#amina el magrahbi
st4rry-sh4rkz · 1 year
Modern MMU Headcanons
Ok let’s start with Daisy:
she plays electric guitar but doesn’t rlly tell anybody so when Hazel went over her house she just pulled out an electric guitar, did a kickass riff and Hazel was just like:    what.
defo listens to rlly loud thrash music that would break her eardrums 
but is also a clairo stan 
she relates to class of 2013 on a PERSONAL LEVEL 
her style is either light academia or like cottagecore lesbian??
her room is messy but she knows where everything is and refuses to clean it because “it helps her work”
it doesn’t 
has posters over every inch of her walls but they don’t make any sense because there will be like an ominous detective poster right next to a saiki k poster 
she defo watches saiki k as a comfort anime
refuses to wear AirPods or wire headphones and will only wear a rlly chunky pair of classic headphones 
a major procrastinator 
wears SO MANY RINGS omfg 
is actually a rlly talented artist but doesn’t tell many ppl and Bertie is one of the only ones who knows so he hangs up her drawings in his bedroom
Bertie also def bought her a pride flag to put in her room bc ✨supportive older brother✨
keysmashes (Hazel doesn’t understand them at all)
she became the cool mum friend because she didn’t have a mother figure
but then realised nobody else in the friend group had one either 😭
Hazel nowww:
a bake off stan (I saw it on somebody else’s post idk who)
def got daisy into watching k dramas and now they binge them together
plays piano
listens to romantic music from the 60s-80s 
especially Good Old-Fashioned Loverboy by Queen bc it reminds her of Alexander 
also a Beatles stan 
I think she would either dress comfy and oversized OR be light/dark academia
her room is so clean omfg 
she tried to help daisy clean but it didn’t end well
if there is a party in the friend group Hazel WILL be bringing the home cooked food 
Pinterest addict (you know I’m right)
is supposed to wear glasses but doesn’t most of the time
her room is just COVERED in bake off merch
prolly started a homework club 
but now everyone just goes to hang out
will never swear and hasn’t at all 
won’t admit it but is actually rlly good at painting her nails
and everybody in the dorm convinces her to paint theirs 
is the girlboss guru of the friend group
does everybody’s winged eyeliner 
tries to do group therapy sessions but everybody just ends up venting 
she’s GIVING pansexual energy and I can’t explain it 
def listens to doja cat and nicki minaj 
the kind of person to impulsively dye her hair when something goes wrong
like she’ll walk into the room with neon green hair and everybody will be like OMFG WHATS WRONG DO U NEED A THERAPY SESSION
her style is prolly streetwear 
sneaks out all the time
but daisy always catches her and lets her go anyways 
her room is messy and she always attempts to clean it and fails miserably 
uses slay and girlboss ironically and her and daisy talk fluently in gen z 
this confuses Hazel and annoys Lavinia
would rock up to a party in a suit
but the next day wear a dress
gives relationship advice to everybody who will listen
is a sarcastic gay
istg she will have ALL the rainbow merch
she loves reading but doesn’t tell anybody
she usually reads by torchlight but everybody has caught her doing it by now
dyslexic af
when she texts with horrible spelling the others just have to deal with it
the only person in the homework club to actually do work 
idk why but she seems like a trans girl???
kitty does her makeup 
she def listens to cavetown with alexander 
it helps her sleep
her style is probably comfy clothes with cute animals on them and stuff 
she also started wearing beanies as a joke but now has a whole collection
attempted to sneak out with kitty but they ended up just lying on the grass watching the stars
relationship goals 
unironically uses lol in conversations 
the most innocent of the friendgroup
binges Saiki K with daisy while they do each other’s nails 
is a cat person and wants to own at least 4 in the future 
has a rlly neat room to everybody’s surprise
but it turns out she invites Hazel over regularly to help her clean it and so they can watch bake off together 
she knows about daisy being rlly good at art so sometimes they go over each other’s house and just draw the whole time 
is terrified of dogs 
allergic to cats 
it’s an inside joke that she starts pretending to sneeze when near kitty 
paints her nails black 
pretends to listen to rlly loud rock music and will blast it in the room
but secretly listens to the Beatles with Hazel because it helps her sleep 
plays the drums (this is a FACT)
tried to make a band with daisy and Hazel and Alexander 
it didn’t work out 
her style is prolly streetwear and she wears SO MANY NECKLACES 
her rooms messy af but nobody’s been over her house cuz they know about her family issues 
watches demon slayer 
Hazel is terrified of her cuz she thinks that it’s way too gory 
this is one of the reasons why she watches it 
she actually has a soft spot for little kids 
and decided to become a babysitter but instantly regretted it 
sneaks George into the dorms CONSTANTLY 
the girls aren’t surprised anymore when they wake up and Lavinia and George are sitting cross legged on the floor debating communism 
this is a regular thing
worked at Starbucks but is rlly bad at customer service 
Swears SO MUCH and Hazel is just like:
ok so now Alexander:
trans boy?? I think so
he def struggled with toxic masculinity but George and Hazel and kitty helped him out 
now he paints his nails with Lavinia n Hazel 
started listening to Taylor swift as a joke but now is lowkey obsessed and debates with George about the best era (obviously reputation)
also listens to cavetown w beanie
his style is def oversized jumpers and dark academia 
