#american economcs
businessbigwigs · 2 years
Ticketmaster Involved in Antitrust Suit
Antitrust Suit Alleges Ticketmaster Retaliates Against Performers
Ticketmaster and Live Nation should not have been allowed to merge, according to an antitrust suit put before the Justice Department. In 2010, live events organizer Live Nation and online third-party ticket-seller Ticketmaster merged to become Live Nation Entertainment, commonly still known as Ticketmaster. It was a controversial situation at the time, with performers and others in the industry…
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ferrrnandope · 4 years
very important vid :)
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implexis · 3 years
Jan 2  In Russia, President Yeltsin follows the advice of an American economist, Jeffrey Sachs, and institutes "shock therapy" toward the creation of a free market economy. He will allow prices to rise to three to ten times previous levels on nearly all consumer products, while there will be no concomitant rise in wages.
Jan 13  Japan's government apologizes for the old empire having forced Korean women into sexual slavery.
Jan 15  Slovenia and Croatia are recognized as independent by the 12-nation European Community.
Jan 16  El Salvador's conservative government and rebel FMLN leaders have concluded an agreement that ends eleven years of civil war.
Feb 3  The recycling of trash begins in Portland, Oregon.
Feb 7  The Treaty of Maastricht (in the Netherlands) moves what had been the European Community toward what will now be the European Union. The treaty forms a basis for cooperation in foreign and defense policy, judicial and internal affairs and the creation of an economic and monetary union, including a common currency. A bumpy ratification by member states follows.
Feb 12  Mongolia's constitution is ratified, marking the official beginning of the republic's multi-party political system.
Feb 21  The UN Security Council resolves to send a peacekeeping force to Yugoslavia.
Feb 25-6  Armenians have been warring in a dispute over territory with Azerbaijani. The Armenians are largely Christian, the Azerbaijani largely Shia . An Armenian force kills 613 Azerbaijani civilians in the town of Khojaly. The Armenians will complain that the Azerbaijani did not allow the civilians to leave the area of battle and that Azerbaijani soldiers intermingled with civilians. Others will claim that this is no excuse.
Feb 26  In Ireland a Supreme Court ruling allows a 14-year-old rape victim to travel to England to have an abortion.
Mar 9  The People's Republic of China ratifies the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Mar 17  A suicide car-bomb goes off in the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 and injuring 242. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility.
Apr 6  The Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina proclaims its independence from Yugoslavia.
Apr 8  The US recognizes the independence of Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The European Community joins in recognizing the independence of Bosnia-Herzegovina. In rural Bosnia-Herzegovina Christian Serb forces are fighting local Muslims, and Serbian troops have begun besieging Bosnia-Herzegovina's main city, Sarajevo. What will be called the Bosnian War has begun.
Apr 26  A jury has found the Los Angeles police officers accused of excessive force against Rodney King not guilty.
May 2  Troops from the 7th Infantry Division and 1st Marine Division arrive in Los Angeles after four days of rioting. It will be estimated that approximately 3,600 fires have been set and 1,100 buildings destroyed, between 50 and 60 people killed and as many as 2,000 people injured. Much looting has occurred. Stores owned by Korean-Americans and other Asians have been targeted. Stores owned by whites and blacks have been destroyed. Street gangs have found opportunity to settle old scores.
May 12  The International Herald Tribune reports economic trouble in Russia: The output of goods has fallen "by an estimated 18 percent" and the "entrepreneurs being spawned in Russia today are mainly black marketers or corrupt officials who have stolen state property... The economic outlook is bleak for all except hustlers and fast-ruble artists."
National Debt as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, an issue in the US presidential race.
Jun 1  Japan's stockmarket index, the Nikkai 225, has fallen nearly 60 percent from its high of nearly 40,000 on December 29, 1989, to around 16,000. (It would be down to 7,568 in 2009.) Companies, banks and securities companies, loaded with cash, have created an investment bubble that has broken. Land prices in major cities have been falling since early 1990. Japan's economc growth has been zero since 1991, down from 7 percent in the 1980s.
Jun 19  President Bush and Bill Clinton have won primary elections for the presidential nomination of their respective political parties. A poll lists a still undeclared independent, Ross Perot, as beating President Bush, 39 to 31 percent, with Bill Clinton finishing third at 25 percent. Perot has been expressing his desire to see the budget deficit put under control and the tax system reformed.
Jul 16  At the Democratic National Convention, Bill Clinton, 45, is nominated for US President. Tennessee Senator Al Gore is his vice-presidential running mate.
Aug 19  To protect Shiites in southern Iraq, the US, Britain and France agree on a plan to shoot down Iraqi military aircraft that enter a zone that begins just south of Baghdad.
Aug 20  At the Republican National Convention, President George H.W. Bush and Vice President Dan Quayle are chosen again to lead their party.
Sep 18  Undaunted by Perot's withdrawal from the race for president, his supporters get his name on the ballot in all 50 states.
Sep 23  A Provisional Irish Republican Army bomb destroys forensic laboratories in Belfast.
Sep 24  The Kentucky Supreme Court rules that laws criminalizing same-sex sodomy are unconstitutional and predicts that other states will agree.
Oct 1  Ross Perot re-enters the race for the presidency.
Oct 9  In Peekskill, New York, a 13-kilogram (29-pound) meteorite destroys a Chevy Impala parked in a family's driveway.
Oct 31  Pope John Paul II apologizes and lifts the Inquisition's edict against Galileo Galilei.
