#and Vash's VA GOES SO HARD
otomegema ยท 1 year
If ya'll ever wanna hear your boys (Vash and Wolfwood Japanese VAs) say highkey romantic shit to yah, look up the scenes of Shu from the otome game Bustafellows (for Wolfwood) and Akaza from Olympia Soiree (for Vash).
I clocked the voice actors of two of my fav otome bois immediately.
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azurexsnake ยท 1 year
๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ›ก๐ŸŽคโœˆ๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ค for you and Vash!!
Oh geez, I wasn't expecting all that. Here we go~
๐ŸŽค: Describe your f/oโ€™s voice
This is honestly so vague. Like in bed? Normally? How would I describe Vash's voice... hmmmm.... well, the voice in my head is his JP VA, in a literal sense. But his voice as it is, hmm..... It's goofy and sweet at its core, just like him. Soft. He's a very thoughtful person, sometimes too much so for his own good, as we all know. But you really get a sense for it if you listen to him talk for an extended period of time, just how deep that softness goes. And how much hurt there is beneath that as well. He makes me cry a lot without meaning to. Part of being an empath a little bit lol He has firmer moments, too, where he's more assertive. Mostly when he's being protective, where his voice deepens down. When he whispers, too. That does things to me. It's somehow... idk how to say it, but it's hot. Like really, really attractive. Like makes me weak in my knees. He knows it. I know he knows it. But he doesn't abuse it and I wish he would more cuz.... he sounds really good when he whispers, or just speaks quietly.
๐Ÿ’ค: Do you sleep together? If so, describe your sleeping positions and patterns (E.g. who steals the blankets, are either of you insomniacs, etc.)
I'm the night owl and Vash is a restless sleeper. Any little thing and he pops right up, like he's always got one eye and one ear open. I end up waking him a lot and I feel bad cuz he deserves his rest. I only crawl into bed when I'm really ready to sleep then so we can actually get some shut-eye together, otherwise I'm off doing my own thing and letting him snooze on his own so I only have to wake him up once. He's thankfully not very warm-bodied cuz I produce enough heat for the both of us tbh. We usually end up cuddling each other facing forward on our sides and get all tangled up that way. We don't do a lot of spooning honestly. Once in a blue moon. Or he'll sleep on his back and I'm on his chest. I can't sleep on my back- usually, we only end up just cuddling that way, not sleeping, but on the off chance it happens and I do fall asleep, Vash takes full advantage of making a pillow out of me. And honestly? Fair. It is honestly a lot easier to fall asleep that way with his weight on top of me. It's comforting.
๐Ÿ›ฉ: Where would the two of you go on your honeymoon?
On Noman's Land? Ship 3, but to make it my permanent home, cuz it's much safer, and Vash wants me to be as safe as possible. In a modern au, somewhere tropical, cuz I think he'd appreciate it and I'm not picky tbh. Even though he makes a huge deal about being the one to choose cuz he wants me to be 10000000% satisfied in every way possible, but like, I really just don't care so long as I get to be there with him. So I make him decide on at least a general locale. I think Fiji, so we can island hop and make a stop in New Zealand for a bit cuz I have always wanted to go. Compromise, see? He's happy with that.
๐Ÿ›ก: Whoโ€™s the more protective one?
I want to say me, but def him. Vash is more physically protective, cuz I am just factually weaker than he is. He'll always insert himself between me and things he doesn't like. There's never a moment I don't feel safe with him, and I kinda wish that was equalized a bit more but like, he's Vash the Stampede ;w;
๐Ÿ’”: Is it hard being away from each other?
It is cuz he's trouble and I worry. And it kinda ties into him being more physically capable of handling himself. Like yea, he'll probably be fine, but there's always a chance something happens, and what would I be able to do about it? Makes me nervous. At least when he's around, I can keep an eye on him, like being able to breathe normally again knowing he's safe for a change. And obviously I just miss him :< Same goes for him in that he misses me. Traveling around Noman's Land is just a little too much and he'd rather I be safe than in danger with him. But it's still not an easy choice. When you're used to being alone, and then you're not after so long, and then you go back to loneliness again, even if it's for the sake of someone you love, it's just painful.
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