#and dw!! i luv being called smooches ❤️
fatuismooches · 4 months
HII SMOOCHES (srry if you don't like being called that way!!) I just read the last request and couldn't stop myself from asking how dottore will revive reader, I need a little fic about it :((!!
(x) First, Dottore would need to find a way to preserve your body, since you're actually dead he can't keep you on a bed anymore obviously. The solution to this is something he's already had though, one of those large, glass containers/capsule things filled with water or perhaps another kind of liquid created to keep your body intact. He's used these devices to prevent other deceased test subjects from decaying, but he never thought he'd find himself putting you in one.
Needless to say, the research is grueling. It's no secret that bringing the dead back to life is a great sin, and even on the very rare chance one succeeds, the consequences are always dire and it never works out. However, Dottore will not fail. He has no room for failure. He has no time for it. He has already lost four hundred years, and he is not willing to waste anymore. He will bring you back as you were. Much experimenting is done on his subjects, of course. Unfortunately, his lack of expertise in this area causes more fatalities than he would have liked. However, anyone is expendable when it comes to you. Often when Dottore finds himself at his wit's end, he comes to stare at your nude body silently, ever the same as he left it. Even in death, your beauty is unparalleled. Though, unlike when you were sleeping, he does not find it in him to talk to your unmoving self, perhaps because a part of him cannot bring himself to face you.
When the revival finally happens, naturally both of you are happy at the reunion, though you are obviously quite scared and confused with many questions considering you were dead. Once again, he'll have to introduce you to the changed world. However, that can wait. You're just happy you're back with your beloved, and Dottore is too, from the way he holds your once unmoving body tightly to his. He doesn't need to tell you what he's gone through in order to reach this achievement because you already know. He may have slipped further into madness, but you still love him, don't you? Fate may tear you two apart, but you'll end up together. Always. Whether the gods like it or not, they don't have a say in the matter.
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