#and it's hard to see but i had the mental image of obito holding kakashi's hand in his pocket in my mind the whole time i worked on this
kiro-sveta · 11 months
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Wanted to draw something nice for @sloaners, so here's some happy KakaObi!
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kusunogatari · 5 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day Fourteen: Storm ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū ] [ Verse: White Hands of Healing ] [ Previous || Next ]
In all fairness, the weather in the valley is typically what most would call gloomy on the best of days. Rain occurs more often than not, and sunny days are almost always peppered with showers. And when the cold air of the mountain peaks falls into the heated air of the volcanic vale, storms are bound to happen.
The pair have managed to escape Konoha, with a whole week free of the village. It took quite a bit of effort on Kakashi’s part to get the other Kage to allow it. But with Ryū serving as what may as well be Obito’s official keeper, he got them to relent so long as she kept an eye on things.
She makes a mental note to thank him more properly when they get back.
But for now, they’re tucked up in the mountains for the first time since the war. And even as it starts to rain, Ryū’s enthusiasm can’t be curbed. Home at last…!
As they make it to the head of the pass, looking into the valley below, she practically glows with happiness. “Look, there it is!”
Fog clings to the valley floor, but one can still barely make out the manor at the tail end. A few more miles, and they’ll be able to tuck in out of the rain.
Obito then comes up behind her, taking in the view. He’s really only seen it once, when he had to bring her here on foot. It’s...not a pleasant memory, so he’s glad to see it in better context this time around. “I still don’t understand why we couldn’t just use Kamui to teleport here...it would have saved so much time.”
“I know, but...until they ease up the restrictions on your chakra, we’ll just have to do things the old fashioned way,” Ryū replies with a weary smile. “...at least we got some exercise, ne?”
Obito doesn’t reply, just looking a touch grumpy.
Taking his hand, she leads him down the path and into the vale. “...you know...those clouds are starting to look rather dark...I think we’re in for a storm…”
“Mhm. We get quite a few during the more extreme months - both Summer and Winter. Something to do with the air temperature, but...I’m no weather expert.”
“So...we better get inside, huh?”
“Yeah, before it starts to - hey!” Squawking in surprise, Ryū latches onto Obito’s neck as he just...scoops her up. “What are you -?”
He simply grins, and starts sprinting toward the manor as the rain gets even heavier. Thunder rumbles like a giant taiko drum above them. Laughing and drenched, Ryū just holds on for dear life until they make it onto the engawa. The pair of them drip as they stand, Obito setting her back on her feet as they watch the rain fall and drizzle off the roof.
“Holy smokes!” Mopping her face with a hand, Ryū stares gleefully at the downpour. And her eyes get bright as lightning forks and thunder claps.
“...I didn’t realize you like this weather that much.”
“It’s just...part of being home. Konoha hardly ever gets any rain or storms compared to here. And it doesn’t really get any snow, either. So weather like this just makes me feel...at home.”
Obito watches her from the corner of his eye, seeing the genuine joy on her face. Looks like that have been fewer and farther between since the war. “...well, we better get dried off and warmed up before we get sick, hm?”
“Yeah, true...hopefully nothing got too wet in our packs!”
They head upstairs to the master quarters, unpacking their things and thankfully finding them mostly dry. Anything a bit damp is hung up to air out. Pulling off his mantle, Obito gives Ryū a glance as she disrobes. Even now, he still double checks her skin to ensure it really is completely devoid of marks.
The jesting remark makes him jerk slightly in surprise, seeing her looking over her shoulder at him coyly. “Er...sorry.”
“You’re the last person I mind seeing me like this,” she assures him with a light laugh. Nonetheless, Ryū softens, closing the gap between them. With all of Obito’s security arrangements, there hasn’t been much time for them to be together, let alone to any degree intimately. “...they really are gone.”
Taking that as a kind of permission, Obito gently smooths a hand along her side, finding the surface unmarked. “...guess it’s just a hard image to get out of my mind.”
“I can only imagine...I never got to see them as you did. But everything seems to be back to normal, as far as I’ve been able to tell these past six months. No fatigue, no marks...it’s like it never even happened.”
