#and of course AJ to DD is... ugh
penny-nichols · 1 year
games will go from cool sprites to mediocre 3d models and think its an improvement
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rivalsforlife · 4 years
38 & 49
38. Capcom suddenly announces that the Ace Attorney franchise has ended for good! Your reaction?
... Disappointed, but not surprised? I’m kind of going to assume the franchise is done if we don’t get any sort of announcement for TGS in September for the 20th anniversary. Like I genuinely do not know where the series is going at this point, because they kind of wrote themselves into a corner with the SOJ ending (despite the reason they chose that ending being the opposite?) Like... Phoenix has nowhere left to go as a protagonist, I don’t think he developed as a character at all over SOJ. (It has been a while since I played it, so I may be wrong, but still.) Apollo still hasn’t had a proper follow-up to AJ, but any shot of an Apollo-centric trilogy akin to the original trilogy was essentially dashed with DD, going back to those characters now would be weird, so either they’d have to retcon the SOJ ending and plan something for Apollo or have a Khura’in-focused trilogy (which wouldn’t make any sense because the central conflict of Khura’in was solved in SOJ.) Athena has the most room to grow, but Capcom hasn’t developed her enough so having her lead the next game would be a poor move financially, because lots of people don’t like Athena and wouldn’t want to buy the game unless Phoenix is in the title, whiiiich would be very bad story-wise for them because unless they do something radically different, Phoenix has nowhere to go!
And of course the DGS duology is wrapped up, and I don’t think it sold very well iirc (and the lack of overseas sales probably doesn’t help.) So I don’t think it’s likely they’d continue making stories in that universe, since DGS2 neatly tied up everything from DGS1. Similarly the AAI games have pretty much wrapped everything up, unless they want to do a disbarment-era Phoenix+Miles team-up game (which I would LOVE, personally, but that would mean going back to disbarred Phoenix which I doubt Capcom would do). Otherwise they could try to fit another game in the nine days between the end of AAI2 and disbarment but. they really shouldn’t. (Plus since AAI2 wasn’t localized I doubt an AAI3 would either, further hurting Capcom’s sales.)
They can continue to try and force their way with mainline but I hope they’re realizing they’ll have to shake up the formula a bit (I recently watched a video discussing different ways they could do this, like with a “campaign-style” game where there’s a Phoenix plot, Apollo plot, and Athena plot and each of them have like three cases and they’re linked -- I believe this is the video?) or it is going to get very dull. I’m not a fan of these completely isolated stories that they had for 456 where they pretty much drop plot threads as soon as the game ends. And I don’t think they can continue having Phoenix-centric games for long.
They could try to do another spin-off like the AAI games but with a different character, since AAI2 wrapped up Miles’ character development so there’s no point continuing with him unless they decide they’re brave enough to tackle disbarment era, or they could try something like DGS again... like maybe “skip a hundred years into the future ooh” but that could have implications for characters in mainline reproducing which would probably upset a lot of fans by retroactively confirming/denying ships. 
... And wow I think I went far off topic on the question here hahaha oops. Uh overall I’d be mostly disappointed in myself for never playing an ace attorney game blind. I kind of sped through youtube playthroughs so I’ve never had the thrill of figuring things out myself, and since I only got into this franchise in 2018 I’ll never be able to feel the excitement of waiting and theorizing on a new game. But that’s all personal stuff. Honestly right now is about as good an ending point as we had since T&T, I think, with the AAI and DGS duologies done, SOJ having a relatively open ending, and I’ve long since given up on any AJ plotlines being tackled again... so. There’s definitely issues that I would like resolved but I’m not sure if a new game would ever resolve those, so fanfiction it is.
