#and has just been like 'inchresting :)' since lmao
chumpovodir · 7 months
ooooh, juicy million dollar question from a friend who's not familiar with castlevania, but knows enough about hector and alucard from my ramblings:
(with more ramblings ahead)
okay but if they were both opposed to dracula at pretty much the same time, wouldn't it have been easier for them to team up against him?
very inchresting scenario to imagine, although i think it goes without saying even with them teamed up, they wouldn't have been able to take drac down. possible idea for an AU where they tried, failed, escaped, and now have to come up with a Plan B? there's a castlevania buddy cop movie for the ages lmao.
of course there is also so much to unpack and theorize about why they didn't as well - i can't imagine alucard would've been too thrilled with one of the two guys who were helping trample all over his mother's wishes, and probably wanted nothing to do with him at that point
then there's just the issue of timing i think - it's pretty close, but hector's morality crisis is strongly implied to have been instigated once things passed a metaphorical threshold. so even if they ended up on the same side eventually, alucard probably already left long before hector ever made the decision to defect.
but eh, the exact timing is kind of murky on that one (both prequel mangas suggest alucard is already gone by then, but don't really give us a clear timeline on how much time has passed since lisa's death / hector realizing his heart's not in it anymore)
in my head i like to think alucard tried really, really hard at first to put a stop to his father's plans that didn't amount to facing and killing him (he just lost his mother, i don't think he would've had the heart to decide on straight away killing his only living parent, and that seems to hold water judging by how broken up he is at the end of CV3) and so it makes sense to me that he might've instead gone and tried to talk some sense into the only person who 1) has a direct say in the war and 2) is known to be favored, and held in high esteem by drac - someone he might actually listen to
i would kill to see that conversation happen. now, i know what you're thinking - "chump, isn't a scenario where alucard tries to talk hector out of going forward with the war a little bit too similar to n!carmilla tricking n!hector into a betrayal?"
and you'd be right, but see i'm not actually opposed to the idea of someone else giving voice to hector's doubts on principle. my issue with netflixvania is that betrayal ended up not even meaning anything since everything went sideways once the trio started meddling BUT ANYWAY
yeah in that scenario i could see alucard floating the idea of teaming up to stop drac together if it comes to that, and hector's reluctance as he grapples with his morality eventually forcing alucard to leave without him, to keep things canon-compliant. then hector realizes he's truly alone after missing his one opportunity, hardens his resolve to not be used as a pawn any longer and makes his own escape
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staravya · 3 months
au of an au where the thieves have their powers plays a lil differently. im just gonna. think it through bc it's inchresting to me.
it would LOOK like an accomplice au at the start where shido has somehow caught akira (spyware he was spreading detected the metanav or mentions thereof on his phone) but akira has never been to the metaverse before and is all but being blackmailed into learning the hitman ropes from akechi, who in turn is very aware that this is a "youre not as unique and indisposable as you think you are" move from shido.
incidentally, akira's being blackmailed through his squeaky clean no-incidents record. he's "perfect", and shido is threatening that. thats the first clue that its a leverage au disguised as an accomplice au lmao.
they go to mementos and varied palaces to practice and the whole time akechi is weirdly disappointed by how mid akira and his persona, arsene, are lmao. no matter how much he pushes, akira seems unable to evolve his persona or summon a second. akechi doesnt know WHY it annoys him that this soft-spoken and quiet yet occasionally witty/observant guy is only performing to expectation rather than exceeding it but it does and he's mad about it. he takes it out on poor akira who is all wide-eyed innocent about it. theres a moment where akechi is downed but rescued by a stray shot that downs the shadow, and when he looks, akira is fumbling/dropping his gun and trying to pick it up, hyperventilating. it's almost like any glimpse of competence he finds is immediately smeared into oblivion.
