#and if anyone on the DSMP could be two halves of the same whole it's cBBH and cSkeppy
x-i-l-verify · 10 months
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「Dream SMP Daemon AU 」
Nether denizens deposit their Dust in physical objects that then gain a sentience of their own instead of having projected facets – such as daemons – like Overworld denizens. But while Piglins forge living weapons, Nether demons build animate golems out of rock or metal. Golem-building is an intuitive and sacred process that begins when demons are still infants. The first time an imp laughs, a grand party is thrown, with everyone in the community invited. Every adult brings one small crystal, rock, gem, or chunk of ore, and the imp is presented with all of them. The rock the baby is drawn to first becomes their phylactery, put in an enchanted, protected pouch worn on a string around their necks and kept with them at all times. Their Dust accumulates in the rock they chose, and develops a sentience of its own during the imp's childhood.
When the imp turns the equivalent of seven, they begin construction work on their phylactery’s outer shell, the golem. First, they choose a building material, which can be the same as the phylactery, but usually is different. The imp will mine for enough construction supplies and learn crafting techniques pertinent to the material they chose. It is also customary for the imp’s parents or caretakers to add a piece or two of their own golems into their offspring’s as it's being constructed. (For example, Bad’s phylactery is a chunk of pink scapolite with a golem shell made of diamond, which has obsidian eyes from his dam’s golem, and a ruby tongue from his sire’s.)
Whenever the child finishes constructing their golem, usually sometime during early to mid-adolescence, they are considered “settled,” a mature, adult demon. A ceremony is done wherein the imp’s parents and their golems transfer their phylactery to a special chamber inside the imp's golem, which then fuses with and animates the previously inanimate material. Golems choose their own names, always derived from the material their core is made from.
Phylacteries are only capable of communicating through impressions and emotions, much like a piglin's morai-kelul. Once they obtain a shell and become a golem, they gain an audible voice of their own and become capable of verbal speech. Golems are always the same gender as their demon.
Because the phylactery is safely encased in a strong, protective shell, demons have no issue whatsoever with touching each other's golems. However, touching someone’s phylactery without their consent is taboo, a crime tantamount to rape. There is no limit to how far a demon can go from their golem as long as they do not try to leave the Nether, the Overworld, the End, or their server without them. If this happens, the demon will instantly become like a zombie, with a living body but no conscious mind. It is not uncommon to see demons walking around without their golems and vice versa, and they are masters of multitasking because of this. However, this has also led to some Overworlders viewing demons as soulless monsters because of their visible lack of a facet.
Golems are very tough, but it is still possible to damage or pry open their shell to get to the phylactery within. If the phylactery is broken or shattered, the demon will instantly perish, and the golem will become an inert statue. It is customary for dead golems to be broken down into crafting materials for other projects, usually for a building or a weapon, but sometimes they will be left whole as a memorial to the dearly departed.
Bad is ambitious, conflict-avoidant, anxious, and empathetic. Skeppy is Bad’s id personified; impulsive, blunt, easygoing, and chaotic to the extreme.
NAME MEANING "Skeppy" is derived from scapolite, the term for a group of minerals that are essentially complex silicates of aluminum, calcium, and sodium, which can be used as semiprecious stones. They are considered symbols of inner peace, personal growth, and faithfulness to oneself, able to help individuals see what is truly important, find their true calling in life, and face difficulties and responsibilities head on instead of avoiding them.
SOURCES https://www.jewelsforme.com/gem_and_jewelry_library/scapolite
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