#and pretty sure it's illegal for farm and ranch workers to unionize in TX so there you go
mbrainspaz · 2 years
hrrrrrrrrrrr I'mmmm simmering with poorly suppressed rage
⚠️swears incoming
the teenage coworker is coming in to work to cover for the other guy today because he and the only other worker are out sick. And both of those guys keep trying to come to work sick too. I told the one guy who made it in to get lost yesterday morning because he looked clammy as hell and I ended up working an extra 2 hours. That's 10 f*cking hours of farm work, alone, in a 120F heatwave. My blisters have blisters. Started to draft an email asking the boss if I could pretty please be paid for the 2 hours overtime I worked and thought better of it. Because I'm starting to understand that's not how things work around here. And turns out the other guys informed the boss lady only to have her be like 'well if you guys want to handle this among yourselves that's fine but I don't want to hear about it.' And they all just go along with that?! F*CK. This is so f*cking stupid. 'We have a great healthcare plan' my ass. If your employees are pressured to work with a fever and a cough your health plan aint worth shit. So this stupid teenage coworker who told me yesterday she has 9$ in her account is driving her truck 2 f*cking hours to come in this afternoon to help me get the barn chores done--on her day off--for ZERO DOLLARS. She's like, 'it's the spirit of teamwork! :D' Honey bless your heart but f*ck that. Farm and ranch work doesn't always have money to give but the people who run this place live in million dollar mansions, work in air-conditioned offices, and doordash every meal-- and we're out here hobbling around on aching feet for ZERO DOLLARS PER HOUR? For the spirit of teamwork. Boss lady recently told me, "You should simply only work 8 hour days." "Great plan Sharon. Who's going to feed the horses on time when it's my day off and all the other workers have collapsed from exhaustion because they were naive enough to buy into your toxic unpaid hustle culture bullshit?" I already have 8.5 unpaid hours logged because that's what it took to take care of the damn horses I'm supposed to be caring for. That's more than a day of work they just decided they didn't need to pay me for. Goddamn us americans we are so f*cking stupid. Not like I can do anything about it when they're letting me live onsite and that's the only way I can afford to f*cking live. But I'm not 19 anymore! I'm not the stupid idealist who was happy to work for crumbs and 'the spirit of america' or whatever the f*ck. Because look what that got me. I got the whole damn community trying to f*cking murder me. Multiple times, in ever more creative ways. Oh, and kiddo tells me "it's fine, I'll probably have to work 12 hours tomorrow." Like f*ck you will. Honey it's supposed to be a job, not a free trial version of hell. You're not earning or proving shit by working this hard for a dollar less than a living wage. You think this company cares that you show up 30 minutes early every day? That you do your job well? That you genuinely care about doing good work? That you cover for sick coworkers? They never will. The company--every company--will chew you up and spit you into the dirt, and call you ungrateful for not working harder--NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. Hun there ain't no promotions for best grindset in the real world. There's only getting fired or laid off because your usefulness ran out.
(f*ck you tumblr for limiting the size of my wall of angry text)
But I'm not a monster so of course I offer to pitch in EVEN THOUGH I know I just picked up a second art contract due in 15 days. Ya know, my work that actually would make me enough money to live above the poverty line if I could ever just get a stable living situation. I need a drink so freaking bad. I can't afford to drink because I don't have a single spare minute to unwind ever, obviously, but I can't be sober 24/7 in a situation this goddamn stupid and not implode with righteous anger. Damn it. Why can't they just pay their workers?!?!!? Y'all don't want me to be sober. I will start a f*cking revolt. "There's just no money in the business budget waaaaah." "Yeah well there are no fucks left in my cynical overworked socialist heart Sharon. Have the salaried office workers tried eating fewer goddamn avocados?"
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