#and maybe it doesn't exactly count as a game but I think Rankou would enjoy the simplicity of it
donuts4evry1 · 1 year
Which Pokemon game would be each Ite character's favorite? I'm asking purely out of curiosity. I won't do anything with this information, I swear. /s -Emmet
Hm.... Okey, I trust you :) i haven't played scarlet tho so. ee
Haruto - He's not much of a gamer tbh but I think he'd enjoy playing Pokemon Black and White 2 with Achlys
Achlys - C'mon, he has taste. Pokemon Black and White 2.
Momoka - Would pretend to hate Pokemon, but secretly really enjoys Pokemon Platinum. The music soothes them. Or Pokemon GO for the gameplay, haha. It pretends it needs to go on royal business but there was actually just an outbreak in the area (i don't know how to play pokemon go)
Rankou - He doesn't care much about video games in general, but if he had to choose he'd pick the Pokemon Teeth Brushing app. It's silly :3.
Katsuo - Honestly?... Probably all of them, but Pokemon XY probably have a special place in his heart for Pokemon Amie and the fun minigames. That, or Pokemon Snap.
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