#amelie wildheart
Admire: Part 2
A follow-up to Admire that takes place the following morning. NSFW.
Amelie Wildheart woke with a start.
I’m not at the Elfsong Tavern.
I’m not at home.
I’m not at Wildheart Manor.
I’m not in a tent.
She remembered the previous night---she and Rolan confessing their feelings, touching, cuddling, and then falling asleep I guess? Smiling, she stifled a giggle when she felt Rolan squeezing one of her breasts and grinding against her generous backside. His tail was wrapped around a plush thigh. Awww he’s still purring. That’s so cute. “Rolan?” She whispered. “Love?”
“Do I truly wake holding the woman of my dreams?” He murmured, the hand on her breast slipping lower to cup her soft lower belly. “Is she here, or am I dreaming of her again?”
Godsdamnit, why does he make me blush? “She’s here.” Amelie closed her eyes as her mouth quirked into a smile. “Though she’s frankly amazed that she slept like this.”
“Hmph. You’ll hear no complaints from me, my dear. Why, what do you normally sleep in?”
“Shirt and shorts. Nice and comfy.” That reminds me…I should grab a few more pairs of shorts from home. She rolled over to face him, and he pressed a slow, lazy kiss to her lips. “And you, Master of Ramazith’s Tower?” She teased, running a hand over the ridges on his bicep.
“Nothing if I can help it.” Rolan snarked as he brushed some of her dark ginger hair behind a pointed ear. His eyes left hers and instead focused on her ear. “M-may I?” Upon seeing her nod, his clawed fingers traced the shell of an ear. “So delicate and pretty---just like the rest of you, my love.”
Amelie let out a snort. “There is nothing about me that is delicate. Are you aware that one of Portyrs said I’m built like a brick outhouse?” Drunken twat yelled it in front of everyone at Mum’s nameday ball a few years ago. I ended up running up to my suite and crying for the rest of the night while Mum threatened every Portyr in attendance.
Not surprisingly to me at least, he rolled his eyes and kissed her briefly, the hand on her ear traveling down to her upper arm. “Tasteless swine.” He caressed her, humming thoughtfully. “No one should ever say that to a lady but especially not to you. You are…” The glint in his yellow eyes turned mischievous. “I could show you how lovely you are, darling, if you—”
Be bold and brave, Mia. She kissed him hard and tangled her fingers in his hair. Breathless when she broke the kiss, she nuzzled his nose. “I want you to show me everything. All of you.”
He laughed.
What is so funny?
“Greedy little thing.” He chuckled as he gently nudged her to lay flat on her back and slipped off her smalls. “You want everything?”
She nodded; golden eyes wide. Just. Fuck. Me. Already. Rolan. My. Love.
With a snap of his fingers, his own smalls were discarded. As he straddled her, his hands ran up and down her belly and sides, the look in eyes quickly filling with lust. “I will give you everything, sweetheart.”
A gasp escaped her as she felt the tip of his tail behind him tease her clit. “Oh gods…yes…please…more…”
“And you beg so prettily too! How wonderful.” He cupped one of her plush breasts and squeezed gently. “How many more sounds will I get out of you, hmm? Each one more delightful than the last.” Rolan leaned down and whispered into her ear, “Are you alright? Is it too much?”
Oh. My. Gods. Amelie chuckled a little as her long arms went around his neck and shoulders. “I’m fine, love.” Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t you dare say it. “I just…I’m a bit nervous. Never done this before.” WHY DID YOU SAY IT?!?!?
“Fear not, my dear, because I’ve done considerable research on this very subject.”
Don’t giggle. Don’t giggle. She barely held in a giggle as she pulled him closer. “What on earth does that mean?”
“It means that I’ve read extensively—”
Her golden eyes were full of mirth. “Lots of smut then?”