Nov 3  Bill Clinton wins the presidential election with 43 percent of the vote. George H.W. Bush gets 37.4 percent and Ross Perot 18.9 percent. Many others divide 4.7 percent of the vote, including Harold Stassen on his 9th run. The Democrats will control both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Nov 11  The Church of England votes to allow women to become priests.
Dec 3  UN Security Council unanimously passes Resolution 794, to send peacekeepers to Somalia to establish order and make possible famine relief.
Dec 4  President Bush announces Operation Restore Hope: troops to Somalia under the aegis of the United Nations.
Dec 6  Thousands of Hindu militants destroy the mosque Babri Masjid, which they believe was built upon a Hindu temple and where Rama of the Ramayana was born.
Dec 9  In India, waves of shootings, stabbing and arson occur as Muslims respond to the destruction of the mosque Babri Masjid.
Dec 9  A UN force, prepared for stealth and combat, lands in an early morning darkness on the shore by the city of Mogadishu, greeted by international media and lighting for cameras. The US troops are joined by soldiers from Australia, Belgium, Botswana, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Kuwait, Morocco, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and Zimbabwe.
Dec 27  Russian military and intelligence installations remain in the now independent Baltic states, and most of the people in these states are unhappy about it. Unhappy too are the thousands of Russian troops experiencing what they consider petty harassments and humiliations.
to 1991 | to 1993
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ramrodd · 3 years
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How can liberals old enough to remember the 1980s and what a happy and prosperous time they were, continue to bash Ronald Reagan whose policies created that wonderful era?
I voted for Nixon before I went to Vietnam and I voted for him when I got back. I actually worked, briefly, as a volunteer at CRP ( or CREEP as everyone on Capitol Hill called it) and hung out, briefly. at the same Georgetown saloon, The Guards, where “Pitchfork Pat: Buchanan and a number of the White House Plumbers, and their women, hung out, but I really didn;t want to be around people like that and most of them would become the Movement Conservatives who came to town with Reagan and formed the cult of personality around him as part of Newt Gingrich’s political strategy for the Contract With America to make him Speaker of the House.
I am what I describe as an Eisenhower-Romney Republican. I’m an Army brat and a hard-wired Eisenhower-Marshall Republican, in the sense that they were about as apolitical as you can get. In an Officer’s Mess, you don’t discuss politics, women or religion: a common fellowship that obtained around the Roman centurions in the secrete Roman intelligence committe that published and distributed the Epistle to the Hebrews. The only political activity I participated from my sophamore year in high school until I got back from Vietnam in 1971 was a mock student body presidential election voice vote in assembly between LBJ and Barry Goldwater, who was as crazy as MTG. LBJ won, pulling away and the nation agreed with us. Plus voting. The people around “Pitchfork Pat” Buchanan were variations on the theme of crazy like Barry Goldwater: it’s a cultural charateristics of the Movement Conservatives who came to town with Reagan and, until Trump was elected, was running the GOP.
As an Eisenhower-Romney Republican, I was declared RINO by Charles Z. Wick and put on a Movement Conservative black list which persists to this day. Wick was running Reagan’s transition team and he told me I would never work on K Street again for anybody and it came true.
That wasn’t much fun. That was the era Movement Conservatives like Tukkker Carlson remember fondly as the time when Being Conservative was Cool, not like the ‘60’s, when being Conservative meant you didn’t get laid on campus because the Conservative women didn’t fuck and the liberal women liked big black dicks and guys who burned their draft cards with hair stylings like Mike Jagger or Stockley Carmichael. Basically, all Pro-Life men and Pro-Life women like MTG missed the Sexual Revolution entirely, at the time, and continue to resent the rest of the world for not being Amish. This is a featue of the structural white supremacy of the Movment Conservatives.
So, in 1981, when the Movement Conservatives came to town, they moved into the most racially mellow urban culture in America. In spite of Kent State, the tribal experience of Woodstock and the esprit de corps of the anti-war/civil rights community defined DC’s collective culture, universally. And, in DC at the time when white bigots from Wall Street, Hollywood and Vine and white gated communities in Florida began trickling in with their ideolgical MAGA caps showing up in liberal bars around town, the racism meter went from 0 to 11 overnight. It was like hitting a switch. DC was playing Chuck Brown’s “Bustin’ Loose” as a legacy of the organic unity of the 4th of July, 1976 and the Movement Conservatives brought in Toby Keith complaining about the Dixie Chicks.. Racially, the DC culture from that day until January, 1981, was like a champagne bath. And, then, the Movment Conservatives became the turds in the punch bowl.
And that wasn’t fun.
So, if you remember how happy everybody was when Reagan moved in and the Movement Conservatives began to pollute the culture inside the Beltway like the CO from Cadillac limo idling in a basement parking garage.
Whenever I hear someone from Tukkker Carlson’s demographic allude to the paradise of the Reagan years, and how cool it was to be Conservative, like J. Michael Fox and Willam F. Buckley, and I think of Ben Shapiro, the Kool Kid’s Philosopher. This guy has built a career around his testicals failure to descend.
The most important event during the Reagan administration was when Nancy fired Donald T. Regan for betraying her husband and denying him a share in Gorbachev’s Nobel Prize. Reagan promised Gorbachev America would provide essentially a continuation of the Marshall Plan to support Russia’s conversion from Soviet Marxism to a Russian version of American British constitutional capitalism and Regan sabotaged the program in favor of the criminal agenda he was pursuing on Wall Street with off-shore banking.