That earns a small furrow of his brow. “...there was more to that experience than the poison and the wounds.”
“Mm...I suppose. Maybe it just hasn’t sunk in yet. I just...haven’t really thought about it.” Ryū gives him another glance. “...I’ve had bigger things on my mind since then.”
“Bigger things than your own well-being?”
That earns a sly smile. “Don’t you know how I operate by now? Others first, me second.”
Obito’s expression deepens, but more into a pout than a scowl. “Well for me, it’s you first, me second.”
“I believe that puts us at a stalemate, then.”
They stare at one another, Obito pouting and Ryū’s arms folding stubbornly. After a solid thirty seconds of tense silence, it breaks with a slew of giggles.
“Well...for right now, we don’t have to worry about it, ne? Because for the next few days, it’s just the two of us. And nothing’s going to go wrong while we’re here. Shishō will make sure of that.”
“Yeah, you’re right…” They can save such discussions for another time. For now, they’re on a bit of a vacation. No heavy thoughts until they’re back in Konoha. This is supposed to be a break from...well, everything really.
“I was going to suggest we go enjoy the hot springs, but...maybe once the rain lets up. Which I’m guessing won’t be until tomorrow…”
“That’s all right. Maybe today we’ll stay in and listen to the rain.”
“That...sounds like a lovely idea. I’ll get the fire going and try to ward off some of the cold.”
“I’d do it if I had my katon…”
“It won’t take me long.”
Soon enough there’s a crackling fire in the cooking pit at the center of the manor. While it works on heating the main rooms, Ryū and Obito instead move back out to the front porch. A stolen blanket is thrown around their backs, the pair of them nestled along the edge side by side. Sighing and leaning her head on his shoulder, Ryū goes slack in contentment. The rain is still pouring, thunder and lightning dueling in the skies. It’s such a familiar, soothing sound, she’s soon dozing.
Sensing as much, Obito gives her a questioning glance. How can she sleep through all that ruckus? Sure, the hike up here was tiring, but...it’s like someone’s dumping a bucket of bolts on the roof! If she’s really that wiped out...should he take her in for a nap?
Something, however, stays his acting, and he instead just remains where he is. It is, in a way, sort of relaxing. The smell of wet earth is strong, the front garden dancing with every strike of a raindrop.
“When this is all over…when you come back…would you…stay here with me…?”
The recalled question - from the night before he left for the war - makes Obito wilt. She wanted so desperately to leave everything behind. To come back here, live at peace away from shinobi, and villages, and war. And now she’s tethered back in Konoha just as much as he is. Because Obito knows she’d never consent to come back here unless he could go with her...and the Kage would surely never allow it.
...he’d promised her he would. But that was when he was certain their world would be replaced by dreams. Now that they’re still here, in this reality...he can’t really keep that oath.
At least...not now.
Eyes dropped to his lap, Obito glances up at a particularly loud clap of thunder. And even then, Ryū doesn’t wake - just settles against him a bit more comfortably with a happy sigh.
...maybe they can’t have everything they want. But for him, at least...she’s enough.
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     Flufffffffff. With a sprinkling of angst, cuz...you can't really avoid it past a certain point in the Distraction verse (which this is set in). Let these two go HOME. Heck Konoha, best village is Kusunokizan. It has a DRAGON.      ...anyway xD Late posting cuz today was busy, but! I've got more writing to do, so that's it for now. Thanks for reading!
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fiction-queen-blog · 5 years
(Naruto) Hogwarts AU
Genre:Magical, supernatural, comedy, action Main-pairing: Narusasu Read previous chapters on: Fanfiction.net or AO3 Note:  There will be less/slower updates in January
Chapter 19  Uchiha Residence
 Sasuke Uchiha shot up when he woke up from a nightmare. He was panting slightly while sweat had piled up on his forehead. He looked around the dark room, the digital clock said it was five thirty  in the morning. The nightlight next to the bed got turned on and Obito sat up.
“Nightmare?” He asked, putting a hand on Sasuke’s shoulder. He nodded before wrapping his arms around Obito and hugging him tightly. It was like Obito was a shield keeping any harm from happening to Sasuke.