He growled playfully and nipped an earlobe. “Hush you! It means your dashing gentleman should know how to please you.” Kissing his way down her body, he felt like he was in heaven. “How I have wanted this…yearned for it…to be able to worship and adore you…” He’s touching me like he can’t get enough. Like he really does want this. Wants me. Sensing her tensing up, he stopped and glanced at her. “What’s wrong? Is it too much? We can slow down, darling—”
Amelie placed a finger to his lips. “Stop. It’s not too much. It’s just…you really want me? I know I’m not—”
“You’re the one I love---of course I want you! How could you think otherwise?!” He snapped. He then closed his eyes and shook his head. “Forgive me, the thought of you thinking you are not the loveliest person to ever exist is incredibly frustrating.” With a smirk, he sat on his haunches, a hand massaging a one of her plush thighs while his other hand stroked his oh goodness me are those ridges throbbing cock. “Do you not see what you do to me? One look from you sets me aflame.”
She placed one of her fair, freckled hands on his that rested on her thigh. “And one touch from me?”
“A balm to cool and comfort me…to let me know you’re still here. Now I do believe,” He gave her thigh a squeeze. “I promised to please you. Relax, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you.” Before she knew it, he dove to the ginger curls at the apex of her thighs. He lapped at her, kissing and touching all of her within reach. “You are divine…perfect in every way…” He moaned. “What I dreamed of is nothing compared to the real you…”
“You dreamed about me?” Does he mean what I think he means? If he does, then that’s incredibly hot.
Nuzzling a thigh, he grinned. “Oh yes, sweetling. So many glorious fantasies…ones I hope we can share.” He turned to kiss one thigh and then the other. Oh gods there’s his tongue right on my—FUCKING HELLS!
“Rolan, gods please…” Without thinking, she reached for his horns and tugged slightly before letting go. “Oh my gods, I’m so sorry, love!”
“Damnit, woman---pull as much as you like. My hair as well. Whatever you need. After all, as your suitor and lover, I’m to see to all your wants and needs.” He smirked and then focused his attention back to her cunt.
Amelie attempted to roll her hips, but he stopped her.
“No, no…let me have my fun…” He muttered, his yellow eyes staring at hers with more than a little mischief in them. “Greedy little thing…”
She whined, her hands tugging on his hair. “Love…ah, don’t stop…”
He let out an annoyed huff and continued to feast on her, his clawed fingers gently caressing and squeezing her soft thighs.
Closing her eyes, Amelie felt her pleasure twist inside her, threatening to snap at any moment.
The next moment, in fact.
Rolan lapped at her release. “That’s it, sweetheart. That’s it. Such a good girl. So good for me.” He then moved over her and guided the head of his oh fuck me those are ridges cock towards her entrance. “You’re going to take me so well. My perfect, darling lady…”
Fucking hells. I’m done for.
She let out a frankly pathetic whine and yanked his face towards her, her lips colliding against his. “Rolan,” she breathed. “Please.”
“Please what, sweetling?” He demurred.
“Get inside me, for fu—AH!” Amelie realized quickly that his very very much ridged member was sliding into her, inch by torturous inch.
His head dropped to her shoulder. “You are so…fucking wet…better than anything I could’ve dreamt…better than any fantasy…” Rolan panted and then soon after bottomed out with a loud groan. “Perfect…simply perfect…” Pressing kisses to her shoulder and neck, he whispered, “Tell me when to move, my love…”
“You can move…gods, you’re big, love…” she breathlessly giggled, wrapping her long legs around his narrow waist. “And um, if you want to…come inside…you can…got a tea…from Halsin…” Now fucking rut into me faster, Rolan!!!
He barked a laugh. “Greedy little thing! Already knew you had my heart, did you? That I’d want you so soon? Greedy…greedy…” His thrusts grew faster by the second, and his tail wrapped around an ankle. “My greedy little Mia…”
Amelie squeezed her inner walls, causing him to moan wantonly. “I like being prepared…just in case…things went well…” Her hands roamed over his back. So many ridges. So sexy. He feels incredible. Never expected a wizard to be so strong, but I found one!