49. Opinion on recurring witnesses? (Wendy Oldbag, Lotta Hart, Larry Butz, etc.)
On the one hand, I like the idea of recurring witnesses so that we get to see people we know again and know that our actions had an impact (like bringing back Adrian Andrews in T&T, it was so good to see that she’s grown!) and there are definitely characters I wouldn’t mind coming back as smaller witnesses so they don’t take over the plot but also we know they’re okay. ... I just wish they weren’t so often the most annoying characters in the world or made into complete caricatures!
Ugh. Oldbag, admittedly, had a little bit of a character in Turnabout Samurai. After that every appearance of hers is basically there just to harass Miles, and for everyone to go “haha! Oh, Oldbag!” so, she can die. Lotta returning always means “look! There’s a photograph that looks like something supernatural but really isn’t! Also, have ya heard my southern accent?” and admittedly she’s one of the less annoying of the bunch but still. Larry has pretty much been made into a caricature after AA1, where his role is to hit on women and absolutely refuse to testify about anything to the point of absurdity. ... Like there’s “here’s Larry he gets into trouble all the time and he left out this critical detail because he’s forgetful, but he means well!” and there’s whatever the hell went on in AAI where he deliberately refused to testify honestly under threat of being arrested for murder?
I guess overall I don’t hate the idea of recurring witnesses, but I do hate how it’s often executed!
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
Personal Ranking of the games, highest/most enjoyable to lowest: PLEASE NOTE THAT I REALLY ENJOY ALL OF THEM AND THINK THEY HAVE A LOT OF MERIT, EVEN THE LOWEST RANKED.
Ace Attorney 3: Trials and Tribulations (WE HAVE TO PRETEND GODOT DOES’T EXIST BUT I’M WILLING TO DO THIS...but when I do remember Godot exists, it gets moved to second place and AA1 is top dog), Ace Attorney 1, Ace Attorney Investigations 2,  Justice for All, Ace Attorney: Investigations, Dual Destinies, Spirit of Justice, Apollo Justice
I think that’s pretty solid. AA3′s ranking is pretty variable depending on my mood bc ugh godot why godot but i love so much about it and it basically has great moments for the whole cast, so? gotta admit it. Even Godot can’t ruin AA3 for me. AAI and DD also might switch places depending on my mood.
I am surprised at how far down AA2 was knocked- it introduces great characters and the final case is one of the best in the entire series, but the other cases are pretty eh and the circus case is pretty terrible, as we all know. On replay that stick out more. Meanwhile 3/5 of AA1 cases are just fantastic, and it does a great job getting the feels and endearing you to the characters. Rise from the Ashes does a lot to elevate it. 
AAI2 is one of the best games in the series, I’m almost tempted to put if first tbh. The cast, the character development, the mysteries, the little moments- all a plus. 
AAI is frustrating and tedious at times and the plot is very weak, but I think largely makes up for it by having a ton of investigation options (obviously) that allow for fun character convos. The flashback case especially was a blast.
Then we’ve got DD and the fact I like DD better than SoJ and AJ is probably very unpopular- I can see why people would feel differently. The plot to DD is weak (the climax and final twist of SoJ is much much stronger), a lot of it’s on-the-nose and cliche, some characters are underwritten and it’s way too easy. SOJ is a better game structurally and mechanically. But ultimately, I find DD a lot less frustrating and more fun than SoJ. 
There are just so many things about SoJ that make me actively ANGRY- how Maya is treated and her return and character is uttely wasted and she’s damseled in a blatant retread of JFA, how Athena is regressed and blatantly sidelined, how PHOENIX is regressed for no reason in the JFA retread- like he makes almost the exact same mistakes he did in JFA and there’s absolutely NO reason for him not to tell Apollo and Athena what’s happening- and in general, just several characters are dumbed down and sidelined to make Apollo look good, which??? Ya didn’t have to do that?
