#and on the flipside rei just looked like nightlife incarnate against that window with his outfit
akkivee · 3 years
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dh’s outfits from the hypnami’s staff report and some notes!!!!!!!:
sasara: he showed up to the studio with a black overcoat, a knit sweater and some plaid pants, all without a specific description so i just coordinated with rosho lol. the reporter said sasara didn’t look unlike a college student. he came in and introduced himself very calmly. chalk it up to his experience, but during the pre-recording meeting, where they went over what the radio program was about and its general feel, sasara didn’t ask for much clarification and was very quiet throughout the meeting and right up to the start of the radio. the reporter was actually very worried that sasara wouldn’t be able to deliver the radio with the energy they were looking for. but when sasara flipped the mic on, it was showtime baby; his energy was so high it heated up the recording room (and sasara had his own little handkerchief to wipe up sweat.) he came out of the room glowing and when he told the staff the show was fun, right then and there the staff became insta stans lol
rosho: his outfit is just a simple long blazer and a white collar shirt; stylish in its simplicity. it’s a style that’s apparently popular with old school popular comedians, but google didn’t provide with me specific images to go off of so i took liberties lol. the pocket kerchief is me adding something a little strange to his fit, since rosho, based on his guidebook clothes, likes accessorize with something bizarre (spikes on his shoes lol). he came well prepared to the studio with handwritten notes in a briefcase and actively participated in the pre-recording meeting. his nerves were getting the better of him tho, as he needed to take a moment outside before the recording and his stiff start. but the recording went well and the reporter commented he felt like he was back in school listening to him. after the recording, a young staff member had commented about how he hadn’t gotten into the college he wanted to and rosho took the time to listen and consult with him; it felt like an after school conversation with a chill teacher 🥺 
rei: yes, rei did come to this recording studio with a black glitter shirt, fur coat and a hat with rhinestones LMAO the description implies that his hat was completely covered with rhinestones but i wasn’t drawing that lol. due to his suspicious background, the staff were pretty tense waiting for him to show up. coupled with his height and dark yet flashy ensemble, everybody was pretty intimidated by him, like the staff member who handled his coat took it with trembling hands (to which he cheekily commented the coal was a fake lol) during the meeting, rei was very chatty and pointlessly chatty lmao he kept talking about his meals and how he was still able to eat ramen at midnight and how he never misses a workout etc. LOL the staff were worried about his necklace banging about on the table, but he took it off (commenting how the necklace was the real deal.) but they should have been worried about how loudly and unapologetically rei flips his papers 🤣 the recording took place late at night so the reporter was very confused when after the radio, instead of going drinking like he said he would during the radio, he actually had another job he needed to get done at that hour. suspicious 🤔
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