On one practically hard thrust, he moaned, “I do so love a woman who’s prepared. Good girl.” He could feel her climax quickly approaching as she gasped softly, whispering, “Come for me, dearest…come for me…” Unlike her first orgasm where it came slowly in waves, this one felt like something inside her snapped. As she panted, he pressed kisses along her jaw. “Good. So good. You feel magnificent, darling…”
All she managed to get out was a breathless, “R-Rolan,” before his narrow hips stuttered then stilled with a loud groan. As he spilled inside her, his body relaxed into hers. Her hands gently caressed his back, murmuring sweet nothings. He began to shift to roll off, but she shook her head. “Just a minute, love. Please.”
“As you wish,” he sighed, more than happy to rest on her. And he can’t keep a hand off my boob. He really likes those. Rolan then chuckled. “Gods, to think I still have to work today after doing this.”
She traced one of his ears and grinned. “You don’t necessarily have to work…”
He rolled his eyes. “Temptress. No, I must work. There’s so much to catalogue, experiments to conduct, studying the artillery…the shop! The bloody shop too!”
Okay, maybe less distractions and more offering assistance. Whether he’ll accept is another story. Before she could stop herself, she began to ramble. “I could stay and help if you want. I’m not sure what exactly all that entails, especially experiments, but I’d like to think I’m a fast learner—"
He silenced her with a quick kiss, then muttered a spell to clean them both, and stood. “Don’t you have a city to save, darling?” He teased but Amelie noticed something more---a look of fondness in his yellow eyes that made her feel unspeakably happy.
“I think I can spare a day to help you and have someone else take my place in the party.” But gods, the teasing from Astarion, Shadowheart, and Jaheira is going to be terrible. She rolled on her side to face him, covering herself with a blanket. “It’s not all saving the world, you know.”
Rolan barked a laugh. “Oh right yes, your ladyship! You must save all the puppies, orphans, and refugees as well!” He pulled on his smalls and trousers as she watched. How is he so good looking? How? “In all seriousness, while I could use your help, my love, please give me time to sort through things." Returning to bed, he sat and ran a hand through her hair. “That way, I can give you tasks I believe are suited to you. It must make sense…must be logical.”
“So not me trying to run alchemical experiments and possibly exploding?” She laughed softly. Yeah, that is a terrible idea.
He bent to kiss her head. “No. Gods, no. Despite that, you should…can you…stay today? You need your rest.” You can say that again. “Please?” He looks so cute and awkward and blushing. “I-I would appreciate the company.”
Amelie nodded and tipped her head to capture his lips in a slow kiss. No. Not now. Later, yes! She very reluctantly pulled away and smiled. “Of course, love.”
“Good, good.” He so awkwardly but CUTE pat her head before giving her one last kiss as he stood. “I bet you don’t even take time for yourself, darling.”
“I try to rotate everyone in and out of the party, so no one feels left out, but…” I’m always there. I’m always the lead. I’m always the one who makes all the decisions. “Not me, no.” Everyone relies on me. I can’t let them down. I can’t let Mum down. I can’t let Rolan down. If I do, then we become mind flayers, and the Absolute takes over the Sword Coast. I can’t…I must…
She had not realized her eyes had closed as her thoughts raced nor did she notice that Rolan, now dressed in his robes, was sitting next to her again and holding her hand. “Which is why you’re staying here. No companions to bother you.” He thought for a moment then grinned. “How about this, sweetling? I’ll make us some breakfast and then study the artillery in bed with you.”
“Lovely, but what am I to do?” she chuckled.
He kissed her knuckles then stood and headed towards the door. “Why, rest naked in my bed, of course!”
As if that’s the most obvious thing in the world. Sure is, love.
And yet, that is exactly how the day was spent.
Not that either of us minded.
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From this list, "I have always admired you" featuring Rolan and a half-elf wild magic sorcerer named Amelie. Mostly SFW.
"I have always admired you."
“I-I beg your pardon?” Amelie stuttered as she stared at Rolan. With his asshole master defeated, he was free. And soon Astarion will be too. Once Shadowheart checked her over, she rushed to Rolan, who was lamenting the state of his robes.
Then he saw her and said that.
“Your, erm, magical prowess is something to behold.” He was trying (and failing quite badly)not to smile. “As is your grace and your—”
“Please forgive the interruption,” Shadowheart said tersely. “But we need to get Halsin back to camp. He took a beating.”