I feel DD was way better at balancing it’s cast and treating them with respect. Apollo’s arc took him out of focus sometimes, but it didn’t feel like he was regressing (mostly bc...they didn’t develop his character all that much in AJ in the first place).  He made the mistake of not trusting his agency, but honestly, there was never a lot of trust between Phoenix and him in the first place, and he was just getting to know Athena AND he was going through a lot of grief- so it all felt pretty natural. And it established that he approaches “trust” and being a lawyer in a different way than Phoenix and Athena do, which I feel was very important for making him distinct as a character. It was DD that helped me really “get” Apollo TBH, because again, his own game actually didn’t develop him that much even if he was a cutie. At least he had a character arc in DD, and I felt he’d grown by the end of the game.
I think it’s important to remember it’s been explicitly stated that Apollo’s popularity shot up in Japan after DD came out, for all fans gripe about it, this game still actually cared more about him than his own game did, enough to actually endear a bunch of fans to him.
Meanwhile, I’ve already worded on Athena and how I feel her character arc was great- she grew a lot over the course of the game and her story was very resonant to me. She got a lot of the spotlight, but other characters weren’t ever dumbed down to make her look good, like what happened with Apollo in SOJ.
Phoenix also progressed a bit- he’s noticeably more confident than in the trilogy and it’s interesting to see him in a (much more reliable) mentor role. He’s always enjoyed looking after people, so it does feel natural for him to take on that role and feels like he’s really continuing Mia’s legacy by getting his own proteges. A lot of a stuff that happened to him in AJ isn’t really followed up on when it would have been way more interesting to keep those aspects, but I can understand to some extent why it didn’t happen. Following up on what AJ did to him while still making a new, separate game, is TOUGH, and I don’t envy DD’s position in having to do it. 
I do think it’s believable Phoenix could recover a bit and scale back on his cynicism now that he’s finally managed to prove his innocence, and there ARE hints throughout DD that some issues remain, so there’s at least something to work with there.I especially appreciate that DD did it’s best to address what Miles and Maya were up to during AJ and reassured players they WERE around- the hints that Miles and Phoenix might have been in conflict over whether he should get his badge back and that Phoenix was resistant to Miles helping him were especially appreciated, and make sense for the characters. The fact that Miles eventually did manage to make him get it back and even pulled strings- also great. The way they settled in old married couple closeness felt so natural too.
I think what a lot of fans don’t take into account with DD was (as well as I can glean) what it was like when AJ came out and there was no follow-up. Guys, AJ would have gotten a direct sequel if fans had reacted well to the new status quo. They obviously didn’t. And that’s NOT SURPRISING. We had Phoenix going through a full, developed character arc, a complete story and then AJ comes along and is like “lol never mind his life is ruined now and HAS BEEN TERRIBLE FOR SEVEN YEARS and all that progress he made went down the drain. also where are Miles and Maya? who knows?” and introduced a new protag without bothering to develop him or give him backstory and introduce a lot of underdeveloped, HARD-TO-UNDERSTAND (why are the gramyrie men so awful why did they do anything they did their actions make NO SENSE)   characters and unresolved, inexplicable things.
I really think what AJ did with Phoenix is interesting, but it was also devastating and frustrating and they didn’t bother to explain most of it so it felt so random too. I honestly would have been gutted at it had I not know DD was coming out and he was going to be okay and practice law again. Phoenix losing his badge is bold, and it is a legit direction to take things- life really does suck like that at times- but also, we KNOW life sucks like that sometimes. that doesn’t mean we want to see characters who had a complete story come back only to be miserable and lose almost everything. I’m a wuss, so seeing that happen to Phoenix would have been way too much for me had I not known a happy ending was coming. I find AJHoboNick interesting as a phase of Phoenix’s life, but don’t like it as a permanent state of being for him. 
That doesn’t mean we couldn’t have reached that happy ending in a more interesting way obvs- I’d have liked (and would still like) for the bitterness and moral looseness Phoenix picked up during the AJ years to be explored more, even as he comes back to law. DD played it safe, while AJ took a lot of risks that didn’t really pan out and ended up as a mess. I can see why one would prefer the latter to the former.
