#and im still out of the loop with moots changing blogs
gojoest · 2 years
ai !! you’re here !! :”””)
DILLY >3< it's been so long sobs ! the way i screamed when i found your blog the other day and followed asap !! hope all is well with you < 3 sending you lots of love !
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nyanggk · 2 years
hey moots! so, last night was... something.
I'm so sorry you all had to see me in that light. to everyone, I guess im usually a calm, reserved, and cheerful person, but stuff last night just got out of hand and I grew frustrated with having to repeatedly explain myself to people who wouldn't listen.
I'm so sorry to all the people who saw the rants on my dash and must've felt uncomfortable and no, I'm not saying sorry to those who sent me hate asks— especially to that "moot" who didn't wanna tell me their @ bcs they said that I might "come at them." You're not my moot and I'm not going to "come at you." I want to know your @ so I can block u and never have u in my life again. don't u think its messed up to conceal your identity and make me suspect on my actual moots? get off of my dash or if your too dumb to find the block button, give me your @ so I can throw u out myself and so ppl can see how messed up you are as a person. though, that'll prove to be difficult since most of you kids have alrdy been blocked.
in regards to this whole thing— abt me taking down my fic. no, I will not. no matter what the outcome is. this is my hardwork. i worked on that for a whole month ALONE. I didn't have some proof reader, I didn't have anyone editing it as I go. that was all me. and you don't have a say in the fictional stuff I write because like I've said, as an adult, you should know better than to mix the fictional world with the real world.
i still don't see how im at fault in some aspects. I've already admitted the fault in the lack of warnings and have fixed that. I've also already explained the looping topic of me being a "misogynist" so I'm not going to explain myself again. I took down all the meme replies that I said in those hate asks bcs I don't want anyone skimming through my blog to see useless stuff shit. however, I did leave the first 2 asks that have been sent to me regarding this issue— the only ones that actually mattered.
but anyways, i alrdy took that one anon who was actually kind enough to speak coherently into action. I have an author who I barely know (sorry for the wording mae lol) who's going over the fic right now. I'll post her review/thoughts when she's done and will tag her to assure all of u (not that I need to) that I didn't change anything she said.
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