revistapoetryspam · 5 years
d’El museu de les perilles trencades // PATRAL
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Tinc  a la meua imaginació un matalaf de cotompel i brull D’un sostre borratxo de núvols D’eixa Lluna noble i obtusa on pengen siluetes els cavalls, Tinc un calaix de perilles trencades. Tinc un piano de cel, que fa música només per a tu. La tarara del  t’estime, t’estime, t’estime amor. T’estime sempre. Hi ha rodamons a les teulades, entre els colomers, Que buiden botelles plenes de plomes negres Damunt del Palau del Vidre i del misto color Diumenge Damunt dels contenidors de cartó, on els gats Copulaven amb les gates. Tinguera Tinguera jo altre dia els ulls de rajoletes negres De balcons d’hivern o de trencadís de llandes. En el coll de les baranes Les sabates disperses De la pell de les serps quan s’han quedat dures del fred. Els meus ulls en un vals de neu insubmisa En els vidres fumats i les cortines en flama En unes petjades cap a la pluja On es pentinen les bruixes. Tinc una foguera feta d’arroves d’argelaga. En un gaiato de vèrtebres En les cendres mullades d’una pena quan encara no és pena d’amor En el carrer Curtidors on es llogaven cames Ameraves els ecos amb un parlar de punta tacó De punta tacó. Ai amor, quines dotze roses enverinen el campanari! He plantat en una llengua de sorra damunt de la mar Una cadira, de somni i de sal, Venen petrificades oronetes En les violentes llums de Romania. Per a mi una estora de besos en el coll I un entrecuix de nord efímer I les venes renillants en la promesa pirata de la nit eterna I els llavis de la síl·laba càustica. A la copa teua de la bellesa alquímica, surant jo, com les bolles. Ja el cel, mira amb enveja.
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plumberx · 5 years
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In this video, you will learn how to install a natural gas Vent Pipe for a water heater in garage or closet and out through roof. You will see the before and after. You will also learn the two different brands of water heater vent pipe as well as how to install the storm collar and roof vent cap. Also find out why so many people in Houston, TX and surrounding area have there water heater flue pipe as well as furnace flue pipe install wrong and the hazard they can cause to home owners. I can't tell you the number of homes that have been to and had to replace the natural gas flue pipe to water heaters in attic garages and closet's, and if you drive around the Houston, TX and surrounding area's you can see it all over the place homes with improperly Natural gas vent coming out through the roof, Most of the home owners are not even aware of the problem and the hazard it can cause. possible fire, Carbon monoxide poisoning. and damage to the water heater Parts used (All Amerivent Brand Water heater vent pipe) #plumberx #plumber #plumbing #howtoplumbing #tubandshower #pexpipe #howtosoldercopperpipe #sharkbitefittings #waterheaters #hotwater #boilers #toiletrepairs #houstontx #toiletflange #toiletflangerepair #gaspiping #moenfaucet #moen #americanstandard #kholerfaucet #deltafaucets #tubandshowerfaucets #toiletstoppage #garbagedisposal #dishwashers #pvcpiping #copperpiping #pexpipiping #moen # moenfaucets 1-3"Vent Cap 1-3"Storm Couler 1-3"Vent pipe sheild The Lengths of 3" vent pipe comes in a few different sizes #ameravent 12" 24" 3' 5' 6' 8' https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpt1hT8jPrI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rf7l71ssexi0
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plumberx · 6 years
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In this video, you will learn how to install a natural gas Vent Pipe for a water heater in garage or closet and out through roof. You will see the before and after. You will also learn the two different brands of water heater vent pipe as well as how to install the storm collar and roof vent cap. Also find out why so many people in Houston, TX and surrounding area have there water heater flue pipe as well as furnace flue pipe install wrong and the hazard they can cause to home owners. I can't tell you the number of homes that have been to and had to replace the natural gas flue pipe to water heaters in attic garages and closet's, and if you drive around the Houston, TX and surrounding area's you can see it all over the place homes with improperly Natural gas vent coming out through the roof, Most of the home owners are not even aware of the problem and the hazard it can cause. possible fire, Carbon monoxide poisoning. and damage to the water heater Parts used (All Amerivent Brand Water heater vent pipe) #plumberx #plumber #plumbing #howtoplumbing #tubandshower #pexpipe #howtosoldercopperpipe #sharkbitefittings #waterheaters #hotwater #boilers #toiletrepairs #houstontx #toiletflange #toiletflangerepair #gaspiping #moenfaucet #moen #americanstandard #kholerfaucet #deltafaucets #tubandshowerfaucets #toiletstoppage #garbagedisposal #dishwashers #pvcpiping #copperpiping #pexpipiping #moen # moenfaucets 1-3"Vent Cap 1-3"Storm Couler 1-3"Vent pipe sheild The Lengths of 3" vent pipe comes in a few different sizes #ameravent 12" 24" 3' 5' 6' 8' https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpt1hT8jPrI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1juwxsia0hmxv
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