Hazel also helps him clean his room so it’s usually neat af
he has cavetown posters everywhere 
his comfort song is This is Home
him and George helped the girls write a petition to start the Deepdean GSA
it was successful 
him and Hazel spend so much time planning their life together it’s rlly wholesome 
the girls have heard it so much they are willing to disagree 
he plays bass guitar and was in the band (he also sang alongside daisy)
they broke up cuz he argued w Daisy SO MUCH 
he wears contacts most of the time but Hazel thinks he looks cute w glasses so he’s started wearing them more often
He enjoys scrapbooking but nobody knows except Hazel 
plays the trumpet 
only to annoy Lavinia because whenever he sees her he’ll start playing Careless Whisper 
is a major Taylor Swift stan 
he thinks reputation is the best era AND HE IS RIGHT 
didn’t want to be a part of the band because he already knew how it was gonna end 
a master at sneaking into the girls dorm
or so he says (he actually just wakes everybody up)
his style is just whatever he’s feeling at the moment which leads to some questionable fashion choices 
he’s the kind of guy to wear a nirvana band shirt and then when asked if he can name songs (he’s a major nirvana fan) he’ll start naming ac/dc songs just to piss ppl off
he says he won’t get political and then starts ranting about the corrupt government 
it doesn’t help that Lavinia encourages him
actually enjoys baking and will go over hazels house to bake stuff w her 
because daisy is a terrible chef 
her style is rlly confusing cuz she’ll dress fem one day and then be masc the next 
her and daisy need to get a room, according to the ENTIRE FRIEND GROUP
listens to girl in red unironically 
also sneaks into the girls dorm room
it’s just normal in there to wake up and Amina, George and Alexander will already be there
she plays acoustic guitar but just doesn’t tell anybody except daisy n Hazel 
actually a rlly talented singer 
her room is so tidy but nothing makes sense 
she keeps rats as pets especially the ones w red eyes 
this terrifies daisy (and everybody else) on so many levels 
also wears SO MANY RINGS
her and kitty are rlly good friends 
even if she’s also allergic to cats
She doodles on herself when she’s bored and started drawing daisies up her arms 
She is def a theatre kid
Daisy & Amina:
They go to feminist marches and pride parades together
they sneak out together ALL THE TIME
they have cute lil picnics in the flower fields n they make daisy chains together 
Amina’s big spoon (you know I’m right)
daisy tried to teach her gf how to dance but they ended up just falling over each other in a pile of laughter 
Amina calls daisy flowergirl as a pet name 
the others place bets on how many times flowergirl is gonna be said 
Kitty always wins
they’ve been to a girl in red concert together 
Bertie was def the first person to know they were dating 
they do each other’s makeup 
they decorated the dorm rooftop with fairy lights and blankets so they could sneak out there and fall asleep under the stars
they always know exactly what to get each other for valentines 
so daisy and Amina both individually give advice to the other couples 
except daisy charges money 😭
They braid each other’s hair and doodle on each other when they’re bored
Hazel and Alexander:
Hazel constantly steals Alexander’s jumpers 
they have a scrapbook together 
Alexander worked as a florist for a short period of time and sent Hazel flowers everyday with poems
They always try to outdo daisy and Amina in couples competitions 
daisy and Amina always win tho cuz they’re super competitive 
they insist on going into photo booths  together whenever possible so they can get pics for the scrapbook 
Alexander is big spoon obv 
They adopted a cat together but still can’t decide on the name
daisy thinks they should name it after her 
they’re def not doing that 
Hazel bakes cakes every year for her bfs birthday 
Daisy attempted to do it for Amina one year but miserably failed 
Alexander tries to carry Hazel but almost drop her every time
They have rlly complex secret handshakes
Kitty and Beanie:
Beanie used to go to Kitty for relationship advice even tho it was Kitty she was crushing on
the first time they kissed was when beanie was in the middle of confessing to her 
Beanie has night terrors and trouble sleeping so Kitty sings to help her fall asleep
they didn’t have to tell anybody they were dating
they just randomly started kissing each other and nobody questioned it 
Kitty’s big spoon 
Lavinia did start wondering why Kitty stopped sleeping in her own bed and would wake up in Beanies 
she never asked tho 
They go on shopping sprees together 
Kitty def does beanies makeup and teaches her how to do rlly intricate hair styles 
George and Lavinia:
Lavinia gets a lot of shit for dating a non white man obvs 
they get through it tho 
they stay up rlly late debating their existence in the universe and politics 
This annoys everybody except Hazel and Alexander who think it’s pretty cute 
When Lavinia worked at Starbucks George would order a drink everybody but she would make sure to pronounce his name wrong every time
“Can… Jorge? … collect his order please?”
George loved her for that
They’re annoying at road trips cuz if you pass them the aux you better prepare for horrible renditions of Taylor swift songs 
They once turned up to the school dance with George wearing a dress and Lavinia wearing a suit
they enjoy breaking gender norms cuz who doesn’t 
they paint each other’s nails 
George leaves random post it notes for Lavinia to find when he stays over at the dorm
If the other girls or Alexander find them they get so confused 
Alexander would find one and be like:
“George why are you confessing your love to me? I have a girlfriend??”
“Ohhhh this is for Lavinia. Got it.”
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