Jake and Charles get. Melissa and Stephanie have great chemistry. And like, their characters are so different, so the contrast is always so funny. But they also love each other, and support each other, and it’s so much fun to watch. I need 10000% more Amy/Rosa content.
5. Buffy and Veronica
This one’s probably also cheating because it’s a crossover and all, but I’m just kind of obsessed with the idea of them meeting, sparks flying, enemies to lovers friends, the works. They would just have such a fantastic dynamic. Like, think of all the verbal sparring that we would be blessed with. Think of all the drama and angst of them coming to understand and respect each other. If there is one crossover that I would will into existence if I could, it would definitely be this one.
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Red Rose - Chapter 1
Prologue CH. 1 Ch. 2  Ch. 3  Ch. 4  Ch. 5 Ch. 6  Ch. 7  Ch. 8  Ch. 9  Ch. 10  Ch. 11  Ch. 12 Ch. 13  Ch. 14 Ch. 15 Ch. 16 
Summary: Riley, a simpleton waitress from New York, meets a strange group of men. An unwelcome presence lurks, however, and they don’t seem very content in just watching.
Rating: T - Content not suitable for children.  Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with minor suggestive adult themes.
Notes: As promised, here it is chapter 1. I wonder who you think Theodora is. Send me your thoughts, I’ll be glad to hear them. No spoilers, though!
Vienna, Spring 2006
Liam stared blankly to the canvas in front of him, trying to get some sense out of it. Up so far, he failed miserably.
To be fair, he didn’t think many people his age would even bother to try, much less achieve, to understand the painting. It was a sickly green, with some reddish shadows that he couldn’t quite manage to place what they were. The title, Schadenfreude, was of not much help. Not only was in German, a language no tutor quite managed to instill in him, it referred to a concept rather… mismatched with the image he currently saw in front of him.
Let’s face it, Liam is pants in art appreciation.
“What have this painting done for you to frown so much at it?” A red-haired girl about his age asked him in French.
He was taken by surprise by the girl’s approach. He got stiff for a second, but with a discreet nod by an inconspicuous man a few meters away, he relaxed again. “How come you know I speak French?” He asked, curious.
“I make a point in being observant. You don’t look Austrian, you’re way too tanned. You don’t look Italian, with all that blonde hair of yours. My first guess was French, but you don’t quite sound like one either.”
He smiled despite himself. He supposed he could humor the girl for a while. “You’re right. I’m Cordonian.”
“A beautiful land.” She said, in a heavily accented Greek. “What brings you to Austria?”, she asked, back to French.
“I’m visiting a friend.” He said, simple.
“But you seem to have come alone.”
“He’s not into art.”
“Ah! So, it’s a he!” She exclaimed, and he laughed. “You’re a tough nut to crack, mister. And I’m Germanic.”
“I suppose I’m a little shy. Or have something to hide.”
“I guess it’s the second one. You’re not into art either, are you?”
He smiled. “Busted. I’m really not. But that painting out in the front was much too beautiful, I got curious.”
She smiled. “Yeah, Hagia Sophia in Purple. It’s one of my favorites, too. You’re out of luck, though… That’s from an early collection by the artist. Now we’re doing abstract art.”
“So I’ve noticed… I never really got those, you know? It seems to me a little… I don’t know, childlike? Chicken scratch?”
She laughed softly, like a violin. “Oh, if I had a dime for every time I heard that! You’re not really wrong, those are very strange images. But the thing is, it isn’t about what you see, but what you feel, what comes to your mind.”
He raised an eyebrow, confused. He had heard that quite a lot at his art lessons, but never quite comprehended what that meant.
“Look, let me help you,” She motioned to him to face the painting. “What do you see?”
“I can work with that. What does green mean to you?”
“Apples? Forests? Grass?” He guessed, but faced the patient negative from his master.
“No, I mean, what remind you of? Something intimate, deep.”
“I guess, sickness… Jealousy…” Yeah, definitely that. He could feel himself getting nauseated from watching it.
“And what does the title mean?”
“To be happy for one’s misery.”
She hummed. “And how do you relate what you feel to that concept?”
“That the artist is glad to make me sick?”
She once again laughed, this time more hysterically. “Perhaps. She could be a bitch.”
It was his time to snort. “Hey… I never really got your name.”
“Pardon me. I am Linda Rosa Valois, enchanted.”
He froze in shock. “Valois? As in...”
The redhead cut him off. “As in the artist of the childlike painting, yeah.”
Liam started to stutter. “Lord, I am so sorry! I did not mean to...”
“Don’t worry. It’s art! The beauty of it is that all viewpoints coexist peacefully.”
“That’s wise, I suppose… I’m Liam.” He extended his hand. As she handed him hers, he kissed the top of it.
“Now, if you excuse me,” She said, softly, “I must get back to work. I am here every afternoon, should your guy-friend decide he’s not into coffee either.”
