#and are continually disappointed with how cr seems to be failing to meet that expectation
divinesouldariax · 6 months
the thing about The Characters is that everything other people get out of them is fine and cool, and the most important thing about any story is that people are having fun with it. HOWEVER my interpretation of The Characters and their relationships and themes is always correct.
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jungnoir · 7 years
jennie kim | you’re being kidnapped. well, it’s not really kidnapping if the girl doing the kidnapping is a 5′4 ball of badass who’s also your girlfriend and really bad at putting together romantic surprises but… semantics. | 2.7k words. | fluff, slightly suggestive, kinda bad girl au. for my girl @seoulscapes birthday and mini fantasy.
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You were not that kind of girlfriend. No, you hadn’t been that kind of girlfriend since sophomore year of high school when your then boyfriend had left you on read one too many times before you eventually got the hint. Practically, from that moment on, you were never the girlfriend to fret over a missed text or two. You were a “cool” girlfriend, you were a chill girlfriend, you were… you were…
What the hell, you really missed your girlfriend.
Your flushed skin is only cooled by the salt water air streaming through your hotel room window, your roommate fast asleep on the other queen-sized bed and snoring so loud you were sure the people of Busan could hear her from below, even as the night neared past midnight and your eyelids still wouldn’t fall shut. It had been a long day, one of your last on the school trip your creative writing professor had generously brought his students on, and you had been practically all over the Haeundae District with your fellow classmates for the last five blessed days. You had eaten amazing food, seen all the locals had to offer, and had leg muscle pain that would last you days. And yet, ever since Monday, when you’d all left the school to start the trip, the only thing your girlfriend Jennie had said to you was “Be safe!!!” with about four heart emojis at the end (a feat for her, she rarely liked to express herself via emoji).
Each day, you updated her as best you could in texts, going from paragraph long summaries to single sentences as the days stretched longer and longer and Jennie continued to not reply. You had assumed that maybe she was busy helping her dad at his repair shop, or maybe she was out spending some time with her friends for the first time in a while since you and Jennie had gotten together. It had barely been a year since you’d met the sultry-eyed girl with the cool exterior and you two spent more time together than you had expected to. It made sense.
But it was now Friday night and you’d be ending this wonderful trip tomorrow morning bright and early, and Jennie hadn’t interacted with you at all about it. Her username didn’t pop up in your snapchat notifications, she hadn’t liked any of the pictures you’d taken of you and your classmates touring the district, yet she had opened every single text of yours and simply… hadn’t replied. You tried not to let it wound your pride, but you had to admit it: your pride? Wounded.
A small sigh left your lips as you dropped your phone, dry of the notifications you really wanted, on to the beside table to your right, your body pushing itself upright and closer to the edge to peek out of the window. Where your hotel was positioned, there was a beautiful view of the beach, the one spot you had all missed a chance at visiting. Your professor had promised you could all come back for a strictly beach visit some other time, and you had tried to mask your disappointment when your dinner on the last day ran over until it seemed it was far too late to go to the beach, let alone by yourself. Quietly, you had resigned yourself to your living quarters and moped about as your roommate reassured you if you both got up early enough, she’d take you for a quick swim before the ride home.
You felt yourself getting even more restless as you imagined the feel of waves overlapping your skin, sand seeping between your toes as you embraced the warm summer full force, but instead you were stuck thinking of it and not experiencing it. It might’ve been a bit more bearable if your girlfriend would text you the hell back. 
You’re seconds from contemplating hitting your head against the wall to knock yourself out so you could stop thinking when you heard something familiar but quiet ring out in the room. 
You paused, looked behind you, and saw that a singular light lit up the room’s ceiling while your roommate snored on, unbothered. It wasn’t her phone, because you couldn’t see the background of her and her girlfriend on the screen. That meant that the phone currently lit up with a notification had to be… 
With a speed you didn’t even know you possessed, you threw your body across the bed and its messy sheets before you snatched up your phone, eyes flitting across the screen at incredible speed, only to be let down when you realized it was only a twitter notification and nothing more. You quickly cleared the message from your screen to look forlornly at your lockscreen: a picture of Jennie, red lips turned into a smoulder as you posed behind her with a peace sign, smiling wide and childish. That had been your first date, when she had picked you up on her very beloved motorcycle to take you for boba and a movie. You were really starting to miss that old thing, and the girl that commandeered it.