Now, see, when I got back from Vietnam, I was a white guy with short hair who didn’t share many of the values of the SNL demographic, but I was a combat vet and that was catnip to a certain community of international sport fuckers I stumbled into by blind luck. It was like that Seinfeld episode where George’s picture of his fianncee got him into serious clubs and raves, like an escort past the velvet rope at Studio 54. I couldn’t get there by myself, but the women sort of passed me around and that went on until the Tukkker Carlson demographic came to town and fucked up the Sexual Revolution by monitizing everything. “Pretty Women” and “The Big Chill” pretty well marked the end of the Woodstock victory party in the cultural war and the beginning of the Harvey Weinstein/Movement Conservative cultural distortions arising from the class warfare of Supply Side economcs and the evil enchantment of the Reagan cult of personality. The ’60s really ended by the 1982 midterms and the economic policy that defined “The Art of the Deal” ended with Bob Dole’s 1984 Tax Reform. In 1981,
Trump’s business model defined the leading edge of the Green New Deal beginning to emerge from the Nixon-Moynihan-Carter Affirmative Action legislative package designed to transform the Military Industrial Complex to the Aerospace-Entrpreneurial Matrix at the core of the Green New Deal. The object of the exercise was to build on the success of Apollo 11, globally, and put a NASA-Soyuz base on the moon by 2001, just like the movie.
The Supply Side Economcs of the Movment Conservatives stopped that process in its tracks. Under Reagan and Supply Side Economics, Space Shuttles began blowing up. But before that happened, Trump was on the Entrepreneurial side of the equation and his business model, which was based on his vision and Barbara Res’s operational competence, was leading the way into the Green New Deal until Supply Side Economics pulled the plug on the New Deal structues underwriting it. In 1981, The Art of the Deal led directly to Space X, 30 years sooner.
The irony is that AOC shares Trump’s 1981 vision of the Green New Deal, but she also embodies the operational comptence of Barbara Res and the ways and means of Nancy Pelosi. After 2018, the only thing standing between Trump and the Green New Deal was Reaganomics and the Contract With America.
And MTG.
Here’s the thing: if the Democrats and the Eisenhower-Romney Republicans in the Senate can conspire to create veto-proof legislation for Biden’s Infrastructure Capital Budget, the economy will slip naturally into the Green New Deal before the mid-terms and Biden will be able to end the Korean War. And maybe the people who misremember when Conservatives were Cool will shrivel up and vanish like a persisten migraine, never to return.
Now, that would be fun.
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babyawacs · 6 years
@axios @theeconomist https://www.axios.com/trump-trade-war-leaked-bill-world-trade-organization-united-states-d51278d2-0516-4def-a4d3-ed676f4e0f83.html? it is an attempt to create economc substance wihtin the usa wiht starting the investments. th
@axios @theeconomist https://www.axios.com/trump-trade-war-leaked-bill-world-trade-organization-united-states-d51278d2-0516-4def-a4d3-ed676f4e0f83.html? it is an attempt to create economc substance wihtin the usa wiht starting the investments. th
@axios @theeconomist
it is an attempt to create economc substance wihtin the usa wiht starting the investments. the current economic system hollowed out the american econmy to a point where the debts became unsustainable. the causes dont aim at teh wto and its rules…
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cemo-art · 6 years
The central concern of this essay is approaches to defining art, being an artist and the value of art from different artists, critics and philosophers. I will compare and critique theses from Stephen Davies, Alana Jelinek and John Berger. I also intend to explore their methodology for describing art and discover the background of their ideological, philosophical, political and economic premis of their analysis."Artists and philosophers have offered many characterizations of the distinctive nature of art. To mention a few famous examples:  Plato believed art is imitation (or representation); for Wordsworth it is emotion recollected in tranquillity, and for Tolstoy and Curt Ducasse it is the expression of emotion; for Kant it is the interplay of forms, and for Clive Bell and Roger Fry it is significant form; Susanne Langer sees it as an iconic symbol of feeling."1Stephen Davies expressing his opinion on art and works of art follows two definitions 'Functional and Procedural'. In his theory he argues that: "If the world contains demarcated natural kinds, we can define those kinds by describing the world's seams. That is, we can delineate all and only the members of an natural kind by tracing divisions within the world's structure, and provided that those divisions arise as a direct consequence of the essential nature of those kinds, such a method of classification will provide a definiton. Moreover, in the case of natural kinds, the defining properties will be internal to the members of the class being defined, rather than external, relational properties."2Davies gives examples of natural kinds such as elements, chemical compounds and biological species and argues that, even in that kind of natural divisions there might not be the absolute possibility of an easy definition because the line between biological species is blurred by hydridization, mutation, and throwbacks when isotopic forms of the elements break their neat symmetry according to their subatomic structure.Furthermore, Stephen Davies argues that: " It should be apparent that artworks do not as a class form a natural kind; neither does the concept result from an attempt to impose order upon some natural continuum . Rather, the classification of things as artworks would seem to reflect a need or concern that we have. Moreover, many if not all artworks are manufactured with that interest in mind. Artworks might be made for many reasons, but many are made with the intention that they do a job specific to art. The fact that only a comparatively few items are appropriated and presented as art, and that only a comparatively few items that were manufactured as nonart are appropriated and presented as art, indicates that a thing's efficacy as art commonly and centrally depends upon in intentional creation as art."3
Because of his methodology the colours and the octaves are not natural property kinds, and their classification is made by us and are not just discovered in the world, they do not simply map its natural division.
