#and i usually don't complain about arcs; i happily sat through all of naruto and bleach's arcs and fillers and movies multiple times
hirazuki · 2 years
I’m currently struggling through the Chimera Ant Arc (the internet promised me it would end on ep 132 but we’re at 135 and STILL GOING, I’ve been suffering since ep 75 or something HELP T___T) and man do I have some opinions XD
Very briefly, my primary gripe is about how a certain character is predictably mischaracterized by the fandom (to the point where those not in the fandom -- like me, formerly -- have heard all about supposed transgressions), whereas another character never gets brought up when that particular subject is discussed despite things actually happening. in canon. But she’s not a dude so it’s all good, right? X_X
Also the usual Dumbledore/Hiruzen/Eraqus complaint, as well as the killing off antagonists just when they had started to grow/learn/etc. complaint, but honestly I’m more surprised when a fictional work doesn’t include them lmao
Maybe when I have some time that I’m not spending drawing or gaming, I’ll type up an actual thoughts/impressions post for HxH. I haven’t done one of those in what feels like ages ^^
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