#and did the gas station food upset my stomach? for sure! did I romanticize the hell out of it while I ate anyway? absolutely!
candletrails · 3 months
not to sound like An Extremely Old Person Who Is Enamored With The Simplest Things, but people really had it right when they decided to take food outside. One of my favorite parts of my trip to England years ago was buying food and sitting in a park nearby. Packing lunch and eating beside a lake, the food somehow just tastes better. During lunch today, I walked down the street to the gas station, bought food, and ate it while walking back and it sounds so silly and simple but for real? Walking outside at a time when I don't usually get to walk outside? Eating warm food I just bought while it's breezy and cool out and I'm walking and looking at snow-covered mountains in the distance and a crisp blue sky scattered with wispy clouds, just taking my time, while people rush about around me? Truly, it is something else.
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