Stephen Davies, in his argument mentions American aesthetician Morris Weitz's seminal paper 1950s: "The role of Theory in Aesthetics" or Weitz's Anti-essentialism, to essential definition on the grounds, Weitz argued that: "There is no essence common to all and only artworks in virtue of which they are art."4This idea is similarly defended by W.B.Gallie, W.E.Kennick, and Paul Weitz who argued against the traditional essentialist methodology and proposed using Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein's 'family resemblance' argument as an alternate method for identifying art objects which argued 18th century's aesthetics.Stephen Davies says, Morris Weitz argues in a famous paper(1956): "The consistent failure of artist and aestheticians succesfully to define art is not susceptible to definition,".5Stephen Davies continues : " Weitz's claim is not only that all past attempt to define art have failed, but that any attempt to provide an essential definition of art is doomed to failure for the reason that art has not essence-that no property is jointly necessary and sufficient for something being an artwork. If we "look and see," he says, we will observe that there is no property common to all and only artworks."6
Obviously, in Witz's mind society, especially those who are interested in art, is homogenous. He rejected all ideological,social, and economical differences, just because of their different approaches to defining art. This is evidence to Weitz that there is not 'essence common' between them so art has no essence! In fact and in contrast, the common essence does exist, but between different classes and ideologies, and this is not failure of artists and aestheticians.
There are further criticisms by George Dickie(1984). He has objected to Weitz's appeal to family resemblance. He notes that: " Family resemblance could never explain how the very first artwork qualified as an artwork. Even if most artworks are artworks in virtue of their similarity with earlier art, still there must be some original artworks that lack artistic predecessors. The explanation of the qualification of these early artworks for artistic status cannot rest on resemblance."7Weitz mentioned 'family resemblance' theory as a reference and by this defences, art is a class form of a natural kind which says that a property of a member of a family directly and naturally related all properties of the family so they have essence in common.1. Stephen Davies, Definitions of Art,p 42. Stephen Davies, Definitions of Art, p 233. Stephen Davies, Definitions of Art, p 37
4. Stephen Davies, Definitions of Art, p 25. Stephen Davies, Definitions of Art, P 56. Stephen Davies, Definitions of Art, p 57. Stephen Davies,Definitions of Art, p 12
(Definitions of ArtStephen DaviesCornell University PressIthaca and London-first published 1991 by Cornell University Press
Dr. Alana Jelinek states: " For a political person with a predilection for philosophical thinking, the definition and value of art are not givens."8 This idea relates to Stephen Davies’ suggestion that,art is not a world scructure, we are making art, view.Alana Jelinek’s argument is concerned with the connection between Neoliberalism and the Artworld. She describes the economc and political aspects of neoliberalism in comparison to  privatisation, trade liberalisation and deregulation. And points how contemporaryartworld imitated factors of neoliberalism. In her argument, despite the fact that many who placed in the artworld and declared themselves left-of-centre, even some of them politically encouraged to critique neoliberalism and sabotaged its structures, most of time are actually replicating neoliberal system, embodying and eternalized its values. Its values influenced all areas of the contemporary artworld. Its financing and increasing privatization in the artworld can be seen as the new dominant force in the art market and role of auction houses, the artworld's funding structure and the knowledge economy.Alana Jelinek, researches economy based on Marx'st critique including Walter Benjamin, Louis Althusser and Antonio Gramsci, then discovers a direct ideological link between wider society and the contemporary artworld with a critique which nuanced by feminist and  post-colonial CEMALETTIN CINKILICSTUDENT ID : 13020401
critique, related to mechanisms of power that deny the possibility of freedom and equality because of its deep effect on the artworlds structures, institutions and markets.Jelinek says:" Economically, neoliberalism rests on privatisation, trade liberalisation and deregulation. Ideologically, the concept equates to a distrust of the state as provider of social goods such as health, education and the arts."9She continues :"In general, the artworld supports the idea of market meritocracy, measures 'impact' and believes that the value of art lies in its social or economic impact. All these can be described as internalised neoliberal values and are new developments within artworld thinking and values."10Her other  important analysis about neoliberalism and contemporary art is :" The proliferation of art biennials, large curated state-sponsored extraavanganzas, is described as an instance of states parading their compliance with the neoliberal imperative to trade liberalisation (trade liberalisation is later discussed as the second aspect of neoliberalism, the firs being privatisation). The discussion about deregulation ( the third aspect of neoliberalism) describes an artworld that has always been a paragon of that important article of neoliberalism, namely self-regulation. I argue that, for this reason, as well as the structural changes brought about by recent changes in line with neoliberal ideology, the conteporary artworld is now exeplary of neoliberalism. We replicate its structures and its values. As this ultimately undermines any prospect for a radical or disruptive art, I describe the mechanism and values as fully as the limited space here allows. Replicating the dominant economic and social model may not matter to some, particularly those who are to the right of politics or those 'doing well' under the system, but my argument is that, ultimately, neoliberalism equates to hierarchy and systemic exclusion, mediocrity, private monopolism and monoculturalism cloaked in values of freedom and a distorted idea of individual responsibility. It is no coincidence that the financial sector now plays a highly visible and originative role in the contemporary artworld."11In Jelinek's mind: "Today, art students and student curators are generally  not introduced to Antonio Gramsci or the Frankfurt School, let alone Marx, which is why I go over some of this ground here, admittedly without the nuances and subtleties. Most contemporary practitioners are not consciously aware of a history of Marxist ideas and yet certain assumtions prevail within 'ethical' or 'political' contemporary practices that stem from the strong Marxist tradition at the heart of many Western avan-garde art practices."12She says: "Art is necessarily defined by a group of people called the artworld and this implies certain things about how we, as practitioners, operate and value what we do."13Furthermore, there are some convincing political arguments: For example; one of them is the operation of the artworld in relation to value of art.This is a deliberative manipulation and diversion against artworks and artists.Secondly; we can see that there is an ideological and philosophical control operating on the education system. Because the current curriculum by passes Marxist theory to prevent art students forming left-wing views about power to understand social, economical and political reality which rules the world. CEMALETTIN CINKILICSTUDENT ID : 13020401
Thirdly; British economist John Maynard Keynes' theory advocates a mixed economy predominantly private sector, but with a role for government intervention during recession.This was performed after the great depression and World War II but, then American economist Milton Friedman's theory was internalized based on the UK  by Margaret Teacher,and the USA by Ronald Reagan. After this it was implemented worlwide through the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Milton Friedman especially criticised Keynesian theory about the role of government on economy and defenced deregulation. This directly affected the public sector in negative ways including art funding, funding arrangements, ways the art market, publicly founded galleries. Then, the commercial galllery system started operating its own criteria and rules on galleries and artistic merit.
