#and my neighbors are obnoxious girls in their late teens/early 20s and they'll be up screaming until they all pass out drunk
cuntwrap--supreme · 5 months
I love the "let's blow stuff up" holidays so much. Like, no. I don't have to get up at 7am, actually. I'd love for you to continue literally lighting money on fire into the wee hours of the morn. You have enough explosives to last you until 3:48am? By all means, friends, party away! It's not as if I have to work a 13 hour shift bright and early in the morning. It's not as if some of you are guaranteed to show up to my place of work after waking up at 2 in the afternoon asking why it's taking longer than normal to cook your food. It's actually my fault for having a job that operates during normal business hours. So sorry I'm an inconvenience to you.
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