the first time akechi finds a crack is the first time he tries to get akira to kill a shadow (reluctantly, at shido's urging). akira balks, of course, at first playing at soft-and-sentimental-oh-no-its-murder, but as akechi tries to force him into it, he finally finds akira's spine and is bizarrely thrilled by it. through a series of events, akechi gets concussed, but the shadow dissolves on the other end of akira's knife, and all seems to be going as planned. after, akira is very Out Of It, and eventually makes quiet references to "hey do you think the phantom thieves of hearts do what we do and also dont you wish we could join them instead"
in the background, phantom thieves are a rumor on the wind. vague references to the resolution of canon palaces are sprinkled in (kamoshida, madarame, juneshiro) but general consensus is they aren't real. this is in part because the arrested parties keep yapping about how some phantoms are responsible for their arrests even though clearly they were merely hoisted by their own petards. clearly kaneshiro's just embarrassed about having accidentally sent incriminating evidence straight to a public prosecutor and blaming boogeymen about it.
blah blah events happen, at some point akira butt-dials akechi during a shido meeting and akechi learns his plans are all for naught and akira gets murked by the cleaner, oh no! sad boy hours.
... except. this is a leverage au. and ren has been playing this role for a whiiiile. akira is just his cover bc ren DOES have a record and shido wouldve remembered that name lmao. so. the phantom thieves made a plan about it. oracle gave one of shido's goons the spyware to distribute, ensuring it would pick up on ren's alias. ren plays along. the shadow he "killed" was phantom showed (hi secret stash of personas that includes raoul) or goho-m'd and the real person taken into protection, akechi's concussion was definitely on purpose, as was all the times ren played clumsy or stupid to throw the guy off his tail. the whole song and dance about joining the phantom thieves was a really unsubtle push lmao. anyway akechi goes to them since he has no other choice etc etc take down shido together happy ending. yay. this is probably really thin but look im just getting the words down.
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aceofwonders · 3 years
makaio @ aeca
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suhnnyskiess · 3 years
 tag games!!
tbh this is just an excuse to procrastinate <3
tagged by @dreamystuffers for the tags i haven’t done yet hehe ;w;
Recent music tag game!!
rule: post 4 songs you’ve been listening to a lot lately
Hot Sauce- NCT Dream
Dun Dun Dance- Oh My Girl
above the clouds- Day6
Imperfecta- Carol Hills
Ult group tag game!!
rule: answer the following questions for your ult group!
Going to do an NCT version bc I think they are my ults with day6 and bts but nct has way more members so this will be inchresting
(1) who was your first bias?
Winwin, Haechan and Ten where the memembers who first caught my eye, idk if this does count as a bias tho bc i still was unsure about biasing(?) Bc i was hesitant on stanning lmao
(2) who is your bias now?
(3) what was the first mv you watched by them?
The seventh sense!! NCTU!! open ur rice
(4) what’s your favorite mv?
gotta do this by units!! bc i can’t decide HHHHH
NCTU: Work it
NCT Dream: We Go Up
NCT 127: Kick It
(5) if you could listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be?
hhh holyshit idk uhhh Faded in My Last song?? NCTU ??? 
(6) who would you want to see them collab with?
I need to see them collab with Baekhyun but taeyong literally already did LMAO but maybe im interested in seeing a T SM unit like Taeyong, Taeyeon, Taeil, Ten hehe
(7) what mv concept do you want to see them do?
(8) have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?
dude johnny literallly LIVES rent free on my brain ofc i have dreams with them like all the goddam time
I think the funniest dream i can recall was where i was friends with Johnny and Yuta and they had a new song to be realesed and they played it for me to hear and when i asked what it said like the lyrics THEY REFUSED TO TELL ME AND JOHNNY STOPPED TALKING IN ENGLISH AND I WAS MAD BC DUDE I JUST WANT TO KNOW THE LYRICS OF THE SONG!!!
also had this other dream where all the 99 and 00s neos where spies with me and we had to retrieve this secret lethal weapon and they all were wearing like the stuff from NCT2018 LMAO 
(9) if you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do?
tbh as much as I love Johnny and i would like drop anything to meet him i think i would be too awkward SO i would like to spend my day with Mark? and probably just chill and ask him for advice on life stuff you know or talk about leaving and idk many #struggles of being in this bridge of old and young
(10) which member do you think you’d get along with the best?
I would like to think 00s liners in general?? but due to language barrier i would say Yangyang?? 
(11) which member do you think you would argue with?
HAECHAN DOYOUNG renjun chenle yangyang
(12) if you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?