8. Alana Jelinek, THIS IS NOT ART, p 19. Alana Jelinek, THIS IS NOT ART, p 2010. Alana Jelinek, THIS IS NOT ART, p 2111. Alana Jelinek, THIS IS NOT ART, p 1812. Alana Jelinek, THIS IS NOT ART, p 813. Alana Jelinek, THIS IS NOT ART, P 7
British artist and critic John Berger in his essay 'Ways of Seeing' argues that the criterias used to ascribe value to art and defining which, decided in the past was decided by the artworld are no -longer walid.John Berger says:"Yet when an image is presented as a work of art, the way people look at it is affected by a whole series of learnt assumptions about art. Assumptions concerning:BeautyTruthGeniusCivilizationFormStatusTaste, etcMany of these assumtions no longer accord with the world as it is. ( The world-as-it-is is more than pure objective fact, it includes consciousness.) Out of true with the present, these assumptions obscure the past. They mystify rather than clarify. The past is never there waiting to be discovered, to be recognized for exactly what it is. History always constitutes the relation between a present and its past. Consequently fear of the present leads to mystification of the past. The past is not for livin it; it is a wellof conclusions from which we draw in order to act. Cultural mystification of the past entails a double loss. Works of art are made unnecessarily remote. And the past offers us fever conclusions to complete in action."14
In John Berger's analysis presents a strong point of view and criticsm; in contrast to Weitz's view, he points  that the society is heterogeneous, different classes are exist, and the dominat class is ruling the society, including artworld, and deciding art value and definiton to art." The art of the past no longer exist as it once did. Its authority is lost. In its place there is a language of images. What matters now is who uses that language for what purpose.This touches upon questions of copyright for repreduction, the ownership of art presses and publishers, the total policy of public art galleries and museums. As usually presented, these are narrow professional matters. One of the aims of this essay has been to show that what is really at stake is much larger. A people or a class which is cut off from its own past is far less free to choose and to act as a people or class than one that has been able to situate itself in history. This is why and this is the only reason why-the entire art of the past has now become a political issue."15
In summary: Stephen Davies' aproach to art definition is very scientific, historical and philosophical CEMALETTIN CINKILICSTUDENT ID : 13020401
with rich examples concerning the near future; Alana Jelinek's analysis is more economical, class critical and philosophical, especially for now and including capitalist term; and John Berger's view is based on economic and political reality which relates to class critic , ideological and philosophical definitions in history.Rather than Morris Weitz, they agree that an external definition of art is preferable to an internal one; art is notan a kind of world structure, it is human action and interpretation; differences of art definition is reflection of different classes' ideology and their economic situations.
14. John Berger, Ways of Seeing, p 1115. John Berger, Ways of Seeing, p 33
Bibliography1. Davies Stephen, Definitions of Art, Cornell University Press, first published 1991,Ithaca and London2. Jelinek Alana, THIS IS NOT ART Activism and Other 'Not-Art', Published in 2013 by I.B.Tauris & Col Ltd, New York; reprinted 2014,London3.Berger John, Ways of Seeing, First published by the British Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books 1972, London; Reissued as part of the Penguin Desing Series 2008
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ramrodd · 3 years
Donald Kagan on the Origins of War
What are the criticisms of Donald Kagan's The Origins of War?
Kegan’s weasel word is “Honor”.
kagan is a congenital hard-wired Libertarian. His connection, ideologically, with the current political zeit-greist is The Federalist Society, the element of the GOP committed to packing the Supreme Court with Fascists, beginning with Antonin Scalia and, as an academic, with the Commercial Fascism of the University of Chicago. especially the “Popu;lar Choice version of Jefferson Davis’s State’s Rights theory of labor, property and the means of production. His two sons are neo-cons who remain committed to abandoning the Atlantic Charter and Brenton Woods for the neo-imperialism of the “Project for the New American Century”.
