#and she posted videos doing everything for herself in less than 24hrs
jewishbarbies · 9 months
the speculation around joe and sophie’s divorce is so fucking annoying because so little is known/shown to the public yet these bitches have whole ass dissertations typed out the second the announcement was made, claiming joe was trying to smear sophie so he could get the kids in the divorce, then jumping to psychoanalysis to “prove” he’s just a misogynist based on literally nothing when it came out that he’s actually advocating for co-custody/parenting. now that sophie put out a statement saying it’s amicable and asking for privacy for the sake of their kids, I’m just pissed off. people shouldn’t have to do that. she shouldn’t have to come out and defend joe, her relationship, or their reasons for splitting up to pacify you rabid fucks obsessed with other peoples’ personal lives. I’m so tired of y’all.
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