#and growing up believing his life purpose was only to restore gaia
artekai · 2 years
AHHH THANK YOU FOR YOUR TAGS ABT THE DOODLE I MADE!!!! I use they or he interchangeably but u can do w/e u want lol.
OF COURSE, THANK YOU AGAIN, IT MADE ME SUPER HAPPY TO SEE!!!! :D You deserve the appreciation! ^^ You definitely opened my eyes to all the possibilities, hehe. I think he/they Beta is a very based take :D
#ask tag#forgetmenautical#i was feeling he/it but i was also getting HUGE he/they vibes so i'm glad i'm not the only one who sees the nonbinary transmasc swag hehe ^#in any case#i think it would be v interesting to explore beta's gender journey bc i don't think they have really experienced the social aspect of gende#having been born in the odyssey and raised with very little social interaction#and growing up believing his life purpose was only to restore gaia#i think it would've been very easy for him to see himself as a tool and see no point in exploring his identity beyond being a lis clone#so even though he does know about gender he has never really had to think about his own#and it's only after the whole zenith drama is done and after beta starts adapting to life on earth that gender comes into the equation#and they become Keenly Aware of how people perceive them not just as aloy's sister but... as a sister in the first place#and i would love to see beta working through their trauma and STILL feeling a different kind of disconnect from aloy and lis#something that they can't put their finger on.#and them having to deal with the initial panic and the crisis as they're still comparing themselves to aloy and lis and the self doubt#and the eventual relief that comes with finding answers and finally feeling comfortable with his own identity. you know?#aloy calling beta sister for the first time is OUT aloy calling beta brother for the first time is IN.#oh man. someone should get in on this and write this fic. <- remembers i literally write fic#ANYWAYS sorry for writing a whole essay in the tags lol but you gave me the beta brainrot so :)#yeah. he's just sitting there. w the baggy clothes and the shrimp pose and trauma and their admiration for varl. ASKING to be projected on#beta my beloved :')
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planetaima-blog · 7 years
Taima + Marwa (Acid rain/ Contributors to the environment)
-         Changes in transportation: filters on exhaust pipes encouraging public transport and nurturing it
-         Reduction of heat in homes: regulating air conditioning facilities, facilitating more windows to regulate indoor temperatures
-          using other sources of electricity, such as solar panels (bigger picture), as coal is the biggest contributor to gas emissions that cause acid rain
-         Cleaning up Exhaust Pipes and Smokestacks to chemically eliminate SO2 gases from leaving the pipes
-         Encouraging the nation to use less energy in their homes such as turning off the lights
-         Updating filters to make the emissions more subtle
-         Controlling and maintaining factory emissions to prevent exceeding normal limits
-         Developing air filters
 Famous Contributors to the Environment: 
EO Wilson:
He was named “the father of sociobiology”. He made a series of important discoveries, the most important being that ants communicate through the transmission of chemical substances which he found out were pheromones. He was a huge environmentalist that formulated the concept of the “taxon cycle”. He also proposed the biological principles that societies of animal also apply to humans.
Rachel Carson:
She is the main founder of the environmental movement. The movement launched after she wrote Silent Spring, warning people about poison pesticides. She was a huge conservationist, and inspired hundreds of scientists and researchers and influenced many more works
Chief Seattle:  
Chief Seattle believed that the indigenous culture would connect him more to the earth and that the era of biodiversity could only happen with conjunctive endeavors and knowledge of native Americans as well as non-native environmentalists. In his speech, it’s almost as if he was preaching, or his speech was considered “to be something like a gospel of the environment or greens”
Aldo Leopold:
He’s a wildlife ecologist who was worried about the impact of the industrialization on the environment and “human-nature relationships” Leopold worked for the US. forest service who preserved the environment and the wildlife. He was powerful in the development of current natural/environmental morals
John Muir:
John Muir was an environmental philosopher and advocate for the protection and preservation of the wilderness. He describes nature and his adventures in his literary work. He helped preserved wildernesses such as the Yosemite Valley, the Sequoia National Park and other areas, and founded the sierra club which is an American conservation organization that helps to protect our environment and monitors it, preventing the misuse or degradation from human beings.
Mahatma Mohandas Gandhi:  
Gandhi was known as a politician and an environmentalist “with a difference” Environmental problems influenced Gandhi minimally in his time. He stated that technology is the key to change a human beings’ destiny and life. He believed that the exploitation of natural resources used for development led to environmental issues and hazards. “The green thoughts of Gandhi” give us another vision to blend nature with the requirements of individuals.
Henry David Thoreau:
Henry was very fond of the environment and he would always explore and study the elements of nature. For instances in woods.  Although Henry is perceived for his environmental efforts, he started taking his political path more serious. Some of his literary work enclose the necessity of people bonding with the nature around them, that he would express mostly in his poetry.  "Our village life would stagnate if it were not for the unexplored forests and meadows which surround it." (Walden, Thoreau)
James Lovelock:
James states that environmentalism has “become a religion” He is known for his Gaia hypothesis that Earth is a self-regulating, single creature, additionally said that he had been excessively sure about the rate of an Earth-wide temperature boost in his previous book. He invented a device, that detect greenhouse gases which helped him recognize and find the hole in the ozone layer and it was the first practical sensitive detector. (argon detector)
George Bush:
Bush helped restore, protect and improve massive areas of wetlands by improving the water conditions and created different habitats for the wilds, through programs such as the Wetlands Conservation Act, setting goals to improve and protect the ecosystems and restore acres. “What I really think is going to happen over time is technology is going to change the way we live for the good for the environment.” Which shows more of a technocentric view. He also encouraged landowners in donating their properties for conservation purposes by increasing and expanding federal taxes.
Barack Obama: 
Barack Obama believes that “no challenge poses a greater threat to our children, our planet, and future generations than climate change” Obama has done more to help action against climate change while growing the economy and once pledged that "if Congress won't act soon to protect future generations, I will." For instance, he signed a bipartisan ban on microbeads found in hygiene or beauty products since its being consumed by ocean creatures and the marine life, which may put them in danger.
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