Libertarians have their unique weisel word as defining “virtue” as it is convenient to them. Any Rand’s weisel word is “virtue”, as in, “The Virtue of Selfishness”. Christopher Hitchens had a patented dismissal of Rand as a co-equal intellectual if book sales is the measure that is perfect: he found it charming that Americans felt they were insufficiently selfish, or words to that effect.
It is a Kagan family tradition to have other priorities than miliary service. Avoiding military service defines “honor” for the Kagan family.
Strictly speaking, Kagan is not a crypto-Nazi in the William F. Buckley, Jr., Young Americas for Freedom/Tucker Carlson sense of the word. Like William F. Buckley, Carlson is the the soul of the American meritocracy based on inherited wealth and white privilege. “Freedom” is one of the weasel words Libertarians like your basic movement conservatives share as “safe” words they can hang their version of “virtue” on, like “honor”.
So, Kagan hangs his version of history on his version of “honor” and posits a theory of the origins of war without examining his own complicity in the war crime of the invasion of Iraq. I didn’t go to Vietnam to conduct a foreign policy based on “The Project fo the New American Century”; i was scared out of a military career by a senior officer my farther’s age and rank who had the same Libertarian/crypto-Nazi cognative organization as Mike Pompeo, Tom Cotton and Daniel Kegan.
Like virtually all contemporary academic historians, Kegan employs the post-modern Marxist dialectic deconstruction. It is generally anti-narrative and cause-and-effect in the tradition of Hume’s rules of evidence.
Here’s the thing about honor: at the time I arrived in Vietnam, Lt. William ‘Rusty” Calley was being court martialed for ethnic cleansing. He was guilty. He had been doing exactly the same kind of mission I had 365 days and wake-up ahead of me to negotiate and somewhere up his chain of command. he had a commanding officer who had a “honor” as a job description and it was based on Daniel Kegan’s understanding of war as a document download and leaves out the messy parts as tres declasse,
Calley was at the point where the shit that began flowing somewhere above his terminated its downhill flow. He was at the point where the rubber of “honor” interfaces with the zeit-geist, existentially.
So, as a existential criticism of anything Kegan has to say about virtually anything is MAGA hat/Proud boy disinformation.
The question is whether he is a useful idiot, fellow traveler or activie agent of the Gingich/Trotsky political strategy that is enforcing the structural polarization essential to the processes of regime change at the climax stage of the formula for violent revolution embedded in the “Poltics is the continuation of warfare” deliberate design of Newt Gingrich.
If you need an existential anchor for Kegan’s “honor” in the current political moment, follow the GOP’s attempts to sabotage the George Senate run-off in Cobb County who sent Newty to Congress. Think: GOPAC as the nexus of Libertarian weasal words such as “Liberty”, “Honor”, “Pro-Life”, “Freedom”, “Public Choice”, “Open Carry/NRA/2nd Amendment/Proud Boys” etc.
I haven’t read anything Kegan has written, but have based my observations on his C-Span interview with Brian Lamb. Once “honor” revealed itself as the pivotal value, I lost interest. My guess is that, at some point, he justifies white supremacy as self-evident and the original intent of the Declaration of Independence and the foundation of the US Constitution. He will slip it in like George Gilder in economic theology in“Wealth and Poverty” .
Newt Gingrich and I are Army brats. like Ltc. Frank “Be All You Can Be” Burns and Senator Phil Gramm. and we grew up in a time when Counter-Insurgency was the sexy career path for West Point graduates and everybody had read “Starship Troopers”. The people in Vietnam most like the Mobile Infantry was the 101st Airmobile Division. Everybody was jump qualified, like Jimi Hendrix, who hurt his back jumping stoned. Everytime you see a Heuy flying overhead, think “On the Bounce” and you begin to capture the urgency and intensity of being in the sky filled with helicopters and divving towards a clearing in the woods with little fireflies in the tree line and green beer cans snapping past the skids beneath your boots.
Process Theology originates from that existential anchor: “On the Bounce”. I was an instructor with the 3rd Ranger Compant and ran a recon platoon on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Frank Burns and Newt Gingrich were a couple of years older. Frank was a Green Beret with an ROTC commission and he ran Task Force Δ, the human=potential/process theology workshop of the post Vietnam All Volunteer Military. When you haar “Be All You Can Be”, think “Starship Troopers” and respond “On the Bounce”.
It was my greatest honor to serve as an infantry platoon leader. I was never more sanctified. And I always thought the West Point Honor Code was bullshit. It isn’t and “honor” is a dimension of “Duty”. If “Duty” is defined by ethnic cleansing, you leave honor at the door.
So, Kegan is like Victor Davis Hanson: he will shape the narrative to fit what’s convenient, ideologically. Hanson is an apologist for the life, liberty, property of Churchill’s Tory Socialism, which is really the original intent of the Framers of the US Constitution. What they failed to do was to read the fine print of the Declaration of Independence in regards to the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of the Democratic Socialism of Jeffersonian Democracy. Jefferson talked Democratic Socialism, but, in his heart, his original intent was hard-wired Tory Socialism.
Tory Socialsm orginated with the Magna Carta and was revolutionary during King John’s administration. It is the so-called “liberal socialism” of Hayek and Jeff Bezos, which is the preferred economc construct of Libertarianism. “Capitalism” is a Libertarian weasel word and generally posits an economic theology that contrasts Capitalism as defined by Ran Dalio with Marxism and reflects the Marxist dialectic historic deconstruction of Kegan’s historical narrative.