“It’s alright...You’re safe,” Obito reassured Sasuke, he gently stroked his back to calm him down. “You want to talk about it?”
“It was Haku…” Sasuke admitted the brutal images of his death popped in his head again. “And Itachi…” He added, seeing the disturbing images of how his brother standing over him with his wand pointed at him, casting one of the three unforgivable curses, the cruciatus curse.
It had been five months since the attack in Hogsmeade, the battle where Haku lost his life and Sasuke ended in a coma for three months. Once he woke up...It seemed like a completely different world...a much darker one. He had tried his best to not let it bother him, but getting over the traumatic event was harder than he had imagined. After two weeks and a mental breakdown at school, he had made arrangements with Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry so he could try finishing his third year out of the comfort of his home. He can still remember it all so clearly. He never knew he could ever mis his friend so much and above all, Naruto.
He hadn’t heard anything from Naruto since he had stormed out on him. A part of him regretted it and wished he could have just reasoned with him. However, he was too proud to even consider sending Naruto an apology. Suigetsu and Karin wrote him weekly, telling him about their time at Hogwarts; most letters were about gossips and who jinxed whom. Sasuke, unfortunately,  hadn’t responded to any of their letters. Every Time he tried...He wasn’t sure what to write to them. How the trauma was still haunting him, or how he woke up every night from a nightmare and was too afraid to even sleep alone?  It was always too depressing and he figured it was better to not send any letters than let them know how weak and miserable he was.
“I can’t sleep…” Sasuke sighed opening his eyes again.
Obito made a confirming sound. He sat up and looked at the digital clock.
“I suppose I had to wake up soon anyway,” he said, pulling the blankets off. He stood up, stretching himself out as he yawned.
That was another thing Sasuke felt bad about; he had been keeping Obito up too, and he had an important job to get too, being a detective and all. Obito never seemed to complain to, having wasted all his vacation and sick days to stay with Sasuke. Even if it did bother him, he did a great job hiding it.
Obito had taken a quick shower and was now walking around the house, wearing his pyjama bottoms and a towel around his shoulders. He headed downstairs but he suddenly froze when he saw the lights of the kitchen on while a bunch of sounds were coming from it.  It took a short moment to let his guard back down, he headed to the kitchen and raised a questionable eyebrow when he saw Kakashi in a light pink apron with picture of a bulldog on the front.
“Good morning, hubby!” Kakashi said cheerfully. A few plates were levitating behind him and he was holding a coffee mug that said   ‘#1 detective’.
“How the heck did you get inside my house?” Obito asked. Of course, he knew the answer to it. Kakashi could use the flew network and ‘teleport’  inside the house any time he felt like it. It was a major invasion of privacy, but Obito got used to it in the three months the wizards visited randomly to check on him. It was hard on  Obito to see Sasuke in critical condition with so much uncertainty for his life…It felt like he was losing Rin all over again. Only difference was that Rin battled cancer while Sasuke got fatally wounded by his biological brother that massacred his entire family. Oh, and they were wizards.
“What?!” Kakashi looked offended. It woke Obito up from his thoughts. Kakashi let go of the mug that then levitated  in the air, he put his hands on his hips. “You know, Obito!  When somebody makes you breakfast a simply ‘thank you’ would suffice. None of this ‘how the fuck did you get inside my house’ stuff!” he scolded.
Obito rolled his eyes and just grabbed the coffee mug that was flooding towards him.
“It’s too early to shoot you,” he joked, running his hand down his wet hair before taking a sip of the coffee. He looked surprised, the coffee wasn’t bad at all. He sat down on the small dining table adjacent from the kitchen.
“So why are you here? Message from that wizarding school?” He asked after putting the mug down.
“I’m just checking up,” Kakashi said, leaning on the counter as all the magic did the work of preparing breakfast for him. “How is he doing?”
Obito looked over his shoulder at the door to make sure Sasuke was still upstairs.
“Not so good,” Obito answered. “I think he might have PTSD, but it is too early to tell.”