“He despises it.” He laughed. As Linda Rosa turned to leave, Liam calls her back. “Miss Valois?”
“What do you want to say with your painting?”
“Perhaps I’ll tell you someday.”
New York City, Fall 2015
The winds started changing in New York, signaling the end of Summer. Riley couldn’t say she wasn’t glad. The heat has been suffocating that year, never before have the season felt that hot.
She passed by a mean-faced guy in black, hanging in front of a car. The street was rather empty, she could see four or five people around. Almost nothing, considering it was New York, and still kind of early.
The graying skies predicted rain that evening. She pulled her jacket closer to her carboniferous hair, in an attempt to cover her neck and shoulders, exposed by the waitress’ bun and her cleaved uniform.
To be a waitress in a dingy watering hole in Brooklyn is far from being Riley’s dream, but, given the circumstances, it was her only choice. It paid well for a blue-collar job, and if she could manage not to punch anyone, the tips weren’t that bad either.
A block or so from the bar she saw another man dressed in black. She noticed the red button in his clothes. Her breath hitched in her throat.
Trying to pass unnoticed, she pulled the jacket, looked down and kept walking, hurriedly. She believes she wasn’t seen, but to be sure, she took a few wrong turns in her way to work.
A few too much, it would appear, as, when she arrived, Frank, her lovely boss, was waiting for her.
“You’re late!” He screamed, or rather, spoke in his indoor voice. Frank couldn’t be bothered to lower his tone.
Ignoring him, she went on to work her shift.
 A few hours into the night, she was close to be finished with it all.
“Ah, the glamour of New York, taking out the trash in a Saturday night!”
One of her co-workers, Daniel, was helping her. She liked Daniel, she supposed. Even though he was a little lazy, he entertained her with his tales from the ship he used to work.
“It could be worse.” He said, “There could be…”
A mouse jumped out of one of the dumpsters.
“RATS! Riley! Save me!”
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of this adorable little mouse! He’s a survivor, just like us!”
Back inside, she noticed an entourage just got in. Frank said they were a bachelor party. Nice.
“Waitress!” Said one of the three guys, a middle-eastern looking young man. “We need your best table!”
“Forget the table!” Said another, a jean-clad man. “Just bring us whiskey, and lots of it.”
Yay. Rowdy drunkards.
Daniel paled looking at them. Riley could just foresee what he was about to do.
“I’ve got a date tonight!” He said, “I’ll never make it out of here on time!”
“You really want me to take the bachelor party?” Riley said. “Why do I always get the rowdy tables?”
“Because you’re way better at this than I am.” Cheeky bastard.
Riley facepalmed, but smiled kindly, despite her deep displeasure. “Fine. But you owe me one.”
Saying her goodbyes, she walks over the table.
“Hello, gentlemen!” She mustered her best smile. “I’ll be taking care of you this evening!”
She wasn’t quite finished when yet-another man, dressed in a designer shirt, ordered steaks. If the accent wasn’t a dead give-away, that would be her first clue that they were foreigners.
“The closest thing we have to a steak is the burger.”
“Dare I ask for your wine list?” Asked the middle-easterner, dejected.
“We’ve got an excellent vintage house red. And it also comes in white!”
The jean-guy, with common sense, ordered whiskey and four burgers. Counting only three clients, she wonders why four meals. Turning for the kitchen, she only just bumps into the fourth party-goer.
“Sorry I’m late,” He says. “Thank you for your patience, miss…?”
“Riley. No trouble at all.”
“Charmed to make your acquaintance, Riley.”
“It’s really nice to meet you too. Now, excuse me, I’ll be back with your order shortly. Please, make yourselves comfortable.”
 Riley was wiping the bar and emptying the tip jar. The place has only just closed, but the party was still around. Lost in some pop lyrics, she was surprised by the tap on her shoulder.
“I think we’re about to head out.” The blond, Liam, told her. “I just wanted to thank you… and apologize. I know we kept you late, and my friends can be… demanding.”
Well, back when she was only but a kid and her mother took her to church, the clergyman used to say there was no sin big enough to be unforgivable if a truly regretful heart asked, sincere, for pardon.
Besides, they could have been jerks and just left.
Feeling the irritation evaporate, she answered: “Demanding? Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
As it seems, Liam found humor in her words. “I got the feeling that you could take care of yourself.” As an afterthought, he added: “If you don’t have any plans tonight, maybe I can make it up to you by buying you a drink. We’re about to go to a club.”
“Oh,” She said. “Which one?”
“We’re hoping you might have some advice about that. We’re not from around here.”
No, really?
Figuring from the outlandish requests and the thickness the check had acquired while in their table, she believed they were wealthy, if not well-connected. Going into clubs shouldn’t be a hassle for them.