Before you could set your phone back down to try (and fail) to get some sleep, the phone lit up again, and your tired eyes were prepared to ignore another twitter notification when-
jennieee💕: open up, your girlfriend misses you
For a few moments, you stared wide-eyed at the message, hands slightly sweating as you held the phone as tightly as you could without crushing it within your palm. When you were sure the message was real and not a hallucination of your mentally exhausted state, you quickly typed back a reply.
you: what???
jennieee💕: I didn’t ride my bike all the way here for you to leave me standing outside your hotel door like a lost puppy :/ come on, a boy just walked by and asked if I was locked out and if I needed a bed for the night and I nearly kicked his ass
you: fuck hold on
Any other day or time, you might have cringed at the eagerness you exuded, attempting to get to the door of your hotel room like it would zip up and disappear from reality if you took too long. Your hand meeting the cool metal of the door handle barely registered as a sensation the moment you got the door open, and a very small part of you had been about to question if Jennie was simply cruelly tricking you or something.
And yet, when the door opens, there’s a very beautiful and smiling girlfriend of yours standing there, leather jacket donned along with her familiar outfit of a muscle tank and high waisted jeans sparking warm memories for you, her hands lazily shoved into the front pockets of said jeans. Her hair is wavy and tied up into a makeshift ponytail and you can tell she’s a little tired, but as soon as you make eye contact, her face lights up brighter than a star. “Well, ya gonna stand there or give your girlfriend a hug?”
You’re letting out a quiet gasp before pulling the girl into you, her body crashing into yours with a slight “oof” before her arms are shrugging off her backpack onto the floor and locking around your shoulders, her giggling, soft voice so very gentle as she murmurs sweet nothings to you. Like magic, the frustration and loneliness from earlier quickly melts into encompassing love, and all you want is to hold Jennie a little tighter, a lot longer. It’s almost embarrassing how much you missed her over a five day vacation, but you can’t find it in yourself to care.
“I’m sorry for not answering your texts. I swear, I can poker face it all I want but I can’t keep surprises for my life. I meant to get here earlier so we could go out to dinner or something but traffic… I’m sorry, my love.” She explains, attempting to pull back to look into your eyes. However, instead of letting her continue to speak, you plant a hard and dizzying kiss to her lips, making a noise of surprise fall past her lips to pass into yours. 
Her hands are cold but as they travel up your arms, you swear she leaves a trail of fire in her wake, making a shiver rip down your spine. You hadn’t realized how much you missed her touch, her voice, her presence, Jennie, so this was affecting you much more than what might have been appropriately accepted.
Psh, like you cared.
The only reason you two even stop kissing is because Jennie’s got to ask you something, her chunky boot keeping the heavy room door from shutting all the way and her fingers dancing up under your night shirt to run circles and figure eights over your soft skin, “You haven’t been to the beach yet, have you? I remember your very disappointed text… are you tired?”
“Not one bit.” Your reply in a honeyed voice, fingers grazing over her tanned cheeks that illuminate with an otherworldly glow from the sliver of light escaping from the hallway. “Especially now that you’re here.”
Jennie smiles, knowingly and cheekily, pulling you ever so closer, “Good. Cause I’m taking you somewhere.”
Your eyes widen a little, glancing toward the cracked door and then back to Jennie’s raised brows, “But I… I uh… we’re not supposed to leave the rooms past nine without our roommates. And I doubt Seungwan is in the mood to be woken up right now.” To further prove your point, you nod to the still loudly snoring girl, thrown haphazardly against her covers with a serene, almost childlike look on her face. 
Jennie doesn’t follow your line of sight, instead keeping her eyes locked on yours, the mischievous look on her face not disappearing for even a second, “I guess you can call this a kidnapping then. Won’t get in trouble for something you were forced to do, after all.”
Her eyes light up a little as she gives you a once over, and before you can reply to her, she’s tossing you your sandals that sit idly by the door, giving you only a few seconds to slip them on before she’s racing you down the hallway to the elevator, her quiet laugh ringing out in the quiet of the sleeping hotel and filling your chest with a warmth you’d missed terribly this week, a warmth only she could bring. You had your Jennie, and god did it feel good.
You wanted to ask how Jennie had managed to make the nearly five hour ride to Busan on only her motorcycle and still retain the energy to drive you to the beach, but every time you start to ask she shushes you with a soft look and an only slightly tired smile, closing her calloused fingers around yours a little tighter as you both made your way down the warm shore. 