“And then they wonder why the ministry obliviated him the first time Itachi Uchiha murdered a bunch of people  in front of him… Can we just imagine how he would be if he remembered the massacre?”
“Can’t they obliviate him now?” Obito suggested. “He seems miserable.”
“I think he should remember.” Kakashi said, sounding very seriously all of the sudden. “Knowing what his brother is capable of is the only way how he can stay aware of him. It might actually help him become a stronger wizard.”
“Isn’t that the job of the wizarding police?  Catching criminal. It is not the job of a thirteen-years old?” Obito shook his head. “You magic folks maybe wanna get your shit together.”
“You muggles have no clue what we are dealing with-”
“We?” Obito quickly caught on to that, “you are back in the wizarding police force?” He asked.
“Wow...You are good at what you do,” Kakashi smirked, straightening his back. “Well, we genuinely believe the muggle world is safe of dark wizards. However, The Ministry has send me to keep an eye out.”
“And you took it? A bodyguarding job?” Obito asked, surprised. “Seems below you.”
“I figured I know the kid and I am a teacher...Might as well help him with school” Kakashi said. “Spend time with his single foster dad.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Yeah right,” Obito smirked slightly. “You know, going through all that trouble and going back in the force…Kinda makes me think...You care about Sasuke, don’t you?” Obito picked up his coffee mug again but kept his eyes glued at Kakashi as he eyes him from the corner of his eyes.
“Well, I be damned Obito.” Kakashi pretended to be offended again, “I am good teacher and I love all my students equally: Sasuke, Karin and….” He looked at his hand, “Sugateyou”
“Totally” Obito laughed. “I think it’s cute.” A small smile spread across Obito’s face when he looked away.  
The conversation couldn’t have died out at a better moment. Right when there was a few seconds of silence, Sasuke walked inside the living room and saw Obito sitting at the dining table. He looked a little confused; it was odd that there were sounds coming from the kitchen while Obito, the only other inhabitant of the house, was not even in the kitchen. Obito indicated to the kitchen. Sasuke slowly walked towards it and he was about to scream by the sight of Kakashi. Not out of fear...Out of frustration. He felt a pancake fly inside his mouth and he quickly shut up.
“Goody, you’re awake!” Kakashi said teasingly.
Sasuke swallowed loudly before pointing an accusing finger at Kakashi.
“What are you doing here?!”
“Both of you have no manners.” Kakashi crossed his arms and looked from Obito to Sasuke.
“Why are you wearing an apron while you magic does all the work?” Obito asked. “It is not like your clothes get dirty.”
“Why don’t you have a shirt on?” Kakashi argued, “one might say you knew I was coming.”
“One might say you are intruding!” Sasuke interrupted them, but he got a glass of orange juice pushed in his hands before he was being blasted off; he landed on one of the chairs. The orange juice still in the glass, unspilled. He looked across the table to Obito.
“Yeah...I stopped caring,” Obito admitted when he saw the boy give him a very annoyed look.
“So, I didn’t know what type of breakfast you guys usually have so I made a bit of everything!” Kakashi said, sitting down on the table as everything flew towards them. There was a plate of bacon, one with eggs, there was a pile of pancakes and some homemade waffles.
“We usually have cereal…” Obito said.
“No…No..” Sasuke shot Obito a look, “This is what we have every breakfast. We always have a feast for dinner too. You know, if you want to make tonight’s dinner too.”
Obito chuckled and shook his head, before a certain realisation popped in his head.
“Say, you know you’re a wizard for three years now and you never bothered using magic to make dinner?” Obito indicated to the kitchen.
“We’re not allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts.” Sasuke protested, feeling like an incompetent wizard for not knowing any of the spells Kakashi used to make this meal.
“Tell that to that teacher that fell through the window because you made the glass disappear.” Obito commented.
Sasuke poked his fork in his food and didn’t speak for a moment. He didn’t have to protest on.
“So, what are you doing here?”  he looked at Kakashi, “and who gave you that horrible apron?”
“Well, I bought this at a muggle gift shop. As for your first question, I figures you could use some help with your subjects.”