Amelie’s golden gaze shifted from Rolan to the druid, who was leaning against Gale for support. “Rolan, I can return later if that’s alright, so we could continue our discussion?” Don’t be too eager. Who knows---he may just only be interested in my magic like Gale. Like most wizards are.
“Yes. It gives me time to clean up.” He laughed nervously. “All this horrific mess about. Can’t have that for you, my lady.”
“You don’t have to call me that.” She chastised softly, bowing her head in his direction. “Amelie…please.” I had to tell my companions the truth about me, but then it got out to everyone at the enclave and then at Last Light. And Rolan stopped calling me by my name. Always “my lady” or “her ladyship” or “that damned woman.” I much prefer the last one, of course.
“As you wish, my…Amelie.” His eyes widened. “I mean, you’re not my Amelie—”
“My friend, perhaps you can continue this rather adorable conversation later?” Gale said with a tight smile as his eyes darted towards the barely conscious Halsin. Oh dear, his knees…
With a “bye” that sounded more like a squeak, Amalie scurried back to her companions and Myrmidons and left.
Once they were gone, Rolan exhaled sharply and leaned on a railing for support. “Later. She will return later…”
When she did, in fact, return later, he was elated. He ushered her into a swirling purple portal in the shop. “This, my dear, is a private entrance to the master of tower’s residence. Ladies first.”
She could feel the heat from his hand as he barely touched her through her corset top and shawl. The heat is rising elsewhere too. Good gods. “Thank you.” That’s it?! Thank you?! You can do so much better, come on. Exiting the portal, the heat that began on her cheeks traveled towards her chest. “Oh wow, this is lovely.” The main living area for the tower’s master was impressive---high ceilings and windows allowing in much sunlight during the day but at night moonlight and candlelight illuminated the space.
He guided her to a large sofa. “Please, make yourself at home. Would you like some wine? Something to eat? I can—”
Oh my gods, he’s so adorable. “I’m good.” He sat stiffly next to her, hands on his lap. Be brave and break that ice. “Rolan, when you said you’ve always admired me, what exactly did you mean?”
“Exactly that!” He snapped then his expression contorted into one of regret. “I’m sorry. I…You see, it is exactly as I meant---I have admired you since we first met. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, whose magic is as wild and free as her very soul is. Whose bravery saved not simply my life but my siblings’ lives.” His voice broke a little when he mentioned Cal and Lia. “Everyone’s lives if I’m being truthful. You are incredible. How could I not fall in love with you?”
Did he just—
Oh shit, I think he did!
“Forgive me, but I couldn’t delay a moment longer. Not after today.” His yellow eyes bore not simply into her eyes but seemingly my soul. Oh gods. He does like me. No. He loves me. I didn’t think anyone would ever… “My la—Amelie, please say something.” He chuckled nervously. “I beg of you.”
What does Nadia say? Be bold and brave in love? Sure, I’ll do that. She shifted to face him and cupped his cheeks, whispering, “I love you too, even though I thought you hated me sometimes.” She laughed a little but then stopped when she saw him frowning.
“Never, my love. Infuriatingly frustrated with you? Absolutely. Infinitely irritated at your stubbornness? Frightened for you? Every moment of every day. But I have never, not even at most frustrated and angry, never hated you. I could never hate you.” He too shifted to face her, his trembling hands settling on her ample waist. “Gods, you feel magnificent…”
Alright, I suppose I need to tell him to kiss me already or I’ll do it. Hmmm… As she brushed the knuckles of one hand along his cheekbone and being mindful of the bruises (it felt amazing to fry that bastard), she chuckled. “Rolan love? Kiss me please?” Amelie said as sweetly as possible and tried not to laugh.
What she expected was Rolan to kiss her right then and there.
What actually happened was Rolan’s lips crashing against hers. His hands pulling her forwards while he went backwards, head hitting the cushions.
HOLY HELLS! Lifting her head, she laughed. “Rolan! Oh gods, what was that?”
He huffed, rolling his eyes. “I determined it was the right thing to do, so I did it. Unless it was,” he swallowed and bit his lower lip. “Unwanted.”
