#and i feel like it's only a matter of time before i've considered every ww ship
fff777 · 7 months
ok second rarepair brainrot but jeno/winwin???? they were in 90s love and alley-oop together so we actually have some interaction. they're both shy and i think it would be very cute :3
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enbyhoshi · 1 year
ao3 wrapped 2022
i tried doing this on twt and i accidentally closed the tab and i lost all of it so. tumblr it is!
before i start: i wrote 7 fics in 2022 (total of 72.5k words), 5 of which were posted during the first half of the year. at one point i was writing 3 fics at the same time which was Insane and i still can't believe i managed to finish all 3 of them in time. wow. anyways let's dive into it!
1. sweet like honey
fem soonwoo, 21k, M, 3/4 of the 'girls like girls (like boys do)' series
my girls.... i miss writing them so much. i truly wasn't planning on letting this fic spiral into the 21k words monster that it came out to - it was supposed to just be the scene where ww calls sy her gf (D-364) - but i don't regret it at all! they deserved their happy ending considering the angst i put them through lol. this was also the first time i wrote smut and it was an Experience
favorite part:
Someone calls Wonwoo’s name and they both come back to reality, turning back to their friends when Soonyoung realises two things, almost at the same time: 1) Minghao and Wonwoo don’t know each other, and 2) none of their friends know about what happened last night. None of them know about Soonyoung and Wonwoo, whatever they are — oh, hey, another thing to add on to the list of realisations kwon Soonyoung has at a busy dance hall post-performance: 3) she hasn’t asked Wonwoo to be her girlfriend yet.
2. baby, be my weekend
soonwoo, 22k, M, idol!wonwoo bodyguard!hoshi
el called this one of my best works in their comment and it has stuck with me since i read it. i had so much writing this fic i truly loved it so much!!! i also didn't expect the amount of love and attention it got ksdjghsdk i just wrote a silly little prompt me and my friend came up with! wow. sorry i don't have a lot to say for this if i loved it less i'd be able to talk about it more etc etc
favorite part:
The noise is getting louder though, heavy like someone is continuously stomping, and it sounds like it’s coming from- “Wonwoo!” He freezes in his tracks. He knows that voice. “Wonwoo! Wait!” It feels like it’s happening in slow motion: Wonwoo turns around, his heart at his throat, only to see Soonyoung running out of his apartment building still in the same clothes as ten minutes ago, getting drenched as he does. It doesn’t deter him from running towards Wonwoo, though, and Wonwoo doesn’t know what’s happening until Soonyoung grabs his face and kisses him harder than he ever has, pouring every single bit of his emotions into it. Wonwoo can’t do anything but kiss him back, pulling him as close as he can, wanting to feel nothing but Soonyoung’s body on his.
3. 노래해 (‘bout you)
fem soonhoon, 3k, G, university au i guess
GIRLS!!!!! this fic was so spontaneous i was thinking about how there's literally no fem soonhoon fics so i decided to take matters into my own hands hehe. i truly wrote this in two days just in time for pride month which is insane considering i was writing both my 1d fest fic AND my 96z fest fic at that time. what was i thinking.
favorite part:
“Remember that time when Jihoon-unnie talked about anime for six hours straight?” Seokmin says, lifting her head up from Seungkwan’s lap. “That’s probably the most I’ve heard her talk in one sitting.” “I was doing a ranking,” Jihoon says in an attempt to defend herself. “That no one asked you to do, by the way,” Seungkwan says. “You’re lucky Wonwoo-unnie and Jisoo-unnie are just as big weebs as you are.” “Uh, who’s the one between us who started playing volleyball just because of Haikyuu?” Jisoo raises her eyebrow at Seungkwan, who shuts her mouth and goes back to braiding Seokmin’s hair. “That’s what I thought.” Jisoo says, satisfied, and goes back to her bracelet.