But I think DD accomplished what it set out to do, in an enjoyable way. It had a job: restore Phoenix as a protag while still involving Apollo, give Apollo some actual backstory and an arc, introduce this new character and give her a complete arc, actually explain where all these character who were just dropped in AJ have been and follow up on it as best you can. It did a good job doing all that, and succeeded (except for in addressing the Apollo and Trucy thing, it didn’t follow that up...aghhh....). It let all the characters shine, felt balanced, and introduced a new status quo that felt comfortable and fun. I remember being so overjoyed when I first played with it and there was a reason for that. It felt like coming home.
And again, SOJ had a lot of good things going on, like Rayfa, and a stronger plot, but the way it just blatantly screwed over characters-and how Nahyuta was SO BORING AND SUCH A FAILURE AS A RIVAL (another thing DD did better btw Simon is a blast he is ridic but also makes sense and his older-brother-relationship with Athena is sweet) just leave a bit of a sour taste.
also i love athena and DD introduced her so. you guys probably can guess that’s a big factor. 
I’ve already worded about the way AJ- while interesting and ambituous and impressive and nice looking- failed majorly in some ways. and wasn’t as enjoyable to play- so you know the drill there. I STILL LIKE IT THOUGH. IT HAS A LOT OF MERIT AS A GAME.
also really no need to argue with me on any of this. in fact please do not.
now i just have to play the bonus case and then it’s PLvAA time! i wonder how that will rank. probs not very high since crossovers tend to be nonsensical.
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revelatii · 7 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
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Mun name: AlyBrittny “Aly” Loire OOC Contact: Tumblr IMs (but they kinda slow af), but only mutuals can get my skype, kik, discord, and snapchat. I don’t go to instagram anymore cuz ugh it’s tiring.
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Tumblr media
This sexy, justice-like husbando of mine is Apollo Justice. He’s a lawyer who works from Wright Anything Agency, but he recently opened his own office, Justice & Co. Law Offices, in Khura’in (a small kingdom that’s between in China and India.). With a loud and booming voice, he lives up to his surname by seeking, well... justice. 
Points of interest:
Apollo has a loud and booming voice once again. But there’s more to him than meets the eye! He’s sarcastic, a bit rude, and impatient, but he’s a generous guy who is very charming, adorable, smart, and selfless. His perceiving ability is what helps him in his trials by his bracelet that picks up someone’s nervous tick if they either hide anything or lie in their testimonies. 
What they’ve been up to recently:
So far, he’s the only lawyer in Khura’in, so he’s pretty busy with handling over thousands of cases he needed just to restore the legal system this summer. (I mean, I’ve played all of the AA games, but that’s his main as I play and know the story progressing in his perspective.) But after the events of AJ, he works really hard by cleaning the toilet (which is also the same thing with DD.)
Where to find them:
He’s at his office usually, but sometimes you can find him video chatting his friends at the agency or having hangouts with Nahyuta, Ahl’bi, Datz, Rayfa and his uncle, Sir Auron Sahdmadhi. Since he arrived at Khura’in and decided to stay, he hasn’t had any time-off at all!
Current plans:
Not so much since I came back from the dead. I just want Apollo to relax, take a break, grab a glass of grape juice, us adopting Rocket Raccoon and Groot as we make them our children, and enjoy the culture life in Khura’in just as I do in my everyday life. :)
Desired interactions:
Ummm well, to be honest with you, I have a verse for me and Apollo called The Sun and The Moon. It sounds like I’m crazy, but I got soooo inspired by my life since I left the Philippines, making new friends back at Anaheim, at Los Angeles, at Santa Monica, and at Disneyland, and of course, getting back to the Ace Attorney fandom again. (And thanks to my friend, Bree (Clay Terran), who they shipped me and him for arguing each other in Skype lol.)  And don’t worry, it may be me, but in a fictionalized way. :)
The Sun and The Moon I happens during the events of DD. This is how Apollo and I met, and how life is great and fine until shit happens. I’m narrating our story, by the way.
