#and callum has so many other feelings he's trying to process and is accordingly a klutz with this one too
raayllum · 2 years
anyway because the inspiration and oneshot list grows every day here’s the updated list, in no particular order (all rayllum focused unless stated otherwise)
non rayllum
less: Claudia learns from Viren that Rayla was the one who killed him. She looks back on her decision to hand over the coins in a new light. Terry POV, Terry/Claudia, angst
pre-s4 (set during timeskip)
a frightening thought: Soren thinks he may be falling in love with Corvus. This is a problem for more reasons than one. Soren&Callum with equal Sorvus and Rayllum focus
Breathtaking: Ezran visits the Storm Spire three times. Callum does not.
i think i am finally clean: Rayla decides to go back to Katolis.
during s4
blink and you miss it (ch2-4; angst, hurt/comfort, some fluff)
i’d kill just to watch as you’re sleeping (ch2): Rayla tends to Callum post-possession until he wakes up, and a little bit afterwards. Also features Rayla&Zubeia talks (in between 4x04 and 4x05)
still left with his hands (ch3): Dolling out bedrolls in the Drakewood is easier said than awkwardly done. Missing scene from 4x05
i fell onto love like a sword (ch4): Thoughts once Callum comes back to rest after their “you need to kill me” conversation in 4x07. 
The Snitch: Ezran acts as Stella’s translator and Callum learns a little more about just how much Rayla loves him. Fluff
and if you find me, will you know me?: Callum finds out why Soren and Rayla were separated in the Drakewood, and Rayla has some reckoning to do. Angst hurt/comfort 
out damned spot: Callum finally learns why Rayla came back and wishes he hadn’t. Angst, hurt/comfort
(you’re) a crisis of my faith: As Stella’s connection to the Star arcanum grows, Rayla is haunted by dreams of the lives she could’ve had in contrast to the one she does. Possible three-shot depending on length
speculative s5
(this fall) might just kill me: At Rayla’s prompting, Callum goes to the Sunfire elves to attempt to purify himself from dark magic. It doesn’t go as planned. [Fluffier than it sounds I promise] 
i could dive so deep i never come out: Season five, featuring talks and Callum and Rayla on a boat. Fluff, hurt/comfort co-written with thosefiveadoraburrs
if it’s not you, it’s not anyone: Their Tidebound elf guide is a little too friendly towards Rayla. Callum doesn’t know how to feel about it, never mind what to do about it. co-written with thosefiveadoraburrs
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Chronicles of the Supernovas: Chosen
Chapter 6: Lost Children
“Help me….”
I paused and raised an eyebrow as I heard a voice. “Masami? Are you alright?” I glanced down the hall as my wife turned the corner from the kitchen. She pursed her lips as she handed me a bag full of food for our mission.
“I’m fine Callum. Are you ok?”
“Yes, I just thought I heard something. I thought you were asking for help with something. It might have just been nothing…”
“Are you sure? You have been off in your head a lot lately.”
‘That’s because I’ve been distracted by your secret.’ I brushed that thought away as I pulled her close and kissed her head. “Just really focused on work angel. Plus, I’m trying to plan out our anniversary. I think this mission is going to take some time. I’m afraid that I might miss it now.”
“Don’t you worry about that Callum. We have so many years of anniversaries to get through. Missing a few here and there will not ruin us. Besides, when you are done, we can go somewhere. This gives me more time to think of what to get you.”
“You never have to get me anything angel. Having you by my side has always been enough.” She giggled and snuggled into my chest as I kissed her head again. “I do hope this doesn’t take that long though.”
“When you get back we can continue our fun from earlier?” She looked up at me and batted her eyelashes as she stroked my beard. “That is if you aren’t too tired…”
“I always have enough energy for you Masami.” I lifted her up by her thighs and she wrapped her legs around my waist. “We could have a round right now if you’d like?”
“You have an assignment to do. I suggested when you come back so we can have a nice long loving session.” She kissed me gently before she got down from my arms. “You just let me know when you’re almost done. I’ll make your favorite.” 
“Ok angel...I’ll try to finish this quickly.” She gave me one last kiss before she waved at me as I went to the door. I stopped just before I grabbed the handle. I should ask her now, especially if we might miss our anniversary. The thought would pague me the entire time. It was now or never. I turned around quickly as Masami looked at me with a raised brow.
“Is something wrong?”
“Masami I…” Her gentle smile warmed my heart and I just couldn’t do it. I’d hate to confront her before I leave and we get into a fight about it. That was the last thing I wanted to happen between us. “I’ll miss you angel.”
“I will miss you too my love…” She blew me a kiss as I left our home. I teleported away to Lady Serafina’s temple to meet with the others. I heard Celica and Nim arguing with each other before I opened the door. Sighing deeply, I entered Lady Serafina’s throne room and smiled a bit at the bickering of Nim and Celica. Lady Serfina paid them no mind as she conversed with Ka’seem. I really wished that the two of them could get along when we aren’t on the field. They work exceptionally well together in a fight, but off field they are vicious. 
“Hey Callum! Ready to kick some ass?” I shook my head at Nerissa as she stretched out her legs on the floor. 