The sand was becoming annoying, getting it’s way between your foot and the skin of your sandals, and after a while, you leaned down to take them off watching Jennie do the same with her boots as the water’s edge came closer and closer. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it here in time to take you out when the shops were still open. I would’ve gotten you boba and everything-” “Hey, you’re here. I’m more inclined to have a Jennie over boba, and you know how much I love boba.” 
She smiles sheepishly, mumbling “I know” under her breath. 
“I’m just curious,” you start, and she glances at you, trying to watch that the two of you didn’t step on anything sharp hidden in the sand, “Why have you ignored me all week? You haven’t answered one message.” You try to keep your tone as light and nonchalant as possible, quiet fear sneaking into your tone as you ask. 
She laughs, and you’re almost offended, until you realize it’s not at you. You can see the sheepish look on her features even in the limited light guiding your way down the beach, “God, uh… well, my dad told me I had to work overtime if I wanted to leave work early yesterday, so I didn’t really have that much time between work, school, and sleeping. I’m sorry… I should have replied. Anything would have sufficed. I really wanted it to be a surprise but I didn’t really trust myself not to give it away before I even had a chance to surprise you.”
Your heart, much against your will (but hey, you can’t really blame it, can you?), comes to stutter in your chest, your breath taking its sweet time to leave and enter your lungs when you hear Jennie’s confession. “O-overtime? Just to come and see me?”
“Well fuck babe, I know I’m not the most romantic person on earth, but any idiot in love would at least try to come see their girlfriend on the day of their anniversary.”
Oh. Oh. Oh boy.
Jennie looks over at you when you’re close enough to the water for the waves to gently lap at your toes, “Wait, what? What’s the look for?”
You really don’t know how you had missed it with the way you’d been forlornly thinking of the girl for the majority of the week, the date completely leaving your mind and being replaced with only a want for Jennie to give you any sign she missed you as much as you hoped she did. Of course it was your anniversary, of all times for you to forget the first time you’d been taken on a date by the beautifully windblown girl pulling up to your dorm on a roaring motorcycle, it had to be this week. You had booked to go on the Busan trip not even thinking about what weekend it was.
Immediately, you throw your arms around the girl, hugging her tightly despite her hands being glued to her sides by you. “I didn’t even realize what day it was… I’m sorry, Jennie. You’re the best girlfriend ever.”
Jennie blinks, turning her head as much as she’s able with you immobilizing her, “You think I’d be mad at you for that? You’ve wanted to go to Busan for months. I’d be an ass to be mad at you for that.”
“But you came all this way-” “And I’m here now,” she expertly wiggles out of your koala-like grip, leather clad arms coming to hook around your shoulders and hands clasping behind your hair, “and you know now. Besides, it’s not even our anniversary anymore, so technically we’re both late.”
You giggle into her shoulder, squeezing her a little tighter around the middle, “You’re staying the night with me, by the way. I don’t care if we get caught, I’m not letting my amazing girlfriend sleep in a cold hotel bed all by herself after coming all the way to see me.”
Jennie chuckles into your hair, fingers carefully running through the curly mane, “I think I might be a bad influence on you.” 
You reach your hands up to her shoulders and sneak your hands underneath the slightly large material of her jacket to slip it off her shoulders, revealing her soft skin underneath, arms uncovered and the only thing separating you two now was the peskily loose tank she wore and your own night shirt. You toss her jacket away and reach for the hem of your shirt, grinning when her eyes widen and sparkle a little. 
“Baby, we’ve been together for a year and you still don’t know? You don’t have to influence me at all.” 
Jennie watches you strip with her cherry red lip tucked between her teeth, your now half naked form backing slowly into the alluring waters and drawing her in all the more. She makes quick work of her own clothes to join you, shaking her head as your hands find hers and pull her back into you, the ocean lapping at your bottoms and sending chills along your skin.
You smile up at her and hook a hand around her neck, pulling her down with an annoying patience that has her barely suppressing a whiny growl in her throat, “Happy one year, Jennie.” 
Jennie grins back, dominant hand cupping your chin while her other playfully roamed further and further down your back, “Best damn anniversary yet.”
a/n: happy birthday girl!! it’s been almost/around a year since we first started talking on this website and I’m still so glad to have become a good friend of yours. you’ve helped me through quite a few confusing and frustrating times in life and you’ve always had a word of wisdom for me when it all felt too tough. I love you, and so does jennie~
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