#and i feel bad being frustrated eith my dad because tbf he doesn’t make much
cookiescr · 1 year
you’re not being annoying nor are you being unfair, if anything it’s unfair how much financial responsibility is being out on your shoulders. I’m so sorry that you have to like be the one to pay for so much especially when you’re trying to save money as well. Like, you’re allowed to be stressed and annoyed and I hope that you’ll eventually be able to save money and reach your goals
To be fair me and my mom share the financial stuff and I’m really thankful for her for being understanding that I am trying to save for my meeting with my gf.
Like I’m cool with paying for the washing machine and stuff and it’s stressful when a lot of emergency stuff pops up in the same month but life do be like that we can’t do much and I’m the only one who’s gonna be able to pay for it kdkdkdmy dad’s just adding some more stress to the pile jdkjdjd
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