“No, no. It’s okay. It’s very much wanted, though I’m probably crushing you a bit.” She moved to push herself up, but he wrapped his arms around her tightly. Did he just whimper? Awww, that is so sweet!
“Please, my love. Don’t deny me this. I’ve dreamt of it for so long.” One of his hands found her soft hip and caressed it. “Get comfortable, darling.”
Amelie’s lips touched his briefly and then she sat up. “If I want to get comfortable, maybe we should move it upstairs? And maybe get me out of this bloody corset?” She giggled. “So fucking uncomfortable.”
Rolan was on his feet in moments and took her hand with another eyeroll. “Then why did you wear it, my dear?”
“Because it makes my breasts look amazing, my love.” She said in a playful tone, squeezing his hand. Must make the girls look excellent at all times. Well, when I can. It’s been hard on the road.
“Bloody minx,” he grumbled, guiding her upstairs to his bedroom. “Whatever am I going to do with you?”
As he opened the door, she teased him right on back! Because I’m fairly sure he gets off on it. He must, right? “You could tell me how thoughtful I was to wear this for you.”
He ushered her inside and closed the door quickly. “F-for me? You wore that for me? But I’ve seen you wear it dozens of times—”
Okay, that’s enough for now. Remember, it’s been a long day for us both. She took his waving hands in hers. “Yes, tonight I wore this for you.” She wrinkled her nose and grinned. “I wanted to…show off a bit.”
“While I appreciate the gesture,” he murmured, moving to stand mere inches from her. “Please don’t feel the need to make such an effort, darling.” Rolan removed her shawl and tossed it on a dresser, and then he began to undo her laces. “You are perfect as you are…well, minus the tadpole of course.” They both chuckled, which to her, made him relax.
“Thank goodness for that. Here I was thinking he might find the tadpole thing attractive.” Her hands settled on his waist, and she noticed for the first time that he was not wearing his usual wizarding robes. Loose dark cotton trousers. Equally loose white top. Long sleeves. I wonder what’s under there. “Love, do you mind if I…” She trailed off as her hands slowly went under his shirt, her fingertips barely brushing against his skin.
He inhaled sharply but maintained his concentration as he undid her laces. “Amelie, my love, you may do whatever you like, but please keep in mind my infernal heritage. I am not…I have ridges. Some very sharp in places. I am not,” he paused as he pulled off her top, his yellow eyes filled with adoration. “Soft and smooth as you are, darling.” He ran his hands up and down her plush sides, and she swore she heard him purr. “I am the luckiest man on Toril.”
“Let me see you. Please, love. Please.” She begged sweetly. The only way I know how to beg.
With a huff, Rolan acted like it was a crime that he had to stop touching her in order to remove his shirt. “My dear lady, I—”
She silenced him with a kiss, her hands going up and down his back. Want to feel every ridge. All of them. All of him. “Fucking hells, Rolan!” Her hands traveled to his toned chest and shoulders. “You’re hiding this under your robes?!”
“I take great pride in honing both my mind and body.” He smirked, reaching for the waistband of her leggings. What Astarion tried to make into leggings. Nothing on this bloody adventure fits me. “Perhaps I could show you…?”
Then, the day finally caught up to her and a wave of fatigue washed over her. She smiled softly. “I’d like that. I really would, but um, I…it’s been a long day, love.”
He closed his eyes and nodded several times. Letting go of her, he opened his eyes again and glanced around the room. “Sorry, trying to see if there’s a shirt or something you can wear. That is if you wish to stay of course. I wouldn’t presume…”
Amelie hugged him from behind and rested her head on one of his shoulders. “I’d love to stay the night. Just nothing more than cuddling if that’s okay. And if you can’t find anything, that’s okay too. I can just sleep topless and take my leggings off.” Hold on a minute. You’ve confessed your love to Rolan---one of the most tightly wound people you’ve ever met---and you want to cuddle and sleep next to him practically naked. “I mean—”
Turning his head, his lips touched hers in a soft kiss. “That sounds lovely, and in a show of support for my beautiful lady, I’ll keep the underwear on…tonight. I cannot promise any other nights, my sweet.” He teased and moved to face her. One hand took a handful of her behind, claws digging in slightly while the other caressed her flushed cheek. After a few moments, he awkwardly but so adorably stepped back and stepped out of his trousers. “Once again, please keep in mind…you know.”