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ramrodd · 4 years
Trump BOMBSHELL Hitting Headlines Is Legit
You guys continue to beat this dead horse that Hillary was a terrible candidate. To the degree that's axiomatic to your analysis, to that degree you continue to mainline the Conservative/Trump Kool Aide. She was the target of 26 years of disinformation from the moment she and Bill showed up at the White House.  
You were 10 years old when they came to Washington and you have no historical context as to what confronted them, which was the full-throated roll out of the Republican Noise Machine unprecedented in my experience.
I was friends with Ray Price, Nixon's speech writer, from 1973, literally the day Butterfield revealed the existence of the taping system, until Reagan's White House put me on a black list in 1981. Watergate didn't begin to reach the sustained level of hostility in DC except in the experience of political activists like Pat Buchanan, as the Poster Boy for the Plumbers/political activists, in the White House. The Clinton's ran into a buzzsaw that was several magnitudes greater than that period, which was far more characterized by the trailing edge of the emotional wave from the anti-war movement, nationally. Once the draft ended, not even Kent State could create the social agitation we are experiencing, currently, and the animus against the Clintons in 1993, when you were 10 years old, was a distinct and separate gestalt arising from the zeitgeist and focused entirely on the Clintons which found its climax phase in the run-up to 1916.
And you have totally bought in to it, even now. So, the Republican Noise Machine is a permanent resident in your unconsciousness, a phenomena apparent in Cenk and Anna and all you political gad flies with no real agenda. It reflects what I call the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam that corrupts your political calculus in ways that made the election of Trump possible and his re-election a dangerous probability. In effect, all you Bernie Brothers are useful idiots for the Trump agenda and have been since Reagan was inaugurated since 1981. When critics say there isn't a dime's worth of difference between Conservatives and the DLC, there is a great deal of truth to it and the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam is a big part of the reason why.
When I got back from Vietnam in 1971, the Republican generations of draft dodgers were the gate keepers for Fortune 500 organizations and H. Ross Perot was one of the few CEO's actively seeking out combat veterans (mostly Navy vets) for EDS, He was part of the National Alliance of Business Men's hire veteran agenda that encouraged executives to devote a year to the problem. Most of these people were Democrats at the executive level, such as John DeLorean, while the pro-war Republican executives tended to avoid any association with Viet vet "losers". I was put on a Reagan White House black list for being a Vietnam "loser"" and for doing business with the Soviet Union which had been a Nixon diplomatic priority: Charles Z. Wick told me explicitly and personally that Reagan would never be associated with Vietnam "losers".  
The active military was content to let the draftees get the blame for how Vietnam got fucked up while they engineered the All Volunteer Military as basically a CYA for their moral collapse after Tet '68. Since you weren't even born yet, it is useful to understand that the Vietnam Veterans Memorial didn't get traction until Carter became President and the Iran crises reminded everybody concerned that, if they wanted cannon fodder for the next war, they needed to quite fucking the veterans who fought the last war. And this delay was just one manifestation of the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam that continues to run up and down the chain of command in the military and the Republican Conservatives.
And Trump's alleged attitude that the soldiers buried in Arlington and elsewhere are "losers" and "suckers" is perfectly consistent with the pro-war right wing draft dodgers of the 60s on campus in my experience. This attitude in business majors of the times is likewise consistent with the Henry Cabot Lodge isolationist movement that stalled the League of Nations and is represented by John Bolton's commitment to blowing up the Atlantic Charter within the parameters of Bill Kristol's and Robert Kagan's Project for the New American Century which was the neo-imperialistic pre-emptive war justification for the invasion of Iraq.
And the suicide rate among combat veterans trying to re-enter the civilian economy is driven by Trump's attitude towards the military he acquired along with his bone spurs. Most businessmen ("men" being the operative root) who have had other priorities than military service consider a military career as a form of summer camp in contrast to the "real job" of a corporate career. Their attitude in 1971 was that, if you were too stupid  to submit to military service, you were too stupid to put on their payroll. And that sttitude persists.
And your discussion regarding the significance of the Atlantic disclosures reflects exactly the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam, The fact is, your calculus is pretty accurate: as you say, the fact that Trump disrespect of McCain's epic heroism as a POW didn't end his run for the White House tells the tale of the popular distortion of what real politic diplomacy actually means as the critical path of our national security and destiny.
I've been trying to get the military to pay attention to the danger of the Conservative agenda associated with Jeffrey Goldberg's bombshell report about Trump since 1981, but, as I say, they are as wedded to the Oliver Stone version of Vietnam as you are. You and Cenk and all the other "both sider" gad flies need to drop your conceit that you represent objective journalism and go in with both feet to humiliate Trump and Moscow Mitch at the polls in November. The fact that you continue to believe that Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate is a measure of the degree to which you have been an unwitting agent of the Free Market Fascist agenda Trump has inherited from the political activism of the Lincoln Project before 2016.
And I'll give you something to work with: I know for a fact that the reason why President Xi won't do a deal with Trump is because Peter Navarro's 7 Verticle Reforms is based on doubling down on the Military Industrial Complex of 1947 when an American businessman ("man" being the operative root) could get a blow job in Berlin for a loaf of bread. The entire Pacific Rim is content to wait for President Sleepy Joe Biden to present a trade deal based on the Green New Deal with based on the infrastructure necessary to sustain a permanent moon colony over a 100 year trajectory.