“In which case,” She said to herself and for Liam. “I recommend going to the hottest club in town this season, Kismet.”
“That sounds perfect. Lead the way!” He said, with a smile.
Making use of a dress she had in her locker due to an event a few weeks before in the bar, and perfectly refreshed, she stepped outside to meet the others.
Receiving a round of compliments due to her look, she must admit she wears green well.
Liam, however, was a little less than amused. “I doubt she appreciates you talking about her like that.”
Maxwell, she finds the guy in the shirt is called, apologizes for all the catcalling. “Now let’s get this party started!”
“So, she’s our tour guide now?” The jeans, Drake, surly asked.
“Riley” Liam emphasizes. “Was kind enough to agree to show us around. She’s doing us a favor, so play nice.”
A short and somewhat awkward cab ride later and they were in the club. She blinked and found herself alone with Liam, as the others went to the dancefloor.
“Thank you for bringing us here.” The blond said. “The guys are having fun already.”
Taking in consideration that statement, Riley says: “I bet you’re used to putting everyone else first.”
Humoring her, he says: “And why would you say that?”
“I can tell. I’m good at reading people.”
A memory flashes in Liam’s mind for a second, but he soon represses it.
“Now,” She said. “Forget your friends. How do you like it here?”
“What I enjoy the most is the company.” He says, in a somewhat flirtatious smile. “And I believe I am in your debt. What will the lady have?”
“Surprise me.” She said.
A minute later they were toasting with some flaming cocktails.
“A funny choice,” She teases.
“Careful.” He says, blowing the fire. “We’re playing it hot.”
“That’s what makes it fun!” Downing hers, she finished with a “Thanks. I guess we’re even now.”
He hummed. “I guess you’re right. Now I’ll have to find some other excuse to get you to stay.”
“Better think of something fast.”
“Well… the guys are really warming up to you.” She doubted. “If you stick around, you can keep them in line.”
“Oh, yeah?” She said. “I’m pretty sure I just saw a girl dump her drink on Maxwell.”
“See? You’re needed more now than ever.”
“Yeah.” She tutted. “But I’m no babysitter.”
“And what if I buy you another drink? Does that work for you?”
She tucked a rebel strand of hair behind her right ear. “Now you’re not even trying to persuade me.”
“Okay. You got me.” He raised his hand and fake-sighted. In a more serious tone, though, he added: “Hanging out with you is the most fun I’ve had this entire vacation.”
“Oh.” She didn’t know quite how to respond. “That’s… sweet. I suppose you haven’t been enjoying yourself all that much, then.”
“It’s…” He wrestled the words. “Been wonderful, but there’s something missing. I really wanted to…”
“It’s… Well… You might think it’s silly, but I’ve always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty. It wasn’t in the guys’ plan, so we never got around to it. And now it’s my last day here…” He real-sighed now. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. It has been thoughtful of them to throw me this bachelor party. They’ve done their best, but I’m not in a celebratory mood.”
In her most neutral tone of voice she could muster, Riley said: “I thought it was Tariq’s bachelor party.” Tariq would be the middle-easterner. “Congratulations, Liam.”
In truth, she was kind of annoyed. It wasn’t cool of his part to go out with a girl while his fiancée waited for him an ocean away.
Liam was downcast. “If you knew the whole story, you might not congratulate me so quickly.”
“Oh?” She quipped her ears.
“I actually don’t know who I’m going to marry just yet… Only that I have to pick her before the winter is over.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“The truth is, Riley…” He twists his face in a displeased scowl, as the word is hard to pronounce. “I’m the Crown Prince of Cordonia. That is, a country just across the sea from Italy, to the east.”
Crown Prince of Cordonia? Riley knows of the Bonaparte-Valona-Rys, but as far as she remembered, the Crown Prince was Leo. So are the broadcasters, such a small, somewhat backwater country never makes the news.
Trying to ease him, and herself, into it, she says: “I kinda had a feeling.”
She didn’t have much success. “You did?!”
“You’ve got a bunch of fancy guys in your bachelor party who tried to order fillet mignon at a bar.”
Wordlessly, he conceded they were an eyesore. “And you don’t care? Not everyone takes in stride.”
“It takes more than that to intimidate me.”
He scoffs at his own foolishness. “You’re fearless. I admire that in you. You decide who you are. You could be anything, do anything. What drives you?”
That’s a statement one step too close to home. Thinking about what he said, she answers: “To live every day to the fullest. I long to make every day an adventure! You only get one chance in life, and I want to make mine count.”
“That’s beautiful, Riley.”
Hearing the commotion behind her, Riley uses it as a chance to change subjects. “Your friends seem to be having the time of their lives.”
“I’m happy for them. They deserve to have fun.”
Riley takes notice of the rehearsed answers. It’s like interviewing a Miss Universe.
“Tomorrow,” He adds, with a little more sentiment. “It’s back to Cordonia for the start of the social season.”
