#and the concept of having to preorder a fighting game otherwise you miss part of the roster sickens me to my core
joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 year
There’s a lot about the modern games industry that really pisses me off, which like, wow what a controversial statement. Yeah day 1 patches and microtransactions and deluxe and gold and platinum and ultimate editions and preorder bonuses and and and- are all bad. Shocker. But I think a recent thing that I’ve been thinking about thanks to Mortal Kombat 1 that I really hate is. Deluxe editions that let you play the game early. And I don’t mean like early access or open betas or anything, I mean full on getting the finished (as finished as any new AAA game release is anyway) product X amount of days earlier than the actual release date. Hogwarts Legacy (L game btw) and Diablo 4 did/are doing it as well, and there are plenty of other examples. And it just pisses me off because. All it’s doing is moving up the actual release date for people willing to pay more. Suddenly your acclaimed marketing release date of whatever fucking day you chose is irrelevant because the people that were able to afford the $100 version of your game with bonus premium currency and character skins are now also just bypassing that release date entirely. It’s just so transparently a way to sell games for higher prices - you can play the game even earlier if you fork up like $40 extra. I genuinely love the culture of the pre-release cycle for a game and waiting for one to release so it especially bothers me to see that get deliberately ruined for so many games just for higher profit margins.
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