#and after trying to implement them go...'nope. nope the OG scene was there for a reason' and wind up going back to the OG just shorter
silver-wield · 1 month
You think they’re going to somehow implement affection mechanics in the last game? I personally doubt it. Affection levels stopped changing after a certain point before the GS in OG; we are going to be losing Cloud with his fractured persona very early in the next game; and to top it all off, we can no longer make Cloud say dialogue that’s OOC when his real self is restored. Those that want affection levels are, sorry for being mean about this, coping for a LA Highwind scene which seems both extremely unlikely and also is misread by many people as if it’s a rejection from Cloud, when it isn’t; it’s a failure on the player’s part to make both characters comfortable with expressing the FULLEST extent of their feelings to each other. But it doesn’t stop the outcome we see in the Compilation where they are living together and raising adopted children.
Also, trying to implement affection levels for a third time would mean including it on other characters, which would mean more special cutscenes that don’t happen in OG, which then isn’t necessary because Cloud’s relationships with the rest of his companions were not a big focus for the rest of the late game since they’re already defined before and during GS. I don’t know though, I guess I just see the last game being a lot more focused on the main plot than having a similar amount of minigames that Rebirth and Remake offered us.
Apologies for the really long ask, but I wanted to get my thoughts out there and possibly hear someone else’s perspective. Whether or not you answer this, thank you and have a wonderful day!
Nope. Part three is real Cloud, and the only event involving affection is between him and Tifa. I hope the devs finally figure out how much we hate that high/low shit and give us a straight scene between them so those losers finally stfu.
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thegirlwholied · 3 years
math can in fact lie to you because being 5% done with something sounds yikes and being 1/20th of the way is more of an "oh, hey"
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