If either Carter of GHW Bush had been re-elected, we would have had a NASA-Soyez base on the moon by 2001, just like the movie because the Nixon-Moynihan-Carter Affirmative Action was the precursor to the Green New Deal. AOC, as a community organizer, economics major and beneficiary of tipping as the most effective expression of Trickle Down Economcs, intuited what she has come to call the Green New Deal and the only thing standing in the way of this up-grade to the Free Enterprise economic ecology of the America British constitutional capitalism is Reaganomic and virtually every elected federal officer but Mitt Romney with an (R) behind their name.
And that is the essential imperative you need to focus on as justification for removing Donald John Trump* and his White House clown show from office.
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ramrodd · 5 years
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | SXSW 2019
Tyler Jackson  
@Tom Wilson you weren't qualifying socialism as pejorative? 
 Tom Wilson
Socialism is not a value, it's a political construct..
I am an Army brat and the Army is a socialist society: it is organized by the needs of the service and uniformity is a force multiplier, in contrast to the American civilian society, which is not coherentand organized by the pursuit of happiness in its infinite diversity as a force multiplier. .
The general economy is a mix of socialist structures, such as the Republic, itself, and things like flush toilets, highways, Air Traffic Control and the internet, that are functional in nature and generally apply to long-lived public assets and services and private property.. Socialist structures are designed and created to support the diversity of social and commercial intercourse of individuals and organizations, and the private property, associated the nominal Athenian Democracy of the entire population in the general welfare and common defense mandates of the US Constitution. In effect, the US Constitution, which is the basis for the existence of the Republic, is a socialist structure, and it's function is to implement and optimize the operational dynamics of the constitutional capitalism which characterize the American economy.
There are the Marxist/Harvard Business Model definitions of "capitalism", which are polemical (if not theological); and "capitalism" as a functional term of economcs. in the latter case, "capitalism" emerges in any society sufficiently organized to mint currency as an additional, stylized, form of barter, portability and fungibility being the particular virtue of the arrangement.
A serious problem with the current debate is that the Marxist and Harvard definitions of capitalism are used interchangably and, especially among the MAGA hat crowd, theologically.
Here's the thing: in the final analysis, Vietnam was a contest between Marxism and the Harvard Business Model and Marxism won. And Marxism is crap: as Putin observed, Marxism is a fairy tale based on the same fallacy as the 18th Amendment of the US Constitution (i.e. that you can bet, successfully, against human nature). The core technology of the Harvard Business Model, Scientific Management, is a reaction to the challenge of Marxism to the 19th Century Oligarch capitalism that defines the social context of Oliver Twist and it, the Harvard Business Model, persists in fine tuning 19th Century social engineering when, as you point out, there is a newer, better model out there, in particular the Democratic Socialism of the New Deal as it evolved from 1933 until 1981. The Harvard Business Model is committed to restoring the 19th Century Oligarch capitalism and the Supply Side economics of Reaganomics is functionally the command economics of Soviet Marxism and the emerging Oligarch capitalism of the Russian Kleptocracy. For example, the anti-union bias of the INTENTION of the Harvard Business Model reflects the realith that labor unions were illegal in Soviet Russia and that is why Russia doesn't really have a viable middle class, the end state of the political aspirations of the GOP Supply-Side agenda, beginning with Reagan's union busting of PATCO.
In economics, Transaction Theory occurs in a pre-capitalist society or advanced economy: Person A has Value A and he meets Person B with Value B and they make a market and exchange values and Person A leaves with Value B and Person B leaves with Value A.
Both Marx and Ray Dalio present corrupted versions of Transaction Theory. Marx employs raciocination to demonstrate that the profit motive is evil and property is theft, while Dalo presents Transaction Theory as a validation of Reaganomics. The paradox in this example is that I can conditionally stipulate to Dalio's formulation because constitutional capitalism works, but not because of his 19th Century mechanistic construct. His model is basically the crystal ball analytics of an active player in the financial markets and he leaves a whole shit-load of important data imput out.
Thats not my point here but to provide you an example of the basis of the Marxist definition of capitalism and a version of the Harvard Business Model's definition of capitalism. The fact of the matter is that the NYSE is, functionally, a socialist structure regardless of its ownership. The NYSE is just one of the mechanisms of American constitutional capitalism missing from Soviet Marxism that won the cold war and actually provides the means for the worker to share in the benefits of his labor that Marxism promises but can't deliver. Things like home equity allows the individual worker to capture synergies from the general economic dynamics that are entirely lost to the Marxist system. And all the social engineering you mention in your diatribe are similar mechanisms that the asshole Fascists in the GOP are determined to eliminate in the name of Reaganomics.
Just for the record, if they made a movie based on the Communist Manifesto, its theme song would be John Lennon's "Imagine". I've never had much use for John Lennon although I approve, in principle, of the cultural appropriation of the Beatles.
So, when I ask "Is the Green New Deal capitalism or socialism?" YES is the obvious answer, but it is a reference to AOC's Late Night with Seth Myers interview on 15 March. (http://ramrodd.tumblr.com/post/183767868101/rep-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-responds-to-fox)  AOC is the real thing, but she is handicapped in the same manner as you in some very sloppy underlying definitions in her functional paradigm. Governor Jay Inslee is already implementing the Green New Deal, and nobody notices because the Marxist/Harvard definitions of capitalism shape the debate, so the easy thing to remember is that, like Marxism, Reaganomics is crap. 
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