4. still feel the same (and you will too)
soonwoo (+ others), 10k, G, wedding au
my 1d fest fic! probably my favorite fic i've written this year. i have a soft spot for kid fics and i have always wanted to write one so i'm so happy i got to fulfill that with this fest! i hadn't written babies before so i did a looot of research to make it as realistic as possible and it seems to have paid off lol. i still remember crying when i wrote the ceremony part (I’d marry you again if I could. I’d do it all over again. Just for you.) and the part where soonwoo dance (He looks at thirty-year-old Wonwoo now, older and wiser and the father of his child, the love of his life — and he thinks about how he doesn’t regret saying yes, not one bit.) also rule 63 is just so fun hehe
favorite part (i already mentioned my favs so i chose a different one lol):
“You say that but it’s gonna pass in the blink of an eye.” Soonyoung says. “One day you’re scrolling through the baby-cribs section at IKEA and the next you’re holding a whole newborn in your arms. Crazy how life works sometimes.” Minghao blinks at him. “Please tell me you didn’t get Byeol’s baby-crib from IKEA.” “I talked him out of it, don’t worry.” Wonwoo reassures her. Minghao lets out a heavy sigh of relief.
5. knock, knock, knock on my door
96z, 10k, T, uh. first time meeting?? strangers to lovers??? idk
my 96z fest fic! this fic went through a lot LOL. i changed the plot a million times because i was unsatisfied with it each time and at some point considered making it two parts so the Big Reveal would be a different chapter but it just didn't feel right. also i only considered it because i wasn't sure if i was gonna finish the fic in time LMAO. this fic is yet another self indulgent fic because like hoshi i have friends but none of them know each other and it makes bday plans so much harder... if only they could fall in love with each other and make it easier for me
favorite part:
“What are you thinking about?” What isn’t he thinking about. Their entire conversation. Jihoon’s words. Junhui’s words. Junhui’s smile and the way his entire face lights up with it. The way Jihoon starts blushing from his ears. Soonyoung kissing them goodnight. Soonyoung’s glossy eyes when Wonwoo sang for him at karaoke. He blurts out before he can think too much about it. “I like you.” Soonyoung opens his eyes and stares at him like he’s dumb. “I know. I like you too, Wonwoo-yah.” he says, easy as ever. “No, you don’t understand- I like you.” Wonwoo insists. “Like, I’m in love with you, I think.” Soonyoung continues to stare at him like he’s dumb. “I know. I like you too, Wonwoo-yah.” he says again.
6. pink where it's deepest inside
fem soonwoo, 3.5k, E, t4t pwp (also 4/4 of the 'girls like girls (like boys do)' series)
oooh boy. originally i started writing this right after i posted sweet like honey but i never finished it because i was too embarassed dfghdfg. right after i posted my 96z fic i fell into deep writer's block and i couldn't write ANYTHING but i knew i wanted to do smth special for the anniversary of this series and i thought well. might as well finish this i guess. huge thank you to el for betaing if it weren't for her this would've never seen the light of day god bless
favorite part:
Unable to wait any longer, she pushes Wonwoo off her a bit to take off her skirt and underwear when Wonwoo’s hands stop her. “Wait,” she says, looking into Soonyoung’s eyes, bashful all the sudden. “Keep the skirt on for me... please?” Well. What is Soonyoung supposed to do? Say no?
7. from luck to fate
soonwoo, 1k, G, pre-slash from the bodyguard au
i wrote this as a writing exercise to kind of get out of my writer's block for a bit and it turned out better than i expected so i was like you know what. i'll post it! i kinda wish it was longer but i think it's also perfect the way it is. also i loved writing seokmin he didn't appear that much in baby, be my weekend so it was fun to include him in this and show how it all started!
favorite part:
The guy Seokmin was talking to before, with the weird hair and striped sweater, holds a microphone in his hands, standing in the middle of the stage as he waits for his song to start. Soonyoung assumes that he must be a soloist or something. Probably a rookie too, if he didn’t recognise him. Or maybe he’s just unpopular. It wouldn’t be surprising.
wow. that's a lot of fics isn't it! i can't promise how much i'll write or what i'll write in general in 2023 because i still haven't quite found my footing again but hopefully that'll change with the new year :) thank you for reading so far 💕
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