#and its literally divineeeee so now i want it but im too lazy to grab more HAHAH
bakatenshii · 1 year
i'm just so weee! that you are writing again, but ofc no rush, take your time<3333 how is your weekend goin, my favorite shig fucker?
aaAAAAAA NONNIE THANK U FOR BEING HEREEEEE!! I’m also so so happy to be writing again, I honestly enjoy it so much and I’m happy my brain’s providing me enough juice to get me through it hehehhe
but youre so so sweet thank you!! for being so understanding and patient (ノ﹏ヽ)
MY WEEKEND IS GOOOOD @blahkugo finally finished her assignments for the year so I’ve been over cooking for her HAHAHA I’ve been seeing everyone freak out over the new bnha leaks too tho so I need to go take a peeeksies and see ahats going on :3cc
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