Taeyong and Jaehyun? i mean they seem to be too nice to tell me something bad about me fangirling over them LMAO
current/last things game!!
last song: Giddy Up- The Boyz!!
last movie: i dont see movies as often i think the last one i saw was  “ The Passion of the Christ” that Mel Gibson filmed.
currently watching: i’m watching My hero academia, Pokemon, Shaman King and Boruto!! and tv series i think none???
currently reading: does fanfiction count?? bc if not i have lots of papers to read for my classes LMAO
currently craving: minutas:( i havent had shaved ice since idk 2019?? AND THE WEATHER IS SO HOT I WANT TO HAVE MINUTAS
Picrew thingzz!!
rules: make a self potrait using this and make a cute flatcat here
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kinda cheated in the self portrait one lmaooo I just dislike how my skin color is never there lol so i did a lil edit jsjsjs
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peachdoxie · 4 years
Okay so I’m like way late in sharing my liveblog of chapter 13, but I read it earlier and took notes and here they are! Man, what a doozy of a chapter! I have a lot of things to say.
Conjoined fabrials require a careful division of the gemstone—and the spren inside. 
Like we knew this already but hearing about it directly is like. Yikes.
Other types of spren do not split as evenly, as easily, or at all. 
Gimme the lore, Branderson
Shallan had to deal with Veil’s alcohol abuse. Again. 
He was using that time to go ride horses. 
The paranoid part of me thinks something else is going on, but also Adolin is still allowed to have interests, especially if he’s grown closer with Dalinar’s Ryshadium after losing Sureblood in Words of Radiance, as the chapter later describes.
Shallan found herself alone—and for the first time in weeks, she didn’t have a role to play.
The deal is set and arranged. The spren will come.
Seven years ago now—and if that timeline was correct, she must have begun seeing Pattern as a young child. Long before Jasnah had first encountered her spren.
I feel like this is important but idk why. It sort of implies that the Cryptics were the first spren to start forming Nahel bonds in the current era, but, again, why? What are the implications?
She couldn’t see those memories; didn’t want to see them. As she shied away from them, something dark shifted inside her, growing stronger. Formless. Shallan didn’t want to be the person who had done those things. That… that person could not… not be loved…
Oof but also not true
Memory loss was apparently common to these cases, but the rest of what Shallan experienced seemed distinctly different. Importantly, she wasn’t experiencing continued memory loss. So maybe she was fine. She’d stabilized.
I have the feeling Shallan does, in fact, have some significant memory losses that she’s either unaware of or so in denial about she doesn’t realize she’s in denial of them.
Besides, these fabrials did the work of a dozen people.
lmao Roshar is undergoing industrialization which is probably a bad thing
When she became Veil, the colors in the room… muted. The colors didn’t change, but her perception shifted.
Neat detail. I wonder how that would interact with the various Heightenings of Nalthis.
His pet chicken, the green one.
“Of course, with your powers nothing is permanent, is it? You deal exclusively in the ephemeral.”
That’s kind of a recurring issue in Shallan’s life, isn’t it, the lack of permanence?
His chicken held its prey with one foot, eating almost like a person did with their hands. The thing was so strange, so alien. It stood upright, like no other beast Shallan had studied. When it chirped at Mraize, it sounded almost like it was talking, and she swore she could occasionally make out words. It was like a tiny parody of a person.
Lmao “alien.” Shallan, you have no idea how right you are. Also, I’m going to guess the bird may actually be talking to Mraize since it’s a fucking aviar
Ask a better question. “Nalathis,” Radiant said. “Scadarial. What are they?”
“Nalthis. Scadrial.” He spoke the words with a different accent. “Where are they. That’s an excellent question, Radiant. Suffice it to say they are places in Shadesmar where our Stormlight—so easily captured and transported—would be a valuable commodity.”
