#and i shall show this with a meta...about alex jskdlfjsldkjf
ofgentleresolve · 2 years
FERRE QUICK before Alex comes back >:3 what are YOUR favourite things about her >:33333333333333
@mythvoiced well if u put it like that... >:3
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good question lena ☺️☺️☺️ i would paraphrase what I’ve previously said about Alex @theimpalpable ( which I still endorse btw 😌 ) but I’ll go in a different direction for this bc there are other things I adore about our dear friend 🥰🥰🥰
I think one thing that really sticks out to me about Alex is the fact that as a mun/person she’s consistent across all platforms- the person you see on the dash is also the person you’ll meet in the dms, she’s just as warm and attentive in private spaces as she is in public spaces. This isn’t to badmouth others, but you know, sometimes you come across blogs where the muns seem like theyre…overcompensating if that makes any sense?? Almost like they’re trying to come off as a nice person for one reason or another. But in alex’s case, I’ve never gotten that vibe off of her…she’s very much herself so when I see her being the sunshine she is on dash, I can believe she’s being kind because she wants to be.
I think her sincerity also comes from, at least from what I’ve seen, her ability and willingness to actually communicate, even if it means having one of the hard conversations with a writing partner. Like, that kind of conversation can be really difficult to consider having with someone you have a good retoire with, let alone actually seeing through but…it’s necessary at times. I think people don’t realize that being kind also means having boundaries and holding your loved ones accountable otherwise you’re just people pleasing… :/ anyways because Alex respects herself and therefore stays true to herself, it allows her to be genuinely kind…I can trust that if something goes wrong, we’ll be able to communicate, make changes and get through it 😌
What else though…oh! On a shorter note, Alex genuinely just gives off?? Really good energy and vibes, like I love seeing her on dash whether it’s ooc or ic….it’s infectious, you know? Makes me wanna see the good in things and be a better person too ☺️☺️☺️ that and sometimes I feel like setting this h*llsite on fire but when I see her, i’m reminded that ‘okay there is still hope for this place 🥲’
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