#and sujin deserves a gf
praesaepe · 2 years
[skips thru the first 20 minutes of the true beauty drama because im so uncomfortable watching how ju gyeong gets treated]
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girlbloggingy · 3 years
someone please write a fic about jugyeong and sujin falling in love with each other ☹️🥺 like please !! its really disappointing that they’re not even a tag on ao3..
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ladylarena · 3 years
Triangle Madness - True Beauty.
It’s a long wait to the next episode and I am doing what I do best - obsess. Otaku style. 
This love triangle has me upside down and inside out. I am not a fan of love triangles on principle. I don’t like them and I find them a waste of time. I’m also never one to suffer from SLS. There was one time, just one time, where I did -Heirs. Aside from that never. 
So this drama, and my partiality for HSJ is very different for me.
There are number of “intrigues” that confuse me and give me dangerous hopes. 
(1) The scenes that involve all 3 are so strange because normally if there is a third party disrupter, the third that has no chance in hell, and the camera will always focus on the reaction of the ML when the SL and FL are interacting. The SL is solely a foil for the “main” love story and is there to make ppl realize their love and such. HSJ is not here for that. In fact, LSH knew how he felt before HSJ started stirring the pot. It’s also canon that HSJ really only started messing with IJG because LSH clearly liked her. 
Here we see a lot of HSJ and IJG interacting without the benefit of LSH’s presence. In fact there is a lot that happens that makes me think she is attracted to HSJ and most definitely enjoys the banter, dare I say the outright flirting. There was a line that that they crossed at some point. I can’t say when, but they are full on flirting with each other by end of episode 6. She gives as good as she gets, and there are few moments that I just love: 
(a) When she took a picture of him on his bike and he showed her the face mask picture. And she chased after him. 
(b) When she stole his key right out of his pocket and ran. And he chased after her. 
(c) When he gave her the key and she was going after him. LSH interrupted and she made to shake him off and tried to chase after HSJ again. HSJ distracts her as LSH pointed out.
(e) The moment when they fell together after he teased her about the toilet paper tail. They fell, he “saved” her and they both just stared. He wide-eyed and genuinely. She just shocked, possibly being moved by the look on his face or just in plain shock. Either way, she only head butted him out of the way when people started oooooo-ing in the background. 
(f) When she went to karaoke and LSH tagged along. This was pre-foiled date night. Pre-LSH being an a-hole. She overhears HSJ singing and thinkgs to herself, how beautiful. Then immediately after she spots HSJ’s bike and decides to start kicking it. When he shows up and she spots another potential fight, instead of letting HSJ just drive off, she insists on taking him around the corner. What follows is some more running around with him, and she essentially ditches LSH. He even waits for outside her place. Like HSJ noted. Like what is that even? 
Sidenote - LSH then follows and gets into the fight these two managed to evade. And it’s still not public knowledge that he gave chase that day, to no avail. I wonder what if any significance this has. 
(2) There is the strong possibility that IJG is being used as a foil to develop HSJ’s character and set the course for a new trajectory for him. But if so, does it have to be so charged between HSJ and her? And between HSJ and LSH because of her? Isn’t here enough between the two boys? 
(3) Maybe she is the common denominator that will bring them together. The fight scene at the end of episode 6 and the two boys working together is an example. But that scene did so much more. It showed me that LSH is the hero as far as the show is concerned. But then it also showed me that HSJ is falling hard. And it showed me that IJG has eyes for LSH. But then in the background, I’m just like, she was brought there because of a speculative relationship between her and HSJ. I know it’s a weird point to keep hitting on. But some of the background motivations are interesting because they have nothing to do with LSH. Like the helmet and like those “bad guys” thinking she was HSJ’s gf. Like HSJ’s sister. They have intimacies that he is not a party to. And neither does he get the benefit of the details, so we don’t even get much of a reaction. Only him just staring while these two go at it. And every so often he grabs her hand or threatens HSJ. Idk, it seems weak. Like they’re stalling so that HSJ can catch up to LSH. Just a thought. 
(4) LSH and HSJ’s conversations get me thinking too. Two particular conversations: 
(a) HSJ to LSH: do you like her? LSH returns to HSJ: do you like her? And then HSJ just scoffs and laughs at LSH. 
(b) LSH confesses that he likes IJG, and HSJ’s reaction is “Do you want me to congratulate you?” 
It’s a strange choice of words and reaction from HSJ. As if to point out a difference and perhaps even a flaw in LSH’s behaviour. In the first conversation I felt like, yes LSH, just say yes dammit! You like her. And in the second, I felt like, we are being shown rather than be told, the difference in these two’s approach to love. 
(5) The past couple episodes, 5 & 6, the scenes between HSJ and IJG and LSH and IJG are almost balanced. She sees HSJ’s underwear, rawrs at him adorably for the first time, and then goes to have dinner with LSH and her family. The show is developing both ships so rapidly and simultaneously that I am confused, because here is the kicker - LSH had a very good head start, and yet HSJ has caught up in my eyes. The screen-time he is getting is no joke. In comparison to our other main lead, the fourth, Sujin, I mean, what is happening even?
(6) What I see is a legitimate love triangle. One in which both ships are fantastic options. There is no “bad” non-deserver between the two boys. Just two different and yet both really great options. If TvN doesn’t want us to see HSJ as a potential love interest, then why spend now 4 episodes stoking the fire between HSJ and IJG. Why set up the most amazing love triangle I have seen in kdrama history, only to outright tell me that HSJ poses no threat? Like don’t you want me to enjoy the suspense you’ve worked hard to create? With a love triangle like this, shouldn’t who she ends up with be a well-kept secret?
(7) Let’s just say HSJ doesn’t stand a change in hell, and that LSH is the guy for her. What else is there in the remaining episodes? Because we are just about 1-2 episodes away from LSH and IJG entering a relationship. It can and will happen any moment. What then? How many episodes could they spend on problems? Compare this to ID Gangnam Beauty, the romance was clear and yet slow. The ML’s feelings were clear, and the FL liked him too. Yes, it took them a while, but only because the pacing of the show was such. The pacing here is quite different. 
(8) One last very minor point. This is a well-written fluffy show. Fluffy, but good. For the past couple episodes we’ve seen IJG leave behind her old self a bit. For her date she went into her closet and scoffed at her metal-rock tshirts. The girl we met in episode 1 has evolved. You could say that she is becoming vain or boy-obsessed. I would say she is just entering another phase in life. I find it interesting that the first version of her is who LSH met. Maybe it’s just not enough time to assess. It’s only been a couple episodes. It’s not like she needs to go to the comic book store everyday. 
Colour me confused. Truly. 
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