Oh I will absolutely keep it in mind, love. Yup. I will do that. Opting not to tease this time, she pulled down her leggings. “You’re beautiful, love. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Hard. On. Oh fuck me. “I think it’s really sexy.” I’m not sure that was any better. One more time. “It’s part of who you are, and I love it. I love you.” Much better! Fumbling with the leggings, she got them off without falling over. Yay! After she let down her dark ginger hair from her usual double buns (and he fucking gasped seeing my hair down),she and Rolan then lay down in bed, and he pulled the covers over them both. Amelie snuggled into his side while he wrapped an arm around her broad shoulders. His tail, to her pleasant surprise, curled around her hip with the tip resting on a thigh. “This is nice,” she whispered, reaching for his other hand. “And I don’t mind the ridges, by the way.” She teased softly.
“Bah, you love everything about me that I detest. Whatever am I going to do with you, Amelie?”
Closing her eyes, she grinned. “Mia.”
Rolan tensed slightly, his tone confused. “Mia?”
“That’s what my family and best friend call me. I think you’ve earned the right since you’re my beloved. Wouldn’t you agree?” She could hear another cute whine come out of him as he squeezed her hand.
“Hm, yes. I quite agree. Yes.” The hand on her shoulder threaded some of her hair through his clawed fingers. “Mia. My Mia.” Then his voice lowered. “Am I yours?”
“You are all mine, Rolan. For as long as you wish.” There’s that purr again!
“I wish it for the rest of my days.” He said haughtily but then he felt his features soften. “Only if that’s amenable to you, dearest.”
Giggling, she pressed a kiss to his chest. “Sounds good to me, love…” Amelie was lulled to sleep by his purring and breathing. He feels so nice. I should tell him…tomorrow…
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Amelie saves Rolan from the shadows and then gives him a piece of her mind. SFW.
“Wait, is that Rolan? I thought he had better sense than that.” Gale said with an eyeroll as the group consisting of himself, Amelie, Shadowheart, and Karlach found him surrounded by two shadow-fiends.
What the fuck is wrong with him?
It was a smaller battle than the one that just occurred at Last Light, but it still left all but Karlach with almost no spell slots left.
But that was of no consequence to Amelie.
She hurried down the small hill, rushing towards him and Shadowheart. Please let him be okay. Please. Please.
“Gods damn it all. I can do nothing right---not a damn thing.”
“You’re supposed to be at Last Light.” She panted, staring at him like he’s mad because he is. WHAT THE FUCK?!
“I’m supposed to be saving Cal and Lia! Instead, I found myself cornered by shadow-fiends and in need of rescue. From you, of all bloody people.”
Biting back the urge to ask why her “of all bloody people”, she shook her head. “You were trying to help your family---you’re too hard on yourself.”
“Or not enough.”
The acid in his voice made her heart sink a little.
“I’ve failed Cal and Lia, again. Be on your way---I’ll return to Last Light…I know when I’m outmatched.”
Within moments, he was gone.
And Amelie had an urge to return to Last Light to give him a piece of her mind. “Let’s head back and get some more healing potions…then I need a long rest.”
“You and me both.” Gale snarked, stretching his back. “Gods, adventuring is not kind on the back, knees, and hips.”
The women laughed and nicely teased the wizard.
But her mind was preoccupied with another wizard.
“You can’t leave me alone, can you?” Rolan spat at Amelie, who after a quick bath and a change of clothes, found him at the bar and sat next to him. The children and most everyone else are in bed, so we’re kind of alone. Alone-ish. “Going to tell me I shouldn’t be drowning my sorrows?”
“I think,” she began carefully as she poured herself some water. “You should stay hydrated after drinking so much alcohol, Rolan.” She then grabbed a second glass and poured him some. “Here you go.”
He slammed the bottle on the counter, startling her. “I don’t need you pitying me. Haven’t you done enough?”
