#and since we have a new character that reused his loc name and I /don't/ use his loc name
dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
Just as a random heads up, outside of my tags (since I tag for myself but also for others to find things like fanart of characters and stuff), if I'm referring to "Leif", I'm referring to the Sreng commander. If I'm referring to the Jugdral character, I use his JP name spelling.
I also really don't like characters having the same name within a single franchise (changing FE14 Harold to Arthur was a mistake for that reason alone, forget that they changed Harold because ??? what, it didn't sound cool enough???), even if it only is in the localized form (not sure what the Sreng commander's name is in JP and if it's intended to be Leaf too, but unlike Jugdral's Leaf he doesn't have a romaji attached to official artwork so it's not easy to tell what they intended since I don't have the JP text game).
Since in this case the localization changed Leaf to Leif but then gave us a new Leif character, that's just a localization thing but it still applies, so... yeah, if you ever see me talking about an elusive man named Leif, it's Sreng Man (tm).
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