#and if you're a teenager you're automatically bad and wrong and couldn't possibly ever have a point or emotions worth empathizing with
isfjmel-phleg · 5 months
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bugheadxfics-blog · 7 years
Bughead Scenario 1: Teen Pregnancy
It was another cold dreary winter night in the town of Riverdale when the blonde bombshell first had suspensions of being pregnant.
Betty was having yet another dreadful dinner with her family, when suddenly she started to feel nauseous at the food which previously used to be her favorite
Her ponytail bounced in all kinds of directions as she paced upstairs to her bathroom. After the worst part was over, she looked up from her toilet that now contained the aftermath of her dinner. Automatically, a thought raced through her mind.
She and Jughead had been having sex a week ago. Of course they were too caught up in the moment to think about using a condom. A mistake they both thought would never harm them. But now, as Betty was crouching against the front of her toilet, she couldn't help but think that she should have just controlled her teenage hormones. All she knew now, was that she was in dire need of a doctors appointment.
The next day Betty couldn't eat at all. She barley spoke to any of her friends, and avoided Jughead at all costs. She knew that the moment he sees her, he would see right trough her facade. And that means, he would know that there was something wrong with her.
When the final bell rang, that was Betty's cue to rush to the doctors as soon as possible. She opened the gray big bulky doors and stepped out into the cold wet pavement.
She was almost out of school property, until she saw Jughead walking up to her with the biggest smile and his signature beanie on his head. which was shaped almost like a crown.
''Hey Juliet, why weren't you at the blue and gold today? I missed you.'' Jughead asked while lacing his hands trough his beautiful girlfriends fingers expecting a perfectly reasonable response. Instead, what he got was a anxious looking Betty jumbling words together not even looking at him in the eye. Eventually, she gave up and walked away from him without a kiss which she always made sure she would give, even when they were having an argument.
Time skip to after Betty leaves the doctors: The blonde paced back and forth between the walls of her room as she thought of how great that night had been for her and Jughead. But look what had come of it now. Not only that, but the pressure that her mom had put onto her to pass the geography test today was insane. Her mom had been so disappointed when Betty entered the room with a shameful look on her face and a D on her paper that now Betty not only felt bad about her unexpected pregnancy but also about her grades. Jughead pov:
The blue eyed boy grabbed the same old rusty ladder, it was his only way into his girlfriends room. His girlfriend, the beautiful Betty Cooper, the one who had woken something in him that he hadn't felt since his mom grabbed Jellybean and walked out of his life. But the way she was acting today was strange and distant. He knew that he could never compete with the redheaded boy next door but he had hoped that he would be enough even if it was just for now. He guessed that his time with the golden haired, green eyed Betty cooper was over now because of how strange Betty had been acting lately. He was fine with it as long as Archie treated the girl right since she deserves it. She deserves all the love in the world in his opinion. He gently tapped on the window and deeply sighed because he knew these were his last moments with her. The blonde grabbed the window and her eyes lit up at the sight of her boyfriend something he had failed to notice. The raven haired boy climbed inside the beautiful blonde's bedroom which was just like her, warm and sweet. "Hey juggs! what are you doing here?'' Betty asks not even making eye contact with him. ''Look, I love you Betts. More than anything i've ever loved in this god for saken world.'' He said as he cupped the beautiful blondes cheeks and forced her to make eye contact with him. ''I love you too juggie you're amazing.'' Betty said with actual sincerity in her voice. Damn she was a good actor Jughead thought. ''im willing to let you go, I get that you want him instead.'' ''What? What are you talking about juggie?'' Betty asks with curious wide eyes. ''You don't have to pretend. I just want you to be happy even if it's not with me, this was too good to be true anyway'' Jughead replies as he pressed his lips against hers and tasted her sweet, vanilla lips one last time. ''Juggie What? no! Please don't do this! I'm sorry! I don't know what I did but I can change I promise-" Betty said with a desperate plea in her eye.''What? No Betty your prefect i'm not good enough.'' ''Is this because im pregnant? If you don't want it we can talk about an abortion! I'm not even sure if I even want to keep it! How did you find out?'' The blonde rambled on stating several options like adoption. But Jughead didn't even know about this, and he definitely wanted to keep his child. It has Betty's blood for goodness sake! He knew it would turn out perfect just like her. ''You're pregnant...?'' Jughead mutters in disbelief as he smiled widely at the thought of a little baby Betty Cooper or little baby Jughead Jones running around in his mind. ''Yeah. That's why ive been acting weird. Wait! You didn't know?'' Betty said with her eyebrows furrowed.Jughead was ecstatic as he grabbed the beautiful blonde and spinned her around while continuously kissing her sweet lips.''Juggie you aren't mad?'' Betty asked with a big smile on her face as Jughead placed her down on her bedroom floor. ''No, why would I be mad Betts? I thought you wanted to breakup with me.'' Jughead said as he breathed a sigh of relief. ''I would never do that to you Juggs! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.'' Betty whispers as she leaned forward and laced her mouth with the man of her dreams. This would be hard but standing there with hands on each other and their lips laced together in a slow and passionate kiss, they knew that everything would be okay. As long as they had each other, their friends, and the beautiful bumble of joy in Betty's stomach.
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