“I’m hoping that it won’t come to that honestly...the less fighting the better.”
“Oh there’s no fun in that…” She pouted like a child and I patted her head as I walked over to the others. Celica threw her hand up into Nim’s face effectively ending their squabble as she looked at me with a small smile.
“You all set to go Callum?”
“Yes I am. Are you?”
“Oh I’ve been ready to go. The dog was just giving me some “helpful” advice.” Nim was still seething as he growled low in his throat. “Oh? Something you have to say? Speak boy...come on I have a biscuit for you~”
“Listen you rat faced bitch! How about I put my foo-”
“Alright alright you two. Stop the fighting and let’s get going.” I turned Nim away from Celica and walked him over to Ka’seem and Lady Serafina. “You really need to stop letting her get to you. The both of you have been friends for far too long for this.”
“Friends? Tch...I wouldn’t even call us associates…”
“My apologies...I meant comrade in arms.”
“Yeah right…” He rolled his eye dramatically and I chuckled at his annoyed face.
“Come on Nim...I know that you at least respect her...somewhat…”
“I respect her skill as a fighter and status as a Goddess, but her personality is shit just like her fucking face. The woman is rotten to the core. It’s like her soul purpose in life is to be an annoying bitch.”
“Right…” I could feel the conversation going to a more negative place, but thankfully Ka’seem and Lady Serafina were done with their conversation. “Has there been any changes?”
“Nah...we’re all set to go. I just wanted to get a scope of the planet. I actually haven’t been here before, but that might have to do with Celica being stingy in her jurisdiction.”
“I just don’t want you running around my area and fucking something up.
“Hey...it’s not like I knew I was carrying an invasive species on my person….”
“It took years for that planet to recover Ka’seem. I don’t care if you and your pantheon show up in my jurisdiction. I just want you all to be more careful and aware.”
“Yes yes my bad..” Lady Serafina tucked away a planet she was constructing to address us. We lined up in front of her as she smiled at us.
“My Supernovas...I need you to exercise caution as you partake in this mission. We have no idea the scope of what the Darkness could be planning. I need you all to be through but also safe. I suspect that this is not one isolated incident. I have other things I must attend to with the other Gods and Goddesses. If you really need my assistance, you may contact me. Bring these poor beings back to their homes and families my Novas. I wish you all the very best of luck and look out for each other.” With a delicate twirl of her hand, Lady Serafina opened a portal leading to our destination.
“Thank you Lady Serafina!” We all coursed as one before we set out through the portal. After a brief blinding light, we found ourselves in a deep thicket of trees. Small creatures scurried away from us as we put away our weapons. The last thing we wanted was to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves. I handed the others their food from Masami and they tucked it away into the pocket dimensions we each had for our weapons. 
“Oh Callum...have I ever mentioned how much I love your wife and how she takes care of us?” I chuckled as Nerissa took a few bites of her food and moaned in happiness.
“All the time Nerissa.” Before Masami came into our lives we would pretty much be on our own in regards to food on our missions. Most of the time we just ate what was available, which was never the best and we ended up sick. It was a struggle not to eat everything at once. Everyone often tried to pick at their food so as not to eat it all. Nerissa was already struggling on that front.
“Callum, you’re still glowing…” Celica said to me as she walked over. “You look like a damn lighthouse…”
“Oh sorry...I always forget…” Our usual godly glow was not often noticeable when in our temples or realm of the Gods. Mortal beings always lost their composure when they encountered a God. If the Darkness was really here, then our presence had to be as masked as possible. “Let’s head out and meet back up in four hours.”
“Right…” Ka’seem and Celica followed me as Nim and Nerissa went in their own direction. It was a short walk to the...village, if you could even call it that. Most of the homes were damaged and in the process of walking apart. Beggars were leaned up against decayed buildings and others were drunk and stumbling down the streets. Most looked at us with cautious eyes and others just shot us dirty glares as we walked through the village. A few buildings seemed intact, and I nodded at Celica and Ka’seem and they broke off to gather information. I looked around trying to figure out the best approach so as not to scare them off. 
“Change sir?” Feeling a tug on my pants, I looked down at a man, who looked no more than thirty with rotting teeth and a crooked smile. “Money?”
“Oh of course…” I knelt down and put some money into his hands. His eyes widened before he laughed and coughed. He clutched his chest in pain for a second, and I frowned deeply in worry.
“Do you need medical assistance?”
“I need more money...you're gonna get mugged out here with that much money on you.”
“I will take my chances.”
“You aren’t from around here are you?”
“Is it that easy to tell?” I stood back up as he smiled darkly at me. I didn’t want to risk him attacking me this early on. “I thought I was being inconspicuous.”
“A funny guy...you won’t last here.”
“Why is that?” He narrowed his eyes at me when I asked and he scoffed and looked away from me. I probably shouldn’t push the question but I needed information. “Is there a reason I should be worried about? I figured this was a quiet place despite all the crumbled buildings and such.”