Okay sure just fucking namedrop the other planets in the cosmere again why don’t you
A more perfect gemstone could contain the Light long enough to go offworld, but there is still the Connection problem. This little flaw has caused untold trouble. And the one who unlocks the secret would have untold power.
dear fucking hell, Mraize.
tbh I don’t even know how to react to this revelation. It’s so simple and yet so ambitious, and it would have significant impacts not just on Roshar, but on the whole of the cosmere. Not to mention: Investiture on Roshar is renewable because when it’s used, it returns to the Spiritual Realm until it’s brought back into the Physical by highstorms or a perpendicularity. What would happen if Mraize found a way to take Honor’s Investiture and have it be used somewhere else in the cosmere outside of the Rosharan system? Would that unbalance the Shards even more?
just an absolute what the fuck. there are so many unknown Realmatic ramifications for this. what the fuck.
“I already have,” Mraize said, making a fist. “Though putting the plan into motion will be difficult. I have a job for you.”
Great, Mraize already knows how to do this incredibly ridiculous Realmatic bullshit. This is going to be bad if he gets it up and running, even if Mraize himself isn’t “evil.” It would radically change everything, and there are many bad people who would abuse that change.
“I have news for you,” Shallan said. “Sja-anat contacted me while I was away. She agreed to your terms, and is sending one of her spren to the tower, where it will investigate your members for a possible bond.”
Ah, so this is who Shallan was communicating with earlier. But how did Sja-anat use a spanreed? And what kind of spren will she send, and how has it been corrupted?
Also, Shallan and Mraize at least know that Glys was corrupted by Sja-anat. I wonder who else holds this knowledge.
“I cannot betray this secret,” Mraize said. “Let’s just say that Lightweavers fascinate me, and leave it at that. And you should not fear if I did keep someone close to you. Such a person could be an… aid in times of need. Iyatil did the same for me.”
*tosses another piece of evidence onto the theory I saw someone make that Shallan, in a very repressed persona, is actually Mraize’s spy*
“Immortality, in part. He thought he could become like the Heralds. In his quest, he discovered a secret. He had Voidlight before the Everstorm—he carried it from Braize, the place you call Damnation. He was testing the movement of Light between worlds. And one close to him might have answers. At any rate, we couldn’t risk Ialai or the Sons of Honor recovering these secrets.”
I honestly don’t know what to make of this but it seems important so
“Oh, we know where he is,” Mraize said. “He has asked for—and been granted—asylum in a city no other Ghostblood has been able to enter.”
“A place you can’t enter?” Shallan asked. “Where is security that tight?”
“The fortress named Lasting Integrity,” Mraize said. “Home and capital city of the honorspren in Shadesmar.”
at least my question of “why the fuck is SHALLAN going to Lasting Integrity” is answered
“Oh, you will. And once you successfully return from this mission, your reward will be—as always—something for which you hunger. Answers. All of them.”
So like, first of all I’m skeptical that Shallan will actually succeed, so that’s one thing. And second, what’s to say that Brando will just have Shallan learn things off the page and we don’t know the answers? Either way, I eagerly await how this plot line will play out. Whatever’s gonna happen, it’s gonna involve some hella cosmere Lore.
Mraize had never been willing to speak of that, but she had to think they’d been grooming her—and her family—for over a decade.
He knew the truth about Shallan’s past. There were holes in her childhood memories. If they did what he asked, Mraize would fill them.
And maybe then, at long last, Veil could force Shallan to become complete.
The word “grooming” stands out to me here. What, exactly, were they grooming her for?
Anyway. Wow. What a fucking chapter. So little action, and yet so much just changed. Rhythm of War is taking on a very different look now that there’s Lore at stake.
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ambitionsource · 5 years
S1 Rewatch - Maggie’s Take [ 1.05 ]
so i actually have... a LOT of thoughts about this episode the execution of it versus how i looked back on it now. inchresting, inchresting...
Favorite scene
There are a lot of contenders this go around, but I think I still have to go with the scene between Jack & Lucas after the fight. That was my favorite scene when I first wrote the episode, and I think it still shines through months later. Again, you can tell I love writing them just because of how much dialogue I included (lmao), but there’s so many small details to this scene I adore. Lucas’s initial attempt to be aloof ( “sounds like hearsay. kind of a big problem at this school...” like lucas shut UP fdklshfkdsgkjdg ), Jack immediately changing his tone when Lucas reveals what actually happened, the way that Jack does seem to be warming up to Lucas as more well-rounded and complex that he may have given him credit for initially. The way Lucas tries to defend Asher and Dylan, and how Jack gives him the chance to check on Isadora. I just... they, lads... they...
