#and Coby not having one as a switch on the whole ‘captain with a devil fruit and second in command without one’ dynamic
robinchan-hananomi · 2 years
So One Piece 1059…like holy shit!
One thing I love about post arc chapters is both the info dumps and the change of focus. We see what is going on in the rest of the world, not just the Strawhats.
So first we return Marco home and get the amusing scene of the Red Haired Pirates and Marco all teasing Shanks for being immature. One of the best things about the series is how many of the older characters emphasize the importance of the younger characters. Shanks, Marco, Whitebeard, Roger, Rayleigh, Shakky and the others have already set the stage and have, for the most part, had their adventures. The older characters aren’t going to be on the world stage much longer and they keep emphasizing the importance of the younger generation to change the way the world works.
Marco thinks about that moment when Green Bull leaves Wano. Yamato has decided to remain in Wano to protect it from invaders to Luffy and Sanji’s disappointment. Zoro points out that Yamato needs to be cautious of Mimi’s pride, which is why Yamato says he is staying to explore Wano first before setting out to sea. I do like the clarification here and it was honestly the outcome I had hoped for when Yamoto first teamed up with Luffy.
After we switch gears to Amazon Lily where we get another flashback to a series of events. Coby and Hancock continue to fight from what we saw a while back. However the conflict gets even more complicated when Blackbeard arrives.
Thanks to this three way stand off we learn a few interesting facts. The first is Hancocks’s Devil fruit is not transferable. As in the states that she leaves people in cannot be undone by anyone else. So first, it isn’t like An’s devil fruit where the moment Zoro knocked her unconscious it returned everyone back to their proper age, or like Moriah’s where his defeat allowed everyone’s shadow to return to them. Hancock has to be the one to release them of her own will.
We also learn a bit more about the Rocky Port incident. So Blackbeard was there and the aftermath allowed him to take over an island. Interesting.
We also learn the Navy has new pacifestas. These aren’t like the last set. These are new, looking like young Mihawk and young Hancock crossed with lumarian dna. Well then. We are told that the completion of these weapons are what probably allowed Issho to finally get rid of the warlords since they are meant to replace them. It also makes me even more sure that Vegapunk needs to be removed from the equation.
Thankfully Rayleigh is able to end the whole thing peacefully, at least on the Kuja pirates side. Shakky arrives and we get confirmation that she was the pirate empress who left for love (and since she is married to Rayleighhe is the man she left for). Hancock knows that as long as she remains there she will continue to draw the Navy’s attention.
Unfortunately it’s not a peaceful end for everyone though because as he left, Blackbeard decided to kidnap Coby which yeah, fuck him! I wonder where this is going to go. The Strawhats are bound to see it in the paper. Is Zoro and Luffy going to want to divert course to save their friend? And is Blackbeard going to keep the young Captain for whatever reason or turn him over to cross guild…which if he does the that reunion with Alvida will be something. Hell if Axe Hand Morgan joined then we would have Helmepoo’s goal of arresting there too. I wonder where that loser washed up two years ago? Think we’ll see Morgan again?
Anyway it was a fantastic chapter
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