#and the actual material support they're providing israel
heritageposts · 29 days
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lizardsfromspace · 4 months
If you're telling people someone or something supports Israel you have to actually explain *how* bc that's essentially a meaningless accusation now. I've seen it mean "they actively support genocide and/or are providing direct material support to the IDF". I've seen it mean "they tweeted out a statement saying civilians being killed is bad in October". I've seen it mean "they used the word 'peace' in a otherwise strident pro-Palestinian statement which makes the whole thing invalid, somehow". I've seen it mean "we made up a conspiracy theory with no evidence about how they're secretly against this". If you're cutting that broad a swathe you can't expect everyone to just accept every single claim at face value, and react with hostility when people don't
Alternatively you could just focus on people actually doing that instead of trying to attach that label to as many people as possible until it becomes impossible to track who you're supposed to not support but, y'know. When you're conflating actively genocidal islamophobic goons with people who agree with you who said a word you don't like, or who said it's bad when Israelis die too actually, you've just reduced the accusation to noise
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psychotrenny · 1 month
Pretending like any communist country had no faults is just as bad as Europeans acting like their country has no faults, you can only battle corruption by calling it out and I have a feeling that if Israel was somehow communist you'd be defending them and somehow excusing what they're doing to the Palestinians much like how you're excusing what China is doing to the Uyghurs
Thank you for providing an example of exactly what I was talking about. Now China isn't perfect (and I never claimed it was) and if you want to criticise it's mistakes and wrongdoings there's plenty to talk about both past and present. Just off the top of my head you could talk about the reflexive anti-Sovietism leading to attacks on fellow revolutionaries (i.e. Vietnam) and support for misguided or even counter-revolutionary movements (CPK in Cambodia, UNITA in Angola) or the excessive concessions to foreign capitalists (i.e. Foxconn) in the name of economic development that allowed these firms to exploit and abuse Chinese citizens. But what you can't talk about is the "Uyghur Genocide" because it's not a fucking thing that's happening. It's completely fucking made up by reactionary dipshits as a part of the USA's strategic "pivot to Asia". Like it's not as though China has perfectly handled the issue of Islamic Fundamentalist violence in the territory (i.e. forbidding certain items of clothing is clearly an unnecessarily oppressive and likely counter-productive tactic) but their focus on countering terrorism by changing the material conditions that led to radicalisation in the first place put the Chinese above any part of "The West" in this regard. And whatever you want to say about China's policy towards Xinjiang it's sure as fuck not "genocide"
Anyway plenty of people do in fact claim that Israel is some sort of communist and on this blog I have always expressed the view that this position is complete bullshit; "Labour Zionism" is a fucking joke of an ideology that only functions as a tool for class collaborations with the Settler Bourgeoisie granting their Proletariat concessions in exchange for support in the super-exploitation of the Indigenous working class. Like you can't just say "Oh I'd bet you'd fall for this" when I very clearly haven't
My point isn't that "any communist country has no faults". My point is that Left Anti-Communists don't want a good faith discussion of these faults as is proven by their obsession with faults that aren't even fucking real. Just like you are doing right now in fact. If you want to criticise people for being too soft on communist regimes then please do so over things that are actually happening and not completely fabricated by the most rabidly reactionary US propagandists. Thanks 👍
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yourtongzhihazel · 2 months
Also what are disabled people supposed to do? Your revolution fantasy reeks of ableism childish fantasies. Do you except people like me to just say "eh fuck it, I guess I just won't have my meds or anything once the whole system is overthrown" because let's be real here, no one is making autoimmune meds if a violent revolution is happening, no one is making wheelchairs, no one is keeping the medical equipment running.
Are you actually saying that its better to continue imperialist genocide across the world for your own needs, which granted, are entirely valid? Are you aware that there are disabled people across the planet suffering under the thumb of imperialism that also "provides" your healthcare who already have little if any access to disability resources? Do you know how many amputations are happening in Gaza right now? How many children will need wheelchairs, crutches, and community support and who will not get it because of israel's genocide sponsored by the united states? Do you have no solidarity with the disabled of the global south?
You do know that wars require logistics and production and people right? Revolutions are not fought with ideas and prayers. They're fought by people with guns and these people will need medical care after injury and etc. It's entirely absurd to make this claim. Even during the Russian civil war the nascent Soviet government was still running production of food, equipment, medical supplies, and other materials.