“But I thought you quit being an teacher? Didn’t you hate kids?” Sasuke asked, leaning back in his chair as he took a sip form the orange juice. He was balancing the chair on it’s bag legs before feeling a force push it back on all fours. No doubt that was Kakashi. He shot him a glare. It wasn’t fair Kakashi was allowed to use magic while he wasn’t.
“Wait...We didn’t have orange juice in the fridge.” Obito remembered, looking down at Sasuke’s glass.
“I know. I made this from fresh oranges.” Kakashi turned to Sasuke and put up his fingers, “Your vitamins are important.”
“But we didn’t have oranges either,” Obito whispered.
“Always asking questions, aren’t you?” Kakashi folded his arms. “I still haven’t gotten that ‘thank you’.”
“In his defence, that is like 80% of his job,” Sasuke mentioned
“That is how we actually catch the bad guys.” Obito said with a smirk on his face.
“Oooohh burn!” Sasuke said giving Obito a high five.
“Yeah you go live in that ignorant muggle world. Where everybody can catch a bad guy when they own one of those metal-ball-shooting thingies.”
“And nobody is stopping you from changing your sticks to metal-ball-shooting thing.” Obito got up from the breakfast table.
“Wouldn’t that be bad if every wizard and witch carried a gun?” Sasuke asked. Obito stood still. Sasuke had made a good point.
“Go be witty in your essays.” He said indicating to the pile of books.
“Ugh...Fine…” Sasuke leaned his head on his hand, looking already bored. He looked at Obito leaving the living room and heard him climb up the stairs. He was getting ready for work.
“It’s like Tobirama purposely picked all the boring subjects.” He sighed deeply, “ I guess it doesn’t matter, I am not allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts anyway.”
Kakashi gave the young boy a small, not-so-innocent, grin. The devil was written all over it.
“You don’t know, do you?” He asked with a smug expression, leaning in slightly.
“I don’t know what?” Sasuke asked.
“Do you have any idea how The Ministry knows when a minor uses magic?” Kakashi asked. Sasuke shook his head. He had never wondered, he just thought they knew.
“They have a charm on every wizard or witch that’s a minor. The charm disappears on the day of their 17th birthday.”
“Yeah... I heard the Hyuuga’ are allowed to use magic within the Hyuuga district. Unfair.”
“The Uchiha’ never got that charm casted around them.” Kakashi interrupted him.
Sasuke dropped his fork on the table. He suddenly remembered Naruto’s words about how some wizarding families thought they were above the law and got privileges such as using magic outside of  school. He figured since the Uchiha’ were dead and not a threat to The Ministry, the Uchiha’ no longer fall under that category, but perhaps...He was wrong.
“It’s because of the Sharingan.” Kakashi explained, “it is controlled by strong emotions and gets detected by the charm. That is how The Ministry got a lot of false alarms, too many actually. So, that is why they never put the charm on an Uchiha again.”
“I could have used magic outside of school this entire time?!” Sasuke looked surprised.
“Yes, but I should probably mention how the Uchihas were a very honourable and proud clan. They obeyed the laws despite this.” Kakashi added. He got up and took his apron off before it vanished into thin air.  The dishes flew off to the kitchen and were cleaning themselves under the sink.
“So, what subject you wanna do first?” Kakashi asked as the books flew towards the table. Sasuke sighed at the sight of them.
“I guess History of Magic…” Sasuke sighed, the book opened on the correct page. “I really do not care about the Goblin Wars.”
“Alright,” Obito walked downstairs, he ruffled up Sasuke hair before placing a kiss on his cheek. “I am off to work.” Obito said. Sasuke just quickly nodded.
“Don’t forget your lunch,” A lunchbox flew out of the kitchen to Obito. It was pink and had little pictured of dogs covering it. Obito grabbed it from the air and examined it. He looked up and saw Kakashi suddenly standing in front of him, leaning his head in, waiting for some form of light affection. Obito seemed doubtful at first, but gave in; he placed a quick kiss on Kakashi’s cheek.
“Have a nice day, hubby!” Kakashi said waving at Obito who walked, rather fast, out of the house. Kakashi looked back at Sasuke, who didn’t look impressed.
