#and imply or outright state that if you dont care or agree then you are the samd
vtori73 · 3 years
Okay so... I'm making another post again about this (CW for mentions of Biphobia and transphobia):
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Only it's not ABOUT this but it's about what I as a queer ACTUALLY care about in terms of rep and such. Real quick I will say that as much I do agree with SOME of these being bad fancanons for being negative/stereotypical whatever I ALSO think claiming some of these as outright harmful is a bit much & grasping at straws a bit.
Anyway moving on, right now I'm seeing specific Lesbians are harassing the writer of the new Harley Quinn Comic eat, bang, kill tour because they wrote her as Bisexual... not a decision the writer made herself but something that was WRITTEN into the original show that the comic is following.
Like... I'm sorry but first things first based on facts if you know anything about Poison ivy before recent depictions she has been heavily represented/written/depicted as straight, I don't believe if she's ever 100% stated as such but... come on, no straight people were back then, media still doesn't feel the need to state characters as hetero because our society very much does the whole "assumed straight unless stated otherwise." And Poison ivy, in certain depictions ive seen at least, comes off VERY much as for the male gaze and I know lesbians are used this way often BUT this isn't as often in certain media like comics (or wasn't common) where they usually would prefer them be open to men so the demographic they care about can fantasize about being with the character.
Second, this IS definitely being fueled by racism since the writer is Black woman (not mention also queer & disabled) and so far the people responding have been white or at least one of the main ones is.
Third, this is just another one those things that to me REALLY shows how Biphobic certain parts of the Lesbian community can get.
Like I'm sorry, what I'm about to type of probably going make some upset and scream "lesbophobia" but I HAVE to share because I can't be the only one who feels this way... I feel wary around Lesbians online sometimes, not because of any stereotypes but because I've SEEN how openly, some Ive followed even in the past, are to complain about us (Bi+) people and openly explain how they DONT want to share spaces with Bi woman. Look I get wanting to hangout with people just like you, BUT its weird how quickly some Lesbians are to want to discard us and not relate to us because we possibly may like, talk about, be in relationships with men and it's even MORE weird that that's a determent to y'all even though these same types of lesbians make their whole identity/community dependant on men (I'm sorry but even if it's specifically about hating men ur still at the end of the day... making it seem like ur sexuality/community hinges on men) and not you know... loving woman.
I've seen some Lesbians complain about how they need Lesbian ('only' heavily implied) bars and how its annoying that bi woman go to them. And countless of stories of Bi woman being shunned, turned down for being Bi, no I'm not saying that is so awful Lesbians don't want to "sleep" with us (why the parentheses? eh just that I'm not going to assume ALL anyone wants to do after meeting in a bar is to fuck it's probably a good chunk of the time but not 100%) I'm saying it's pretty Biphobic, bigoted, etc to turn someone down JUST for being Bi, you obviously only have a problem with Bi people being Bi.
And also yes we do get hurt because duh its Biphobia but we also are ultimately glad to know because we wouldn't want to sleep with Biphobic people anyway we just want y'all to acknowledge it for what it is, a bigoted prejudice, no not a boundary but a Biphobic preference. I know a lot won't get that and scream "it's a boundary, it's a boundary!" and I don't know if they do this to Bi woman who say it but if this was about Trans woman they would also add "you just want to rape, coerce, harass Lesbians into sleeping with you" & usually paired with plenty of misgendering. I feel like I have seen it but only more so in terms of gold star lesbian rhetoric instead of terf rhetoric.
Either way, it just kind of sad, frustrating and annoying that Bi+, trans, etc can't DARE to bring this stuff up without being called Lesbophobic (just using this term would get me harassed & called a bigot on Twitter because it "contains a slur") because we SHOULD be allowed to bring up stuff that hurts us but we can't because LGBTQIA people seem to have this unspoken hierarchy of who gets cared about, believed, listened to first and it's definitely seems based on the order of the letters in the alphabet soup.
But anyway yeah, I have a hard time taking the post I shared an image of above seriously when stuff like I wrote above is going on. Yes I do think being critical of fandom in terms of bigotry is important, ESPECIALLY racism because that honestly is one of the BIGGEST problems since fandom is dominated mostly by white people (specifically women & queer people) however... I don't think the above is a decent example of that, it condenses the issues and leaves out so much needed nuance and such (yes this is cropped so it doesn't include some of the other additions to it but tbf from what I remember it didn't really add nuance, just clarifyed what the first post was doing).
For example, a Bi person headcanoning a character Bi a majority of the time should not be considered Biphobic, even if the character is a negative stereotype PLENTY of people do this as a way to reclaim the character from the bigotry that was written with it. Or the above, if someone hc's a character who is a badass as Bi there shouldn't be an issue. Now if a Bi person hc's others like the above there MIGHT be an issue then. Also, not to mention that identities intersect, if a pan ace person want to hc certain characters a certain way that could be stereotypical should we label them xphobic regardless of their identify?
