#and b/c of that he ended up with a slow learner trate
tblsomedoodles · 6 months
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Me playing Rimworld like a scifi family simulator? never.
anyways, i've been playing far too much Rimworld so have some little doodles of my main couple's four kinda creepy kids lol. I will admit, "Feral" is technically his nickname, but i can't remember what they actually named him and i don't feel like booting up my game just to check.
Sandy and Feral are very close in age. Timothy is pretty close behind them, and Alice only just hit toddler stage recently. I was sooo worried about Timothy when he was tiny. B/c he was born sick, recovered from that only to catch malaria. Recovered from that and immediately caught the plague. he's alright now.
Sandy and Feral will sit on their dad's research desk to watch him work in game, and i think that's just the cutest thing, so i doodled that too.
fun fact! According to Alice's genetics, she's supposed to have purple hair, but she, instead, matches Timothy with his grey/white hair.
there's a lot of other kids running around my colony too, but they belong to others (one being just a clone lol). no joke, i think i have 5-6 adults and about 8 kids running around the place. it's chaos. i love it lol : )
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