“Pathetic…” He said he felt a force, bending his neck back down to the book.
“You keep reading about those Goblin Wars.” Kakashi said.
 A few hours had passed as Sasuke finally closed his book and stared at the TV. Kakashi had been very fascinated by most of the muggle stuff. He managed to almost cause the microwave to explode and to break the stereo. He was now on the couch going through the channels of the TV.
“Hey, go back.” Sasuke said, getting up from the table and walking up to the couch. Kakashi looked at the remote and it soon became clear to Sasuke that Kakashi was actually just pressing random buttons. Sasuke walked to the TV and manually went back to the news channel. There was a wanting picture of a rather ugly looking man.  He was an elderly short man with odd proportioned; his shoulders were very broad and his arms overlong. His eyes were almost black as for his hair was grey and long, covering his dirty looking face.
They were saying he had escaped from an asylum and was highly dangerous. The police requested all citizens to not approach the man and call the authorities as soon as possible.
“I know that man,” Kakashi said. “He is in Azakaban.”
“The wizarding prison?” Sasuke asked, “what is he doing on the muggle news if he is a wizard?”
“He somehow managed to escape. Chances are he is planning on sticking around in the muggle world since the chances of getting recognised are slimmer. Much like you have been put in the muggle world so the chances of your brother, snatchers and dark wizards finding you became very small.”
Sasuke looked back at the TV before looking at Kakashi.
“You’re comparing me with ugly over there?” He asked, indicating to the screen.
“It’s like you are family,” Kakashi joked, indicating to the mugshot on the TV.
The phone rang and Kakashi jumped to his feet; his wand was pointed at the general direction of the ringing sound.
“That’s the phone!” Sasuke said, trying to hide the phone behind him so Kakashi wouldn’t throw a spell at it and break that too.
“What’s a phone?” Kakashi asked, not lowering his wand.
“It’s…It’s…None of your business,” Sasuke said annoyed.
“Make it stop.” Kakashi demanded, as if the unknown noise scared him. He covered his ears with his hands and sat back down on the couch.
“No, I am not picking it up.” Sasuke could see Kakashi’s grip tighten around his wand and he eventually gave in. He picked up the horn.
“Uchiha residence…” As soon as he spoke he had dropped the phone on to the floor. His eyes were widened and it seemed he had gotten a mini-heart attack from the screaming female voice on the other side of the line. Even Kakashi could hear it all the way across the room.
Sasuke slowly picked the phone back up. He could hear Minato’s voice on the  end of the line, telling Karin that she didn’t have to scream. Karin asked him how else Sasuke was supposed to hear her. Minato tried to explain the concept of a telephone, but Karin kept interrupting him with questions that were rather ridiculous. Sasuke started to chuckle, causing the other end of the line to quiet down.
“Sasuke??” Karin asked, she wasn’t screaming anymore.
“Yes, it is me…It’s me.” Sasuke said and turned to Kakashi. “It’s Karin. I gave her the phone number. I figured she could get a phone through her uncle. ” He said with a smile on his face. He still found the situation funny.
“Couldn’t she use the fireplace like normal sorcerer?” Kakashi finally hid his wand in his cloak.
“I guess it is a good thing I didn’t tell her about Skype,” Sasuke said, he put the phone against his ear.
“Who’s Skype? You got a dog named Skype!? Where?” Kakashi asked. Sasuke shook his former teacher off by rolling his eyes.
“Do you hear barking?” Sasuke hissed,  “Idiot”.
“Sasuke, can you hear me through this thing?” Karin asked. She sounded worried. “Suigetsu and I haven’t heard from you at all this past month…”
“Yeah…I am sorry about that,” Sasuke said, walking out of the living room and into the backyard. It appeared Kakashi had found the volume up button on the remote but couldn’t figure out where the volume down button was. Sasuke closed the door behind him and kicked the football that was lying on the grass.  It was sunny outside; the sky was bright blue with some many clouds.
“It’s alright, Sasuke. Suigetu and I both get it. We were just very worried.” Her voice sounded by far the kindest it had ever been. It made Sasuke feel guilty.