Favorite performance
I think I don’t give the performances in this episode nearly enough credit in general, but there’s NO competition against “Dirty Little Secret.” On the one hand, it’s just an iconic song, and the hilarity of CHARLIE singing it is just... I love a well-manicured polo-wearing boy running through the halls wailing on this AAR banger. I’m honestly disappointed I didn’t like... go into the number more (which I’ll elaborate on when I get to what I’d change), because I visualize the full extent of this number much more fully than the two paragraph description we get in the outline. Most notably, I always visualized that Charlie would be singing around / somewhat interacting with other students walking through the halls, but the key to it would be that while he can look the female students in the eye and sort of dance with them, he never looks directly at another male student. Even if he’s in theory dancing with them, he’s always like... back-to-back or looking in another direction. Because well, we know what secret he’s hiding at this point... who has to know...?
Favorite character (within context of the episode)
Lots of options, lots of options... I feel like the right answer is Isadora De La Cruz ma’am tho. Like... sis snapped! I also am glad we took an episode to actually like... give her experience being autistic a spotlight rather than just saying it was a part of her and then... not ever addressing it again. I know this episode was really important Es in that regard, and I’m really happy to have been a part of it and been a part of building that story for Isa.
Favorite line(s)
“Okay, Darbs, we meant someone famous that we care about.” --Haley Fisher
“I’m a big girl, I can make my own decisions about being a truant.” --Riley Matthews
“It just doesn’t feel... believable. Or human.” --Zay Babineaux, about Charlie Gardner
An underrated moment
So part of me really wants to say the scene when Riley and Lucas find Isadora in the bathroom and Lucas just knows exactly how to talk her down because... my heart. BUT I know the true answer in my soul which is the fight scene in the cafeteria. Not the actual scene itself, per se, because hello, but all of the like... small moments within the scene. Like Farkle trying to stop the fight. Maya getting Isadora out of there. Charlie and Yindra attempting to keep other students from flooding the scene and making it worse. Asher and Dylan running without hesitation into the fray to help Lucas -- like no one can ever look me in the eye and tell me Asher Garcia isn’t scrappy, when he’s really darting in there with Dylan and probably jumping on some guy’s back without a second thought like. Homeboy is feral in his own right thanks!
Anything I would’ve changed
So. Yes. I feel like this episode is way shorter than it should’ve been. I wish I had gone into more detail about a good amount of the performances (which is just something I think I grew into and improved upon as I wrote more episodes), notably “Dirty Little Secret” and “Titanium.” Because I feel like “Titanium” is one of the first real performances we have led by the performing 5 (Riley, Maya, Farkle, Zay, and Charlie), and considering I would’ve given Charlie the solo on the bridge... like I would like to see it. I was scarce this outline, and I think it was because we had just started to pick up momentum and I was excited and didn’t want to keep people waiting. I’m optimistic that since we’re writing ahead of time this season, hopefully we won’t repeat the same mistakes (although it’ll make for a longer read for y’all lmao. Hopefully it’ll be enjoyable!)
First impression vs your reread impression
This episode has been and always been a huge plot turning point and tonal shift for the series I think. Like Esther and I both kinda had this feeling of like... okay well, once we release this episode and kick off this actual level of drama and emotion we hope to carry, there’s no turning back. And... well. Here we are.
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fairymint-archive · 2 years
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Speaking of which, Felix’s color portrayal and appearance is....inchresting in and of itself. how hair and lighting works and blah blah. His hair IRL is more like agouti- that is, having stripes in the strands which are black, red, and blonde. This obviously can blend up into brown, though I never feel quite right settling for that since videogame browns are more chocolate and neutral based-;; His is not so much a chestnut. But the shit basically is very dark in shadow, just about Black, the lazy answer, and yet the highlights shine ridiculously light when it’s clean and sunny out. I’ve colorpicked out blondeish and fallow, orange, and pink in bright light.  The lightness that the Fallow reaches is practically fucking almost blonde sort of orange. This is also said in mind that cameras are typically not that good at catching red light anyways; it’s as if it has a mild blue filter over it. TL;DR, a person’s colors can look super different irl, where with anime you just kinda ‘Pick One’ for simplicity’s sake.
