#and some butterflies and dragonflies which are stunning and gorgeous and so cool
unorcadox · 14 days
what is your favorite buggie
going to interpret this as bug and not. shopping cart or off road vehicle. and i like mantises! freaky little guys
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journeydb · 2 years
May 25 2021 Longmont
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I promised Hobie I would get a tattoo with him for his birthday so today Kathi and I met him at Main Street Tattoo in Longmont.  We showed the tattoo artist the dragonfly designs we had picked out which were quite different from each other because Hobie wanted a bigger one with less color than the one I chose.  Hobie volunteered to go first while Kathi and I walked down the street to eat lunch.
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After lunch we stopped in this cool shop, partly because we liked the name so much.  The owner was very nice and engaged in conversation with us while we wandered around looking at all the interesting products and I even bought a few gifts.
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Main Street in Longmont is a very charming part of town.  We stopped to take photos of some murals on the way back to the tattoo shop to see how things were going with Hobie’s tattoo.
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Hobie’s tattoo was just gorgeous and at the same time very masculine.  The one I chose is much daintier and more colorful.
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I have really liked dragonflies since I was a little girl.  They are my second favorite insect next to butterflies.  I have a butterfly tattoo on my right hip so I thought it would be fun to have a dragonfly design on my left thigh.  It took about an hour and a half and it was more bothersome than painful up until the last half hour and then I was REALLY ready for it to be over. 
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I was very happy with how it turned out.  The colors of the rainbow are stunning and the dragonfly really looks like it is flying!
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I walked down the street to have a drink with Hobie and Kathi and to talk about our experiences.  We were both very pleased with the tattoo shop personnel and the artist and we will probably come back again for more tattoos.
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