“So, you figured out how a phone works,” he tried to change the subject. He knew the Easter break had come and Karin and Suigetsu were both back home now.
“Well, I asked uncle Minato about it. Turns out he had it lying in one of the boxes in the attic. Together with a machine he called a CD-player and ten seasons of a show called F.R.I.E.N.D.S, apparently it was something very big in the muggle world.”
“That is true,” Sasuke said even he had seen all ten season several times with Obito.  
Karin’s call couldn’t have come at any better moment. For the first time, Sasuke had something to talk about. How Kakashi intruded the house and wore a pink dog apron. Karin managed to slip some information about Naruto when she started the talk about how her holiday has been. Apparently Jiraiya had been Naruto’s godfather which he was very much unaware of until his father had told him a few days back when Jiraiya came to visit. This information was somehow never mentioned to Naruto before; not even his parents had told him this. The reason for it was that neither Kushina or Minato had ever given it a second thought since the day they declared Jiraiya his Godfather. Now Naruto had been training under the former auror and was taking his role as a Jinchuriki more serious. Sasuke asked what they were exactly doing in these training, but Karin didn’t seem to know any details.
“Speaking of the demon’s vessel,” Karin suddenly interrupted her story mid-way. Sasuke’s heart made a jump hearing Naruto’s voice in the background; “What are you holding?” he had asked with a slight annoyance in his voice.
“It’s a telephone,” Sasuke could hear Karin’s voice fade slightly away, “You wanna say hello to Sasuke?”  she asked. In short she very poorly explained the concept of a phone, but she somehow made it sound like she had invented it.
“I don’t believe you,” Naruto said, “What’ll happened? I hold it and it turns in a poisonous scorpion, dattebayo?”
“Then don’t have the audacity of greeting the person who saved you from capture, idiot.” Karin said. Sasuke could hear a slight arguing between them, but couldn’t make much out of it. Somehow Karin’s words felt lwrong and hit the Uchiha in the wrong way. It made him sound like he protected Naruto from being captured to spare the wizarding world from the claws of the Kyuubi. However, the reason he let the tunnel collapse and fought the Akatsuki was because the thought of them injuring Naruto hurt him more than the cruciatus curse could ever inflict.
It was when Karin placed the phone near her face again when he was able to hear her clearly again.
“Where have you been, anyway? Going out with your Godfather?” Karin asked in a teasing voice.
“What?  Are you jealous I have the coolest Godfather in the world?” Naruto’s loud voice was probably shouting across the room.
“I’m Karin’s Godfather…” Minato said in a soft voice.
“Sorry dad, but you’re are kinda lame.” Naruto apologised in a not so apologetic way. “Compared to Pervy-Sage.”
“What do you even do with him? Drool over the girls neither of you can ever get?” Karin sounded like a stone cold bitch for a second. A unfamiliar emotion takes over Sasuke. Jealousy? Hatred? It was almost a mixture of all negative emotions.
“I should probably hang up,” Sasuke said, and as soon as he had spoke he could hear Naruto yelp.
“That sounded like Sasuke! Karin did you shrink Sasuke and put him into that plastic purple thing!” Naruto shouted.
“No, Naruto, that is not how telephones works.” Minato said. He started explaining the concept of a telephone to Naruto now, unlike Karin,he didn’t interrupted him all, but he didn’t seem to get it either.
“Do you have me on speaker, Karin?” Sasuke asked, still capable of hearing Minato talk in the background.
“What’s that?” Karin asked. Sasuke decided not to bother to explain it, but he did have to be a bit more careful talking to Karin, knowing Naruto and Minato could both hear him.
“Never mind,” he said.
Karin continued to talk on about her Easter break and how Suigetsu was going to Egypt during the break. Sasuke stopped listening to her for a while ago. He just made the occasional confirming sound; that was until she mentioned The Quidditch World Cup. That took Sasuke by surprise. He had forgotten all about that. Naruto had promised Suigetsu and him tickets for helping out to free all the animals he had hoarded inside The Room of Requirement. It was the same day they had shared their first kiss on top of the mountains when they freed the Hippogriff. Sasuke was taken back to that moment, everything seemed so perfect. If anybody would have told him his life was about to take a full twist, he wouldn’t have even believed it.
