#and she's still pretty dang snarky I don't know what y'all are on about
Rayla: *loves Callum* "Fans": Oh so she's nothing more than Callum's girlfriend now way to ruin a strong female character Me: *tears out own hair*
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thoughtfulpaperback · 5 years
Spoilers!!!! Charmed 02x07 Review
I still dont know y'all.
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Okay so here is the thing. This episode had more things I disliked rather than liked. Just because I didn't like it doesn't mean the episode still wasnt objectively "good". The pacing was good. Suspense wise, it was really good on the part of the main plot (Parker and the demon situation). Just by going pacing and references, I would say this was about a 7/10 pretty standard. If I had liked other plot points it would be higher probably.
Well onto what I did like about the episode:
Abigael was by far the best thing on this episode. She added comedy but also her plot thickened and we got to see her as the cunning villian plotting for her throne. I want more of this! Is this Overlord stuff not going to amount to anything? They just left that plot when they captured her and so now that it is coming together I am happier about it. Whether a lie or not, her Harry comment had me rolling.
So when he and the ring first showed up I said it be cool of his family some where on there had been witch hunters but that he himself was not one. And it seems like they are going this route. Which I am up for. But if they try to kill him I will riot. Like this poor man is decent and been put through the ringer with these ladies craziness (mostly maggie). Give the man a break!
I like the idea of a bloodline curse. I wonder if they will try to break it next episode or if Maggie is going to take most of the plot and Jordan's fate will be wait until after the mid season finale.
Now onto things I didnt like:
Melkat being separated
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Listen, I get why Mel is the one with the seperated ship. She is the only one who actually takes her role to the next level. Her sense of duty is high and unlike Maggie she has some self control when it comes to those matters. But if Kat doesnt come back then what was the point? Unless they plan on sinking Parkerita hard, Kat leaving is completely unfair and makes no sense. Because arguably she should be the less problematic love interest. She accepts that Mel can't tell her things, she believes in the magic. She isn't a part of this whole demon fiasco or wierd love triangle, square thing going on. So unless they removed her because things are about to get really bad and unsafe in safe space, then the point was just to hurt Mel or at least to show us that mel is the more likely to forgo love because of past experience and sense of secrecy which while I understand personality wise, I feel it could still be done and let her be happy.
I mean unless we plan on torturing everyone (which I would not prefer, i don't mind angst but if something must end then end it quickly. I am not a sadist) then stop using mel as the doesnt get a happy ship for a minute person.
Maggie and Parker possible engagement
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I am going to be that Bitch. Maggie is 20. This would be her sophomore year of college. Even with her not in college. She ain't self-sufficient. She doesnt have a lot of direction in her life. She is still growing and figuring things out. For me it isnt an issue of wanting a slow burn with Jordan. If Parker came back and was her bf that helped out I wouldn't care. But in season 1 this boy asked her to abandon her sisters to run away with him. Now he is asking that she marry him. What does he think a marriage is supposed to look like?
Like y'all I get the romanticness and the love, but these are kids. Marriage is a job. Like yes love is important. But lots of work is needed to maintain a healthy marriage. You cannot convince me this 20 year old with an overhanging war on her plate is ready for marriage. Maggie is smart and beautiful. But she still has growing up to do. The fact that her sister is shown protecting thier secrecy and holding back (like they agreed) on the romance and Maggie just goes for it shows that there is still room for growth (on both parts).
This, to me, cannot end well. I mean I hope they don't hurt Parker, but I can't realistically see a marriage happen given the circumstances.
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Okay so. I didn't like this. On one hand, good on Macy and Harry to still be able to get a job done together inspite of the passive aggressiveness and jealousy. But the writers need to be careful because this kind of stuff can border toxic and eventually become toxic.
For one, macy should not be jealous or projecting....let me rephrase that. Macy shouldn't be showing these things and dropping vague hints at Harry when he is down. I get she maybe confused about her feelings, I get that she may be jealous. But last season she was a little jealous and mostly took it in stride. For her to accuse Harry of having a thing with abigael when 1) when would he have had the time? he has been pretty busy trying to help and save her 2) she knows his feelings how can she think he'd be into someone else when she read his mind and his darklighter was all over her.
Then with the question about the darklighter, the saying she doesnt know what she felt, then immediately saying he was a piece of harry, when it is obvious harry has been down since the whole ordeal. I mean sorry, but no that ain't right and considering how much they stressed Macy's self control and not openness those things being the stuff to spill out is not cool.
And Harry. Har. . .Harry. . . .Harold. . . . .
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For the show to establish that Harry is insecure, but doesn't plan on persuing anything, and for it to have previously establish that Harry is good at repressing and still being there for Macy with little awkwardness (the first 3 episodes) on his part, To then make him the passive agressive brat he was this episode was soo ooc. I get that this has all shaken him. I get he feels like he is broken. But to make snide remarks obviously directed at Macy . . . Made me feel like back in season 1 when Galvin got mad at her in the lab. They both are messing up and aren't communicating well.
God Dang! They don't have to necessarily talk out thier feelings and have a relationship resolution, but they can't continue on like that. They need to have some sort of talk. If not then why would I support the ship if it is turning into something unhealthy. Hopefully they can pull together with not so much snarkiness next episode.
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Onto highlights:
Macy boxing....I want more
Jordan being kind of threatening....intrigued
Swan. I like swan
While in this case the jealousy wasnt funny or to endearing, Abby's overt flirtations with Harry had me rolling
Kat confirmed medium
Melkat kiss
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