#and even though ian only does it bc he doesn't want mickey to go to juvie for killing frank
sluttymickey · 2 years
Hi Drish 🖤
So, when Mickey decided to not kill Frank, did he do it more because he didn't want to kill Ian’s dad or because Mickey never ever had in him the strength to kill anyone?
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Lots of luv 🖤
Hi Elisa!!🥰❤️ Sending love right back to you!!🥰
Tbh, I think even though Frank being Ian's dad might've played some part in it, it was mostly because Mickey could not get himself to kill someone in cold blood. That's just not who he is.
Up until the moment he starts walking behind Frank with his gun, he was acting on pure instinct and fear. Someone had seen him getting fucked by a guy. There was a very real possibility that Terry was going to find out about it. It was either get killed by Terry, or kill Frank. His only option was to kill Frank. That was the only thing running through his head as he looked for him all over the South Side.
But then he sees him, and he's walking behind him, he's got his gun ready, and he realises. He can't do this. He can't get himself to kill Frank just like that. That would make him no better than Terry. And Ian might never speak to him again.
He's so angry and frustrated. At himself for not being man enough to just do it and kill Frank. At his shitty situation. At how Ian betrayed him by tipping Frank off.
He tries to force himself to do it even though he's losing his nerve. But then he hears the sirens. He realises he does have another option and so he decides he's gonna fuck up his parole and go back to juvie instead of killing Frank.
What do you think!?👀
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gardenerian · 2 years
Mel, who of Mickey and Ian (or the extended fam) is doing these dumb relatable everyday human things?
* Pressing the elevator call button multiple times
* Admonishing that pressing the button a bunch of times doesn't make it come faster
* Switching lines at the grocery store and still getting stuck in the slow one
* Stomping on crunchy leaves on the sidewalk in fall
* Taking screenshots to look at later (they never do)
* Spending all day listening like a dog for the UPS truck (it doesn't come until 8 pm)
* Watching a movie on TV even though you can stream it without commercials
* Saving all the takeout condiments (will never be used)
* Circling the parking lot twice to get a better spot rather than walking an extra 20 feet
* Waving at a friend across the street except it turned out to be a stranger and now you gotta pretend to be stretching and God please strike me down now
* Forgetting to cancel a subscription, especially when you only signed up for the free trial
* Taking furniture left at the curb on trash day
* Reading the menu at a drive-thru, like why didn't you decide beforehand, it's McDonald's White Castle
* Farting and blaming it on the dog
LIZ I LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE! omg let’s do this:
lip does the elevator thing. he KNOWS it won’t come any faster, but he really thinks it should. for him.
i feel like this would happen to debbie a lot. franny rubs it in every time - “why’d we come over here? there’s no people over there” alsjskak
crunchy leaves is an ian move! he especially likes to crunch them while running. it makes him feel like a really fast dinosaur 🦖
screenshots is a tami thing. she screenshots hair ideas, memes to send mickey, text conversations as receipts for when lip tries to deny saying something. they often get buried under pictures of fred - except the receipts, those go in the favorites folder.
i was gonna say carl for this ups one, but i can kind of envision carl getting tired of waiting and then hopping on his bike to go find the truck
MICKEY BC HE IS AN OLD MAN and complaining about the commercials is part of the experience
this is a fiona move! she still saves everything in a drawer just in case 🥺
was gonna say ian, but i totally see him just going with it and waving at this person anyways aljdsk but debbie would melt into the sidewalk if it happened to her
ian!!!! he does this all the time!!!!!! ian you know you’ll never use the paid linkedin!!! don’t do it!!!
this feels like an s11 lip move, but now he only does this if it’s tami approved. which it’s not likely to be. lip that clearly has bedbugs.
liam! he likes to be sure of his options, okay? yes, he already knows what he wants. but he’s gotta doublecheck the prices and see if he can squeeze some extra fries out of this trip.
i think they’d all be pretty proud of their achievements in this regard… but maybe franny akjdsksk
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