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And, there is also nothing stopping me from just saying ‘well his hair is pink’, lmao. Both in universe and out. I’ve been tittering over this design choice lately for funsies. Orange, Red, and Pink are fairly close on the color wheel, and are sometimes the same color anyways. It could have gotten pinker with exposure to Xerneas. and of course, hairstylists could have dyed it or I could literally just say ‘fuck it it’s my self insert’, but I do like to mull these things-;; He’s just definitely not what you’d call blonde anymore, and not a redhead in the sense of vibrance, more of a light ‘red’.
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queenreginascontour · 7 years
Hey Teddy! A little while ago I sent you an ask about dealing with homesickness in college, and your response was really helpful thank you! Can I take you up on your offer of giving advice for introverts in college? I could REALLY use it now :(
yes of course !!!!!! im so sorry that i’ve left this ask sitting in my inbox for like. six yrs but i had to gather my thots lmao adjakldja anyways my shit advice is under the cut
ok, so, im incredibly introverted, but when im around the right ppl, im like ??? an extrovert ???? w those ppl ????? idk. but yeah, im an introvert, which has made my college experience thus far kinda um inchresting but i have learnt some things so. here i hope it helps ajdkadljk
im typing this up in the library rn. i didnt actually go to my school’s library for like, a month,,,,, but eventually i realized that i could just not focus at all in my room or my dorm’s “silent” study lounge. so one day i went to the library, and this sounds wicked dramatic but as soon as i stepped out of the elevator and onto the third floor, into the total silence, i felt like i had entered another fuckign universe. we have like cubicle things that are desks that u can sit at so ur not distracted idk so i sat at one of those and. idk man i like fell in love w the library ??? but i realized that i didnt have to use it solely for schoolwork like,,,,, this sounds super lame but. i go to library to like…. hang out…. w….. myself ??? sometimes, the whole dorm setting and people coming in and out of my room is so fuckign draining- even when im alone, im not really alone, ya kno ? but the library is the one place where i nkow that nobody will even attempt conversation w me. i can be in my own little world for a bit and recharge. and do work i guess. but also, like, self care ???? idk. i literally could not wait to go to the library 2 chill today bc ive been feelign super off socially for the past few days akjdkajd like…. what. if ur feeling drained, go to ur library and try out just doing what u would do in ur room- going on tumblr, watchign netflix, idk- and hopefully, it’ll make u feel as refreshed as it does for me. y did i just write a sonnet abt the fuckign library.
also, this is wicked basic but: it’s ok 2 say no, but remember to say yes more than u say no. i ahve extreme fomo so for the first couple of weeks, i immediately agreed to do whatever whenever someone asked me to do something or go somewhere. but for anyone- especially introverts- this gets tiring. sometimes u just wanna spend the day/nite chilling in ur room, and that’s great ! going out all the time is not necessary, and ppl wont look down on u for not participating (if they do, drop them). but, don’t stay completely holed up in ur room every day. if i really dont wanna do anything one day but i also feel like i have to be somewhat present, ill just go down to my dorm’s lounge and chill/do work there.
also goes wout saying but: it’s ok to do shit by urself. i felt, and still feel, like, social guilt a lot ???? like i feel bad for shutting my dorm room door, i feel guilty for not doing social things, even when im doing homework i feel guilty and like im being a bitch when i can hear ppl out in the hallway. idk if that makes sense but like. there’s nothing wrong w not being/wanting to be w ppl 24/7. it’s kind of scary, but go to the dining hall alone sometimes. it’s not high school anymore. when i realized the amount of people that would just go to the dining hall by themselves, get their shitty food, and whip out their laptop and netflix, i realized that it’s perfectly acceptable to do shit by urself. it’s kind of empowering. going off campus by urself can also help ur get more knowledgeable about ur surroundings, ive found, since ur not relying on someone else to get around. 
nnnn this is kinda bad but i hope it helps ????? i mighta dd more to it idk but. come thru anytime
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