#and i really dunno who i would write from jujutsu kaisen?? bc i have favorites but i'm unsure of who i might portray well
tvrningout-a · 1 year
so!! this is just a little rundown of some potential muses -- it's not set in stone that i'll add anyone, but feedback is appreciated! if there's interest, then there's a reason to write these nerds <3
son daehyun: a grim reaper based upon the lore of tvn's goblin in that souls who have greatly sinned in their former lives become reapers! dae is part of a particular group who take care of "lost souls" who never passed on when they were supposed to; they search after them, much like a detective searching for a missing person, and when need be, they hunt down souls who have become malicious. daehyun himself is a softie who prefers to act tough, often going out of his way to grant the souls' last wishes so they can rest without worry. throughout his long time as a reaper, his only constant is a reincarnated soul, son soojin.
son soojin: an oc based upon the lore of tvn's goblin! soojin has lived her share of lifetimes, choosing time and again to keep her memories after an untimely death separated her from her first love. her conviction is both soojin's greatest strength and her greatest downfall as nothing can stop her from achieving her goals, yet triumph may come at her detriment. currently, she helps run her parents' cafe, acting as manager, bookkeeper, barista -- whatever is needed at the time -- and providing a certain grim reaper with a place he can send off souls to rest.
rin lavellan pickle o'brien: an inquisitor oc for dra.gon a.ge: in.quisi.tion, adaptable to general fantasy! having run away from her dalish clan a long time ago, o'brien made her home in val royeaux as a bard, thief, and information broker known for her insufferable personality as much as her indisputable talents. the nobility love to hate her yet hate each other more; o'brien is not often unemployed, and it is on a job that she finds herself at the conclave and later at the mercy of cassandra pentaghast. it would appear the blast that took so many lives has given o'brien a glowing mark capable of closing tears in the fade. whether willing or not, she finds herself entwined in a fight bigger than mages and templars.
though not fond of being called a " herald, " o'brien falls into her leadership role with surprising ease. or not so surprising, really. she's always had a soft spot for those in need.
canon characters i'm eyeing currently:
l.eon k.ennedy and l.uis s.era of resi.dent e.vil lee chang and yeong-shin of kingdom take.tora and oi.ka.wa of h.aikyuu!! somebody from ju.ju.tsu kai.sen......... i'm undecided tbh asdf
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lunestael · 2 years
This is how I’ve spent all my days sent finishing the latest chapter. I love all of the different scenarios you’re considering. And am excited to meet someone as invested! I hope you don’t mind me joining you
Having Sugu vs Suku would be a nice shot at redemption, but I feel like it would be too happy and neat for Sugu to turn all humans in a more palatable way AND defeat Suku, you know? And I kind of like the idea of Sugu coming back, but struggling to earn that redemption and struggling to find a new place for himself.
Kind of off topic, but that was one of my favorite parts of Zuko’s arc. When he was trying to join Aang and the gang (lol) and they didn’t immediately accept him. It made the arc more impactful I think bc when you burn bridges/ betray people over and over, it’s really hard to redeem yourself . And sometimes not possible at all.
Idk, I think that could be a fair balance of heartache and suffering. Bc we could get Sugu back. (Bc Gege is going to give him back right?…he wouldn’t write that in for no reason, I agree. Plsplspls) But he would have all of this new, pretty heavy, work and development to do, you know?
You’ve got a sick arsenal of plots! I hope whatever we get is good
its super fun theorizing and trying to patch up all of gege’s hints at how the storys gonna end so im super hyped about that :o)
“Having Sugu vs Suku would be a nice shot at redemption, but I feel like it would be too happy and neat for Sugu to turn all humans in a more palatable way AND defeat Suku, you know?”
I wouldn’t say I want Sugu to come in deus ex machina style and take care of everything, i think jujutsu kaisen in the end is yuji’s story and i wouldn’t want gege to try to deviate from that especially for the ending, but at least provide a turning point like Todo did for the final Mahito battle in Shibuya, but mostly I thought of this idea as a way to efficiently move the story forwards AND offer Sugu a redemption arc at the same time, like two birds with one stone kind of deal. 
“And I kind of like the idea of Sugu coming back, but struggling to earn that redemption and struggling to find a new place for himself. “
My only problem with this is the time constraint, especially because redemption arcs are notoriously ORNEROUS and time consuming to do effectively (using your Zuko example, which took like 2 seasons to do?) and Gege seems ready to wrap everything up soon which makes me lean more towards if Sugu were to come back, his time would be pretty short-lived. They could always leave his redemption arc as like an assumption post-ending situation but :o// i dunno if i’d like that either, would feel like a cop out probably.
as i think about it more, i think it would be more fitting for Geto to come back, provide a turning point for the final battle, and then die a “proper death” and put to peace finally. it would fit in well with the story’s central theme of “what is a proper death”, and give Geto, who has probably been given the LEAST proper death of anyone in the story so far (having his body fucking hijacked and forced resurrection even after his best friend mercifully tried to end his misery), a final definitive end to his story. as much as i love suguru so dearly, i think his story is  best laid in history and in memory.
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