#and all i do is say ''okay ill look fir x y z and give it back''
romanticrobot · 2 years
Have you ever met someone who is the human embodiment of a question mark because you literally just cannot understand for the life of you why they act the way they do. like their behavior literally makes you question your own sanity
Needless to say I finally blocked this person
#im talking about my ex gf#she still tries to text me#and one minute sge'll be asking fir more random shit back to sell it#but she'll tell me to keep gifts she gave me#then she'll be really nice and ask me how school is going/holidays/how my family is#and then ill respond with something mundane but cordial like ''yeah im doing well and enjoying my break''#and then the next day i'll tell her my mom is bringing her the thing she asked for so she doesnt...#...have to stop by my house for convenience bc she always used to complain about gas money to & from her job to my house to her house#and she gives me passive-aggressive one-word answers as if she's mad at me even tho i literally did not start the conversations or...#...say anything remotely rude or passive aggressive to her to begin with#she did stuff like this when we were dating too#she'd get nad at work n come home & give me the cold shoulder or yell at me even tho i hadnt even seen her that day#then turn around be nice to her friends invite ne with them and theyd all ignore me the whole time#i literally do not understand#i know its gaslighting it its like...the most confusing gaslighting shit ever bc i literally havent started any if these texts convos#its all her#and all i do is say ''okay ill look fir x y z and give it back''#and every two weeks she'll think if something else for me to hive her as an excuse to either see me or text me & act like this#girl i dont want you back you are a not nice person#why do i wanna get back with someone who treated ne like a vermin & wouldnt let ne enjoy things
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