“Your curiosity could get you killed here…”
“Oh?” I knelt back down and looked him hard in the eyes as I pulled a large bag of money out. “If you tell me what I want to know...then I can easily get you off the street.”
“So paying me is how you want information?”
“It seems to be the language you want to speak. I’m just acting accordingly. Now...do you want the money or not?” I jiggled the bag in front of him as his frown deepened. 
“As much as it might seem that I want money...that isn’t what I truly want.”
“Well...what is it that you want?” I watched curiously as his face changed and a deep sadness displayed in his eyes. I figured he was lying, but now I knew that he wasn’t. I didn’t want to press further for his sake, but I knew it would hopefully solve both of our issues.
“I can help-”
“No you can’t!” He roared at me as he stood up. “No one gives a damn about this sad planet! Nor does anyone care for its people!” He spit at my feet and grunted angrily as he walked away.
“That could have gone better….” I rubbed my head as I walked deeper into the town to see if the others had any luck. I spotted Celica by a broken water fountain glaring down at a homeless man who glared right back. I walked up next to her and raised a concerned eyebrow at their silent contest.
“He’s thinking that he’s intimidating...but I can assure you that you’re not…” 
“Celica...stop it...I can see his breath….” Celica blinked hard and the air lost its chill. The man stopped his shivering but the glare continued nevertheless. “I think you should stop making my friend so angry...she gets rather unpleasant when she has her fits.”
“I do not have fits…” She scoffed at me and threw her hands on her hips. “I know that he knows something and he’s being a bitch about it.”
“The only bitch I see around here is you!”
“You little-” I pulled her away before her boot connected with the man’s face. Moving her behind a building, I gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. “I was only going to break him a little bit.”
”Low profile Celica….we need to find Ka’seem now. I haven’t seen him in quite some time.”
“He might have found something not in the town. Although there is something that I have noticed and I don’t like it one bit.”
“What would that be?” She crossed her arms and let out a breath as she gave me a hard, but worried look.
“I haven’t seen a single child…” My eyes widened as I turned and looked around the empty square. She was right. Even those who were homeless and poor, managed to have children of their own.   Seeing at least one child would have been preferred. Perhaps that is why it seemed eerily quiet in the town,  we were sent to a relatively populated area, but it seemed that it was not the case. 
“The Darkness….”
“It has been some time since the Darkness did anything with children. The thought of it is making me sick, and is making this a more urgent matter.” She shuffled in place before she huffed and walked off. “I’m going to check  that bar and see if I can find anything. Callum...we can’t allow the Darkness to massacre children again...not again.”
“I know Celica...go.” She nodded before heading to the bar. I wasted no time either as I went looking around the town. I needed someone, anyone to tell me what was going on in this place. The people on this planet are too closed off and scared. Whatever happened here happened recently, but it also gives us an advantage. There was still time to hopefully find the kidnapped children, and that was only if they hadn't been killed yet.
“Please…” I stopped as I heard a prayer pass through my mind. I stopped abruptly as I heard crying in a nearby alleyway. I furrowed my brow as I went to investigate it. I stopped as  I saw a woman in deep prayer with her face pressed into the dirt. I knelt beside her and placed my hand on her trembling shoulder, she didn’t even flinch as she kept saying her prayer.
“Ma’am...are you alright?” She finally looked up at me and her eyes shone with fresh tears ready to fall any second. “What is making you upset?”
“M-My son...he was t-taken from me…” I straightened my shoulders back as I frowned deeply.
“Who took your son?”
“It doesn’t matter. How would you be able to help me? No one cares about the people here...no one cares about my son!”
“I care ma’am. I specifically came here to assist the people here. Just tell me what happened to all of the children in this town.” I smiled at her to ease a bit of her worries and it seemed to work as she wiped her eyes and fully faced me.
“T-The children started being taken about a month ago. Men in dark clothes came and demanded that we hand our children over. Most of the adults offered themselves, but they were only interested in the children. Those that fought were killed quickly or injured for their actions. I tried to take my son and leave but...but I wasn’t quick enough.”
“I’m sorry…” She burst into tears again and my heart ached for her and the other parents that lost their children. “What did your son look like?”
“He...he has short curly hair like mine and bright g-green eyes. His name is Brian and he has a mole on his left shoulder. He’s a sweet boy...he doesn’t deserve this…”
“I will bring your son back to you...my friends and I will bring back all of the children who have been taken from their families.”
“W-What?” Her face betrayed the hope I could hear in her voice, but I smiled regardless and she gave me a weak one back. “You..you will? How?”
“My friends and I do deeds like this for a living. I will bring Brian back, I promise.” 
“Thank you! Thank you!” As I stood up, she knelt at my feet and cried harder. “Bless you sir...I thank the gods for your kindness!” 
“You don’t need to thank me. You just hold on a bit longer, that is all that I ask.” She nodded as I handed her a tissue and she wiped at her face. Leaving her alone, an unimaginable sadness flowed right through me. I knew that I should have never promised to bring her son back. The Darkness had always been an unhinged force. I know when we inform the others about the missing children they will all have the same thought.
Almost half of the missing...will be dead.
Next: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/653031863907221504/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/653031081005760512/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
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