#and I’m so jealous everytime I walk past because it’s all wooden and retro and huge and there’s roaring fireplaces everywhere
OKAYYYYY SO, y’all remember a few days back I was complaining about that large film crew coming to our town and filming for three months and you literally couldn’t step outside without feeling like Brendan Fraser on the set of Looney Tunes: Back In Action!
Well, today I was doing my usual bit at my job (kinda a stand up comedian on a microphone to a hundred people on a steam train every day? Eh. Idk it’s a niche role) and there’s these interesting passengers on board just totally engaging with me and making the day all the more fun
WELLLLL I got to talking to one of the guys and he’s like, “Yeah, we’re the crew of the film set. Just coming out to feel the vibes of the area through the train.”
And I was like oh fuck I just shamed these guys online a few days ago lmao gotta backtrack now and be nice since they’re audience members/passengers
Well well well, I actually have a blast with them all day, got a standing ovation all that jazz, and at the end they all hugged me and said my vibe was awesome and asked if I’d be keen to come work on set for a few weeks
Naturally my bard senses tingled and I decided that sounded awesome so I was like “HELL YEAH!” so I gave them my number and I guess I work for a tv show now too
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