#and how the twilight group all auddenly went full emo
cinnabeat · 3 years
rikus entire color palette being yellow and blue and silver/grey and suddenly in kh3 its just dark blue and light blue/silver like HELLO?
#u cant just change peoples color palettes like that#like soras color palette went from mostly red to mostly black#but at least it matches???#like his whole thing?#it still has splashes of red and yellow like its still his stule#but rikus whole clothing changed in kh3 to make him look as close to noctis as possibel and im mad about it#like kairis color palette also changed but im not as mad about that like i wish it was less pink and more of her kh1 colors#but like whatever im mad that they took off her choker but whatever#and how the twilight group all auddenly went full emo#like thats so LAZY#like ok i can understand lea and isa bc like theyve fundamentally changed as people but like why cant they have accents in their bbs colors?#like their bbs personalities are still there just bc they were nobodies for over a decade doesnt change that#it just means they grew up but their findamental personality traits are still there cuz theyre still the same people just changed#and their clothing should reflect that!!!!!!#i dont mind xion as much bc black and white and silver/grey is fundamentally a part of her color palette#like those are her colors i associate her with that#i kinda wish roxas got a wardrobe change just to distance him more from ven and to givr him a stronger self identity#like still keep some of the basic tjings like his finger ring thingies and like his cross necklace whatever the hell that is#but then u have pence and olette and hayner and they have the LAZIEST design#like why is black their main colors when theyre kh2 clothes had sooo much of their personality in them#like idk that whole geoup is so fucking lazy#im MAD lmao#hk3 clothes are so bad#and like ten games later and namine is still wearing the same white dress like PLEASE omfg#also like let the wayfinder trio get a clothing upgrade pls#like ok i love their clothes its good but like let them change it a little#like with sora#like its still their style but its a little different#like plsss#kh tag
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