She looks, passingly, to the bar. Tariq seemed to be ordering yet another bottle of champagne. As it was Saturday, the club was packed with people. Men, women, all single and ready to mingle. But, in a first look, there was someone who dissents from that trend. A man in black. God, it was the man from earlier today!
Riley got scared. She needed an escape plan.
“But it’s not tomorrow yet.” Riley said.
“What are you suggesting?” Liam asked, curious.
“You said you want to see the Statue of Liberty. Let’s do it! I know a place where we can catch a boat.”
“A boat? How will you manage a boat?”
She laughs. “Ye of little faith! I’ll call in a favor, don’t worry.”
“A favor? Just like that, you can get us on a boat after midnight to see the Statue of Liberty?”
“I have some friends who owe me. Come on! I know it’s important to you, so let’s go!”
“Right now?”
“No, next week! Of course, it’s now. Your friends look busy, they won’t notice we’re gone.”
“You’re not taking no as an answer, are you?”
He flashes the happiest smile she has seen all night. “Then I happily surrender to your demands.”
 Down at the marina, boarding the boat, Liam admires the view of the city.
“Not a bad scenario.” He says.
She smiles at him and says: “Now I’m dying to know why you’re so eager to see the Statue of Liberty.”
“Can’t you guess?” He said, half lame, half joking.
“I’d say it’s because it symbolizes freedom.” She mockingly scratched her chin, as an upscale psychologist.
“Freedom is something I always wanted.” Liam said, in excitement. “But I’ve always known that my role would require me to give up much of what I desire.”
Something was really off. Always? As she got home, she’d investigate that statement better.
“You are the Prince. Can’t you do what you want at least some of the time?”
“As a member of the Royal House, my actions reflect in all of Cordonia. That is a lesson I’ve never been allowed to forget, no matter how badly I want to.”
The last part of that sentence was said staring longing at Riley’s figure, who was looking at the sky, philosophically. The driver calls for her, she pays for his services discreetly.
“Let’s go!” As she said, the ship started running.
They get quiet for a moment, up until Liam says: “I don’t think you’d be able to pull this off.”
“You just don’t know me very well.”
He’s amused by that answer. “You’re right. But I’d like to change that. You’re fascinating, Riley!” He thinks for a second, and then asks: “Why are you doing all this for me?”
She smiles, and gives a somewhat true answer: “You seemed like you needed it.” She sure knows she needed it.
“That’s… so sweet of you. No one has ever done something like that for me before.”
“You’re a prince, Liam.” She said. “People do things for you all the time.”
“I do get all the perks that come with being royalty, but no one ever seen me as me. No one ever listened to me the way you listen. No one come up with a spur-of-the-moment plan to make my dream come true.”
“Oh, Liam…” She was sincerely touched. “What else do you dream about?”
“Finding someone. Someone who can be the Queen Cordonia needs.”
It seems sad to her that even his dreams are grounded by a harsh reality. Seems hopeless, even.
“And…” She tries to amend. “Someone who you fall in love with, right?”
“That’s never been part of the criteria that the Cordonian Council uses.”
Riley may be an adult, her princess pink dreams from infancy may be long gone, but it does bring a wave of disappointment to her heart.
As she contemplates her feelings on the matter, the mist dissipates, and they get their first good look into the Statue.
“So,” Riley asks. “What do you think?”
Liam looks stargazed to the great, green woman. The definite embodiment of freedom holding a torch above her head – the northern star for all people in the world. He sees the broken chains at her feet, half-hidden by her robes, close as they are from the island. The symbol of a foreign nation, ironically, means something so opposite to him as a symbol of his own homeland.
“Magnificent.” Liam breathes. “I’ve heard that art has meaning because of how it makes the viewer feel. It only matters if it moves you.”
Riley smiles, sweetly. “And?”
“And right now, looking at this view with you, I feel like anything is possible. Thank you for this moment, Riley. This feeling… this mean more to me than you could ever know.”
“I want you to know I admire you. Your adventurous spirit. The way you follow your heart.”
“You can live that way too, you know?”
“If only. My whole life I’ve prepared myself to do what’s best for Cordonia.”
“Well, we’re not in Cordonia now.”
Liam watches those seemingly-familiar onyx eyes as he draws close. He puts his hands to her sides, pulling her in and kissing her deeply. As she goes out of breath, they pant in a rhythm, with their foreheads against each other’s.
“I’m glad to have met you, Riley. I’ll never forget this night.”
In between kisses, they soon are brought back to the shore.
As the reality comes down at Liam, they have a lovers’ farewell, as he hops in the cab.
Happy with how her night turned out, Riley had a skip on her step walking her way home.
As she unlocked the door and turned on the light, there he was. The man who has been stalking her all day.
“I have finally found you.”
She screams in terror.
Red Rose - Masterlist
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