I just think the original post it too vague and paints all fandom hc the same regardless of who is making them and like I said before, while this can be a problem I have more of an issue with this new trend of shutting down others hc because others claim the character even though the characters specific id is never said & thus should be open to anyone (example: Lesbians claiming its bigoted or get upset at others for hc a character as Bi that they hc as Lesbian even though the character was originally written straight or is very heavily straight coded and/or had relationships with men). Also fandoms erasing characters identities that are outright stated or implied is ALSO a huge thing I find to be more of a problem then the above post (examples: Luz Noceda from Owl house is stated by the creator as being Bi but people are calling her/them (her & her girlfriend) lesbians; another one that I feel is SORT of a problem but I also can't 100% condemn people who do this because the show doesn't help with continuing to be vague about it is Bob Belcher & him being hinted at being Bi but is erased by straight and gay(LG) fans as being straight).
Also I don't apologize for all of my examples being about Bi people, biphobia, etc because I am Bi so that is what I know and experience first and foremost!
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gender-chaotic · 4 years
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Its not shock to me that the same b**tlebabes will take this post i made and what i said and barley acknowledge any points i made in the post, and essentially demonize me, lie, and overexaggerate what i said this has literally happened before.
I know y'all lack any critical thinking skills or self criticism but in the post i said:
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I acknowledged that its a valid coping mechanism but can be done in healthier ways, hell I even told y'all i see where you're coming from because i used to ship minor/adult ships including b**tlebabes but now i found healthier ways to outlet my supernatural romance escapism fantasies I never said or implied all supernatural escapism fantasies are bad and you cannot use them to cope as poor woman who is also a csa survivor, again i am also poor, i grew up poor, i grew up being seen as a woman before i realized i was trans and still face misplaced sexism but i don't romanticize fictional pedophilia it try to justify it, your struggles are valid but being a poor woman and a csa survivor doesn't magically absolve you of criticism.
Funny how me using being of multiple mariginilized groups as an example of why being called a nazi and general fascist just for not liking your ship is bad or as an example of my upbringing for escapism fantasies the same way y'all did is "throwing in the minority card" but when cishet white woman or the variation of talk about their experiences you expect everyone to listen. I already knew b**tlebabes were hypocrites but this is the icing on the sh*t cake but then again white women have been doing this for decades, You have no right to claim and complain about sexism and classism when other marginilized people criticize your ship, and use your experiences as women to justify it but when we give tell you our experiences as other marginilized identities you pull this b*llsh*t. Its clear you're weaponozing social justice and feminism for you mainly to justify your ship/own gain now because you actually care this is made abundantly clear when you refuse to listen, lie about, and then demonize marginalized people especially those you have privilege over.
And saying i wrote that you deserve harassment? Outright lie
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I have said i don't condone this stuff many times and people who know me will tell you i am against this. This☝🏼 Becky, is ugly you're just a liar and a hypocrite. I never even called you a freak monster or said you were cringe either nor didn't i imply those things on my post.
And dont flatter yourself just because i clowned on you on that blog and mocked your username doesn't mean that blog is all about you, I obviously debated posted about other beetlebabes on there you just happen to be the most vocal with some of the dumbest takes I've ever seen. If you think talking about my experiences as a marginalized person if just for "woke" points You're obviously blind to your privilege and once again a hypocrite but i guess only poor white women matter.
I read the women talking about their experiences, unlike y'all with my posts, that's why i acknowledge this IN THE POST and even above in this one,but yet again in "whiny" speaking as a marginalized person.
Ah here we go i love when people with privilege claim marginilized people are "attacking" them for pointing out how they have said privilege im but no no no IM playing the victim card. If y'all are gonna pretend to care about social issues like classicism and sexisism and use these things to justify why your ship is ok the. Maybe learn what privilege is learn that you have it and learn that its important to listen to marginilized people especially ones you have privilege over, because its clear y'all are just being performative and don't actually care .
Y'all can assume what you want about me, its not shock you will deflect privilege on me by claiming im rich when i stated in my post i am poor and grew up poor. I have never seen the show, i work as a food/customer service job and make about 12 bucks an hour, pay my own bills, and food, and transportation, i almost live from paycheck to paycheck.
Next time actually listen to people a and read things especially from marginilized groups even if they don't agree with you bc that's the only time you seem to "care", don't be a liar and a hypocrite, and then dismiss people with assumptions and lies because again, they don't agree with you. Its not a good look for you, and the fact that other b**lebabes and people who side with you barley criticize what you say or do is really telling about your community and friends just sayin'.
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