Can you not agitate? Not stand in solidarity with the disabled and genocided of the global south? You can continue to receive medical care while simultaneously being aware of the imperialist exploitation needed to supply it. You don't have to fight for imperialism's continued existence to do that. Your very real suffering and oppression under the current system is very much a strong case against its continued existence. You can continue to stand with the fascists if your medical care so calls for it but make no mistake: when those whose oppression supplies your wellbeing stand up against you, do not be surprised when their guns will be trained on you as much as on the fascists.
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drtanner · 4 months
Genuinely wish I had the energy to talk more about UK politics here given that Tumblr is so US-centric and desperately needs the added perspective, but there's genuinely fuck all happening here that hasn't been par for the course for the last ~14 years. Tories gonna Tory.
A brief rundown for interested parties:
After a long and arduous battle to convince everyone that it should be legal to do so, our government has commenced with its plan to shove asylum seekers who attempt an extremely dangerous Channel crossing on small boats to find safety here onto planes and ship them off to Rwanda, a country with significant human rights issues. There does not seem to be any desire to do anything about the "criminal gangs" who are supposedly trafficking these asylum seekers and sending them here, or to ask any questions about what might make people so desperate that they'd risk crossing the Channel in a tiny boat in the first place.
Having sent everyone back to the office despite COVID still very much being a thing so that we can oil the wheels of the UK economy with our blood and to prevent their portfolios from losing value, the same ghouls are now proposing that disabled people "do their duty" by being forced to work from home, or else lose their benefits. They're also proposing mandatory work placements for people who fail to find work within 18 months.
Transphobia remains the culture war du jour, despite all evidence showing that it is a vote loser. Our government continues to be obsessed with policing the genitals of children and ensuring that trans people receive abuse from every possible direction, having recently released "guidance" for schools that essentially instructs them to deny trans kids any kind of shelter or agency whatsoever and to refuse their requests for basic dignity whenever the opportunity to do so arises, whilst simultaneously attempting to introduce the term "gender ideology" into mainstream parlance.
The Online Safety Bill, which proposes that social media sites should require ID in order to sign up, is also a porn ban.
We (and the US) are still bombing people in another country, without it having been approved by vote beforehand, in order to prevent Israel from suffering any economic hardship while it continues to commit a genocide using weapons that we (and the US) provide. Our government assures us that this will continue for as long as Israel wants it to, and is still talking about "humanitarian pauses" instead of any kind of actual, real ceasefire.
Labour (the supposed "opposition" party) has wholeheartedly supported every part of this and in some cases seems to think that the current government doesn't go far enough.
We're still in the middle of a cost of living crisis, by the way. Also the climate crisis, with more and more people losing their homes and livelihoods to flooding with every passing year. No one's talking about any of that, though. There might be a transgender child receiving lifesaving healthcare somewhere, or maybe an immigrant being treated with respect, which is obviously much worse.
So that's where we are right now. We've been promised an election this year but given that Labour haven't opposed any part of the cruelty this government has been visiting upon everyone but the white, cishet, ablebodied rich, it's unclear whether getting the Tories out will actually materially improve anything. If you've got the Greens or Lib Dems as candidates in your constituency, I guess it's time to make peace with voting for them instead of Labour, maybe.
So, yeah. v( ._.)v
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teal-deer · 4 months
Donate to the ACS Palestinian Scholarships Fund
Hi Tumblr friends, it is my birthday! For my birthday I would like it if people could donate to an institution that is near and dear to my heart, the American Community School of Beirut, Lebanon, in order to support Palestinian refugee youth.
My mother attended ACS Beirut when she was a teenager, and I grew up with the alumni association being a big part of my life. Mom's stories were very important to me, and they're actually how I learned so much about the Middle East, and specifically about the Israel-Palestine conflict. She lived through the Hundred Day's War and has many harrowing stories from that time.
It turns out ACS has a fund specifically for scholarships for Palestinian refugees, which can be found here:
Making sure that Palestinian youth who have managed to flee Israel can get access to an excellent education is crucial during this horrible time.
If you have a few dollars to spend, I would greatly appreciate it if you could throw money at this. While many people in Lebanon are doing their best to support their neighbors in Palestine, the Lebanese economy is in crisis and that makes it VERY difficult for them to provide material support to refugees. This is one avenue by which I know the money will go to helping Palestinian youth.
Here also is ACS on Charity Navigator;
However, if you donate to the first link, you can ensure your donation goes directly to supporting Palestinian youth.
Even if you can't donate, every reblog helps, and so does linking this to other social media sites (I no longer have Twitter, and do not have a presence on BlueSky or Mastadon or whatever).
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