The idea of staying with the Uzumakis and go with them to The World Cup would had sounded like the ultimate dream. Not only would he for the first time since he could remember be surrounded with wizards and witches in a village dedicated to the magical worlds, he would have been with Naruto, enjoying the sport they both liked to play. But, that wasn’t the case anymore. Naruto and him weren’t together and even when their time together was short, it was enough to make Sasuke feel extremely awkward just by the idea of being around Naruto or his family.
“Uhm…I don’t know, Karin…” Sasuke said, causing her stop talking immediately.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Her voice sounded strict and loud, like she was scolding him for even considering to not attend. “It is The Quidditch World Cup. You and Suigetsu were talking non-stop about it for weeks!”
“Well…” How was Sasuke going to tell Karin he felt awkward being around Naruto after they broke up. He only knew the one excuse he had used for several years to get out of any events that included his peers.
“I am not allowed to go…From Obito.” He said.
“Why?!” Karin raised her voice, “Have you told him it is a once in the life time opportunity! Don’t these muggles understand! Here’s what you do. You take your wand and you Imp-“
She got interrupted by Minato for a moment. It seems he lectured her on her manners towards Sasuke’s legal guardian. He made very clear that just because he has no magic doesn’t mean his authority  is any less. Sasuke appreciated his intervention, he didn’t feel like getting in an argument with Karin.
“Can’t you talk to him, uncle? Convince him to let Sasuke come?” Karin asked with such a kind innocent voice. It like she wasn’t being a bitch three second ago.  Sasuke could only assume it was an act to get Minato’s sympathy. “He has been through so much and this could really make him very happy-“
“it is quite alright, actually!” Sasuke was quick to interrupt her. “Besides…Once Obito has set his mind to something there is no arguing with him.”
That was a complete lie. Obito was very fair in that particular area. He always allowed Sasuke to plead his case. He often plead his own and convinced Sasuke why some rough decisions had to be made from time to time.
“But…You were so excited to go….” She whispered.
“Well….I’m not such a big fan of quidditch anymore. I haven’t played in a while and it seems dull now anyway. I guess it was really the hype of flying that got me interested.” He lied convincingly.
He could hear the end of the line go quiet. He felt the need to change subjects.
“But you know…You could come to the muggle world anytime you like? There is not much…Well…There are some things…”  Sasuke admitted thinking of Disney Land. There were a ton of movies he should let Karin watch, he was sure she would enjoy them.
“I am not allowed visit the muggle world.” She sighed.
“Why? Isn’t it a life time opportunity?” Sasuke used her words against her. She gave a small chuckle, but it sounded forced.
Sasuke could hear the volume of the TV get louder which made it sound like there was a house party inside the living room.
“I got to go, Karin. Kakashi is wrecking the house.” Sasuke said, turning the phone off before walking back inside. He grabbed the remote and muted the sound.
“There is literally only two buttons you have to press!” Sasuke said turning the sound down before indicating the buttons clearly on the remote. “That’s all you are allowed to press.” He handed the remote back at Kakashi who had an expression of a kicked puppy. It made him feel bad and he sighed deeply.
“Wanna watch the ultimate muggle show?” Sasuke asked Kakashi, who nodded.
Sasuke sat down next to Kakashi and pressed the ‘Netflix’ button on the centre of the remote. He started the first episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and put the remote on the table before leaning on the arm of the couch. This must have bee the fourth time he re-watches this. He can’t remember exactly when, but somewhere between the fourth or fifth episode he had drifted off the sleep.
When Obito got home he was met with the sight of the two wizards sleeping on opposite sides of the couch, while the TV was still running the old show. He smiled kindly towards them before wrapping a blanket around Sasuke and kissing his head. He wrapped another blanket around Kakashi and hesitated for a second. He ended up bending down and kissing Kakashi on the cheek. He backed off quickly when he heard Kakashi move slightly. Obito sighed relieved when his eyes remained closed and he headed to the kitchen, unaware of Kakashi secretly opening his eyes and following him till he was out of sight.
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