The Sun and The Moon II happens during the events of SOJ. Our story continues, but his road is just the beginning. Plus, Apollo is the one who narrated it this time.
If you guys are totally interested with us talking with your muse, let us know by sending us an ask or the IM up there (If you’re cringing, well, thanks for reading it, though. ; u ;). Then, we can make it our private thread together! ♥
Offered interactions:
If you want to make a thread together, please don’t be afraid to talk to me. I am a shy sea turtle in real life, and I just want Apollo to take a break from his work once in a while. Also please don’t be afraid to send asks. We’re here to have fun and roleplaying our favorite muse is what we want. If you want to say something lovely or embarrassing or angry, DO IT. I am bored in the forest, so entertain all of us. :)
Current open post/s:
ι aм noт a deмon! ( ;;OPEN ) <-- everyone hasn’t touched ANY of them except one open post lol.
Anything else?:
Please read the rules because I am paranoid. It’s not much, but I want you all to understand the situations and the personal life I am in. And also, take your time to reply as I will do the same because we got a lot of time in this small world.
Tagged by: @iustitaex​ & @theburgermaster​
Tagging: anyone!!!  ♥ ♥ ♥
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YOUR FAVOURITE...? 1. Favourite Ace Attorney game? apollo justice 2. Favourite case? answered this one already 3. Favourite defendant? wocky lol uh... I dunno, none of the defendants were all that memorable. the killers or other witnesses tend to stand out more. but I guess it’s kinda a toss-up between wocky and ron 4. Favourite prosecutor? klavier 5evr 5. Favourite ship? KLAVPOLLO ♥ 6. Favourite victim? eh, uh... well aside from like maybe 3 people, the only time we got to see any of the victims was when they were already dead. so I can’t really say... I guess misty fey? 7. Favourite murderer? why would I like a killer omg. uhhhhhh.... idk luke atmey cause he cracks me up and he doesn’t seem like a murderer to me. also I wanna know how he got that mask over his big schnozz 8. Favourite assistant? SHAWTY oops I mean trucy. and I already explained it in the one post 9. Favourite witness? do the detectives count lol. if so, then gummy all the way. if not, then hugh o’conner 10. Favourite quote? the miracle never happen idk probably some smartass thing apollo said/thought YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE...? 11. Least favourite Ace Attorney game? ace attorney investigations 12. Least favourite case? the last one in aai ugh 13. Least favourite defendant? hmm... larry I’M KIDDING although I love aj I might have to go with machi cause his whole story n such was pretty fucked up and made little sense. close second would be juniper because of all her forced feelings for apollo man that disgusted me 14. Least favourite prosecutor? the paynes? well no I’d have to go with manfred von karma 15. Least favourite ship? all of em that aren’t klavpollo, but I hate narumitsu and narumayo the absolute most. also really really don’t like claypollo and cykesquill 16. Least favourite victim? deid mann /shot 17. Least favourite murderer? I got like 4 lol: manfred von karma, quercus alba, lance amano and yeah I gotta add kristoph gavin to the list. kristoph had no motive to kill zak and he was 100% forgotten in dd so we never found out why he committed the deeds he did in aj. which really angers me because klavier’s basically been forced into the same fate 18. Least favourite assistant? maya, then athena 19. Least favourite witness? I’m sure I got one but my brain’s fried atm OTL 20. Least favourite memory of Ace Attorney? just about all of dual destinies. I like hugh and pre-phantom fulbright, but that’s basically it DO YOU PREFER...? 21. Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice? POLLY ♥ 22. Maya Fey or Trucy Wright? SHAWTY I mean trucy 23. Investigations or trials? investigations cause I can’t figure out what the hell to present on which statements, then they start throwing in all kinds of crazy shit on top of it, with the magatama, apollo’s perceive, athena’s widget thingy and now the seance thing. investigating is much easier because you walk around, check out stuff and talk to people. I don’t feel quite as dumb that way lol 24. College Phoenix or Hobo Phoenix? hobo 25. Klavier Gavin or Kristoph Gavin? klavier 26. Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations? ace attorney 27. Apollo's perceive, Phoenix's magatama or Athena's Mood Matrix? polly’s perceive 28. Ace Attorney trilogy or Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies? apollo justice only pls 29. 3D models or sprites? sprites 30. Ema Skye as she is in Rise from the Ashes or Ema Skye as she is in Apollo Justice? aj ema MISCELLANEOUS 31. Did you like what they did to Phoenix in Apollo Justice? yes 32. Your opinion on Dai Gyakuten Saiban? LOCALISE THE GAME GODDAMMIT 33. Do you think Dai Gyakuten Saiban and/or Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 will get localised to the West? no 34. Do you think Miles Edgeworth should get another Investigation-game or do you think another character deserves a spin-off? I think apollo deserves his own proper game because although he was the titular character in one of em, it wasn’t even his game. that aside, there should be a game with the detectives, like with gummy and ema and the real fulbright 35. Opinion on the soundtrack of the Ace Attorney-franchise? it’s good but they mostly just remix all the music for each new game. we hardly get actual new music anymore so it just gets kinda dull. though apollo’s theme is really friggin awesome 36. Do you like where the franchise is heading or did you prefer the atmosphere in the original trilogy? I preferred things to be as takumi had left them in apollo justice. I really hate how the team basically retconned the entire game and made things all ~bright and happy~ again and brought back almost all the characters from the trilogy. it really irritates me and makes me want to write a true sequel to aj where things are left the way they should be 37. Capcom suddenly announces that Phoenix will no longer appear in the Ace Attorney franchise! Your reaction? yeah right, they can’t keep him out of ANY of the games; he even got cameos in both aai games and has appeared as the only (or main) character in non-aa games like marvel vs capcom 3 and project x zone 2. so I don’t believe it for a second 38. Capcom suddenly announces that the Ace Attorney franchise has ended for good! Your reaction? not surprised. not at all happy, but not surprised 39. Would you like there to be another Ace Attorney/Professor Layton crossover game? no 40. Would you like an Ace Attorney anime? there already is one lol 41. Opinion on anime cutscenes in Ace Attorney? I don’t care, but I wish we had a language option because I want to hear it in japanese. the english voices suck so bad and we lose a really important aspect of apollo’s voice: it’s naturally louder than the others, and when he was all bandaged in dd, his voice was really quiet, which was unsettling to hear. but he wasn’t like that at all in the english version, which I hated 42. Would you want to play an Ace Attorney game where you take on the prosecutors role? answered this one before 43. Do you like having DLC in Ace Attorney-games? no 44. Opinion on Lamiroir’s storyline? they should’ve continued with it after aj. apollo and trucy have a right to know they’re related, and it’s extremely frustrating how they’re never told about it. thalassa needed to make more appearances in the games after aj as well, but do we get it? nooooo of course not 45. One thing you think the Ace Attorney games can improve on? far too many things to even begin to list 46. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you like it to be based on an already existing case or would you like an all new storyline? there already is a movie lol, based on the first game 47. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you prefer it being live-action, 3D animated or 2D animated? the movie’s live action so that answers that 48. If there could be an Ace Attorney crossover with whatever franchise you'd like, which one would you choose? (Does not need to be a video-game franchise) can I say pokemon lol. if not, I just wanna see em playing ice hockey cause I’m a big hockey fan (GO BLUES) 49. Opinion on recurring witnesses? (Wendy Oldbag, Lotta Hart, Larry Butz, etc.) dunno, my brain’s still pretty fried so I’ll just say it depends 50. Do you think Dual Destinies deserved its M-rating? psh absolutely not
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