#and literally obsessed with the orym way orym lets her know he really loves her - how else could he trust her that much
yashley · 1 year
But my head rolls with the multiple layers of orym's intent in asking fearne “are you with me?” And then upon fearne validating that outreach, immediately putting it to fearne that she’s “going to be the one who has to… do the thing”. god knows orym trusts fearne but I honestly do believe that he knows enough, not judgmentally at all, to know fearne and know that as much as kindness can be in her nature, her nature is chaos. And it can’t be lost on orym with his perception to have caught those moments when imogen tests how brazen she can go, that fearne doesn’t oppose it at all but instead blithely joins in those moments. Yes, orym’s entire motivation is stopping the people who killed his family, stopping the end from swallowing all of the people he still cherishes in his world, his motivation and intensity is absolutely justified in its desperation, that he has the humility to acknowledge that he can support but he can’t be the only one jumping into the position of most danger for once. that orym tells fearne “YOU HAVE to be THE ONE” and assigns that severity of responsibility to an irresponsible (affectionate) fey creature of nonchalant chaos and blasé violence, it’s so much more than just a sudden “it’s on you”. he’s not just tapping fearne on the shoulder to have them suit up to stop imogen together if it comes to that, the way orym watches fearne, and watches. fearne. WANT. to dismiss his level of concern and plea to her; it’s like orym testing fearne, testing her reaction, testing her resolve, and while I believe he sincerely wants to trust her and he does trust his connection with her, orym wouldn’t love fearne completely if he didn’t also love her nature. In all its dangers. And I just love that if it wasn’t just a simple “we’re gonna do this, and YOU have to do THIS”, there’s like a splintering of more love orym has for his best friend because it’s like “I am asking you to be something other than who you are, but I will love you though my heart will break for you even if you can’t”. like this conversation was less about orym devising a contingency plan to keep imogen out of initiative and more so genuinely and so orym-ly confronting fearne about how much he needs her on his side, even if that breaks his heart to put that clearly unbearable task specifically on her shoulders, explicitly telling her “I am RELYING on YOU to potentially take out someone who appeals to your nature, a friend”, it’s like orym can be better prepared if he also needs to consider the depths of how much fearne’s nature silently aligns with her desires in the upcoming altercation. And it’s like this degree of discomfort he deliberately (though not lightly) puts on fearne actually could help her in making whatever decision she’s going to make and not make it as lightly as she might have before. orym, who was there when fearne first started to feel experiences so deeply, who has been through everything of sincerity and companionship, looking her in the eyes and pleading her to willingly choose the harder path. even though he knows just how painful it’s going to be.
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widogaspmauk · 2 years
Spoilers C3E31
What a fucking episode, right???? Fuck. Where do I even begin?
*Ashton... my punk rock. You’re already my favorite. You can stop tearing at my heartstrings now, k?
*Spoilers for 4sd as well here, but Tal specifically mentioned how Ash has things still percolating in their mind from the heist and then they get drunk and sit with that fucking helmet??? This is going to be a conversation. Perhaps Tal anticipated next episode it being a conversation, probably with Orym (Hishari, Ashari, seems like a good place to start, right?). Now, I’m not sure cause the end, but this conversation is coming. If not with Orym, with someone. Cause they have questions. And so do I honestly.
*And then the end.... Tal deserves a fucking award for the acting in the last part of that episode. I tend to watch Tal and Liam (for a multitude of reasons) because they both embody their characters fully when sitting at the table. Facial expressions, body language. All of it. And Tal was on fire. The way Ashton’s heart was breaking with each damage point FCG obtained. He was fucking crumpling, knowing he could do nothing cause it wasn’t his fucking turn. How they’re holding FCG, grappling him... and everyone still kept attacking ANYWAY. They were dying inside because they just wanted to protect their friend, and not only could they not, but their own fucking friends were the reason he was being harmed. And Tal acted ALL of that out on his face. It was incredible.
*Then we have Orym. Orym, who had literally just finished telling Imogen that she needs to be the leader of the group. That people listen to her, and look up to her. And then this shit happens and she doesn’t step up. No one steps up. So he does. Because they couldn’t kill FCG. He knew that. Chet got another chance, how could this possibly be justified? So he did like he did with Yu. He made sure the situation was contained. And then he talked. And fuck. That leadership speech was amazing. He might not want to be the leader, but he is. Or he will be. Because he’s the only one everyone in the group feels they can count on. The reliable one (which is a whole other thing, cause he’s going to lose it eventually. He’s as much a powder keg as the others. They simply can’t see it).
*We need some serious RP. We need them to stop going after things for a fucking DAY so they can talk. They need to talk. They have so fucking much to talk about. And some of them really need to stop bottling everything up. Because that’s how you lose control.
Anyway, I’m just going to obsess about Ashton for the rest of my life, don’t worry about me.... In fact, come join me in the Punk Rock Love server. Let’s all love this gem together. https://discord.gg/f6gjghWd
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