#and the fact that it’s so acceptable to profess HATRED for an entire vulnerable group of people
francisforever2014 · 6 months
“i hate children but—“ is honestly such an annoying fucking way to start a sentence . even if it’s saying that you’re still kind to them etc etc it’s still so weird to me that people constantly have to express their hatred for a group of people that have no control over being “annoying” or whatever makes people “HATE” them. like that is just such an unnecessarily strong word to use against the most helpless people among us imo. you can dislike children you can think they’re a bit much sometimes you can not want to be around them bc they stress you out . its good for people to know their limits so they’re not in situations where their stress would harm children !!but to say you hate them is so??? like obnoxious to me idk. also maybe it’s just bc i was an observant kid and am around observant kids but i feel like if you profess that you hate children constantly but “act nice” around they probably feel that hate . bc children know when they’re not wanted and guess what . it fucks them up like why would you add to that even minutely. maybe work on not hating vulnerable small beings instead of being so proud of it . it’s just unnecessary and annoying to me like okay . good for you ig
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unwelcome-ozian · 5 years
(part one) hey, I just wanted to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting LGBT people. when I was younger I was reaaally into reading about “conspiracy theories” for lack of a better term, but after a while I stopped because I would go on the vigilantcitizen and youtube videos about these topics and just see... absolute hatred towards gay and trans people and I just really couldn’t handle that. I’ve already dealt with homophobia, I didn’t want to deal with it in my spare time.
(part two) on top of that, my mom (a few years after reluctantly accepting my sexuality) became religious and started talking about how I need to read the bible, convert to being straight, and how the illuminati and other things is behind this and how I’m following the plan of the new world order and…. yeah. I had to cut her out of my life. it also completely turned me off from this subject matter entirely.(part three) this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone talk about these things that actually supports people like me… I didn’t think I would ever find that. I figured it just went hand in hand with the kinds of hateful people I avoid, so I really, really, really feel extremely grateful to you. thank you so much. I can feel comfortable reading about these things again now. sorry if these messages are all over the place.A lot, not all, but a lot of people who follow conspiracy theories at times seem to have difficulty separating facts from the theory. 
Part of the problem is religion is so involved with conspiracy theories that a person’s spiritual prejudices have been interjected into them. Then those prejudices become a poison that leads to harm and death of those targeted, vulnerable populations.   The LGBT community, Muslims, the Jewish people, African Americans and Armenians to name a few.
I personally feel that the purpose of the theories is to find the truth behind them. What has happened is people have made minorities a scapegoat, which makes absolutely no sense. The targets of the conspiracy are usually targeted by the government, pharmaceutical companies, religious organizations, major corporations, a lot of entities. 
All those organizations have something to lose: power and money. There is always a target for them, and that is a population that can’t adequately protect themselves. 
The tactic is always fear. The threats used are well known: they will steal from you, take your job, destroy your family, take away your ‘freedom’, spread the disease, etc. Then step back and watch. Because human nature kicks in, and creates what they said would happen.
The Illuminati is about power and control. The people who want power and control don’t care about someones sexual orientation. They care about insuring they remain in control.  
So, where did the conspiracy theory start that LGBT people are a part of the Illuminati agenda? Religion. When people are afraid, and they feel their beliefs are threatened, and they are going to lose power, they must find their scapegoat.  Behold, LGBT people want to destroy the very fabric of all things Godly. They must be part of the Illuminati plan.
What? That makes no sense. That means to hold that belief about LGBT people, the cultural beliefs and history of LGBT people must be ignored from the beginning of time, and the cultures that believed there was absolutely nothing wrong with same gender attraction, transgender people are wrong. Then the just treatment of the LGBT people goes against the professed faith of many religious people. They hate, fear, oppress and even murder in the name of their religion; which, interestingly enough, is what they accuse the Illuminati of doing.  
So they blame the Illuminati for their (the religious people) treatment of the LGBT people. “We’re protecting ourselves.” Scapegoating a population of people because of an unfounded fear that they must justify somehow.
I’m sorry you’ve experienced hate and rejection. I don’t believe a whole segment of people is evil. That’s not logical at all. 
I believe truth should always be sought after. Truth doesn’t hate entire groups of people.  Truth reveals lies. 
You are supported here, you are welcome here, and we will defend your sacred humanity.
You’re doing great. Thank you for letting us know.
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