Something inside her snapped.
She turned suddenly and grabbed him by the shoulders to face him towards her. “You listen to me, you arrogant shit. That little stunt you pulled earlier could’ve fucking killed you. We are fucked, Rolan. We are so incredibly fucked, but I need you to stay here and stay safe, because I cannot lose another godsdamned person I lo—” Amelie shut her mouth and felt tears in her eyes. I lost Da. My mentor. One of my best friends. Uncle Ned. This journey has been nothing but death around every corner. Not you too. “I care about. So please, I am begging you, stay here.” She bit back a sob. “Please, Rolan. Please.” Before she knew it, her face was in her hands, her body wracked with sobs.
She did not expect to feel a hand on her head. She also did not expect his other arm to wrap around her thick waist.
“Shh, please don’t cry. I’ll have the bloody water, you damnable woman.” He grumbled, and Amelie could hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll stay, but you must…you must get them back safe and sound, do you understand?”
Nodding, she sniffled as she lifted her head.
She did not expect to see what many would describe as a touching look on his face as he handed her a handkerchief. “Now, dry your tears. A young lady such as yourself shouldn’t be crying over me.”
As she wiped her tears, she stopped for a moment and blinked. “Why?”
The question dumbfounded him. Well and truly. “Why what?”
“Why shouldn’t I cry over you?” She placed the handkerchief on the counter and stared at nothing across the bar. Because you’re wonderful and I like you… “You’ve survived being in the Hells all while keeping Cal and Lia alive and well. You stayed at the Grove, even when you so desperately wanted to leave…all to protect them. Because you stayed, the children are alive. They’re alive, Rolan. Because of you. You even did quite possibly the most stupid thing ever by venturing into the Shadow Curse by yourself because of your love for your siblings.” Turning her head suddenly, she once again faced him, a desperate look on her face. “How could I not cry over a person like that? Of course, I would…and have cried over you.” She offered him a tired smile. “I should go to bed. It’s been a long day, and tomorrow will be even longer.” As Amelie rose from the stool, Rolan also stood, as stiff and awkward as they come. But so adorable. “Goodnight, Rolan.”
He watched her trudge towards the staircase (I was given a room last night at Isobel’s request) and squeezed his eyes shut. “Why is tomorrow going to be long?”
Without looking back at him, she sighed. “Because we’re going to Moonrise Towers tomorrow, and I intend to find and free the prisoners.” She stopped and took a deep breath. “I’ll get them back. I promise.” No matter what. Make sure Shadowheart has Sanctuary prepared.
“I want to believe you,” he said softly. “I need to believe you.”
Amelie, more quickly than he thought considering how tired she was, descended the stairs and hugged him. Yeah, I did it. I needed to do it. And he needed it. So it’s fine. Rolan stood (somehow more awkwardly) but after a minute or two he wrapped his arms around the half-elf. “What does your heart say?” She whispered, holding him gently.
“I-I don’t—”
“Don’t think. What does your heart say, Rolan?”
He finally relaxed and shared in her embrace. “They will be back safe and sound. I trust…I believe in you.”
Never in a thousand years did Rolan expect her lips to briefly touch his cheek before she blushed and went upstairs to her room.
And the next day, some time in the late afternoon, Cal and Lia arrived at Last Light.
After thanking her profusely, his heart leaped at a realization that hit him like the metaphorical ton of bricks as she greeted one of her companions.
He was in love with Lady Amelie Wildheart.
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Morning, Afternoon, Night
The day of the battle with the Netherbrain with Amelie and Rolan. SFW.
When Rolan saw his beloved, Gale, Halsin, and Astarion enter Sorcerous Sundries the morning after they obtained the final Netherstone, he knew what he had to do.
“Amelie, my dear, a moment if you please?” He said politely, offering his arm. Not in front of her companions. Not in front of customers.
She nodded wordlessly and took his arm. Her grip is tighter than normal. Not a good sign. Not good. He led them to a storeroom on the second floor and locked it behind them. “Rolan, I—”
“Please.” He croaked, cupping her face. Taking a moment to compose himself, he tried to smile as bravely as possible because I don’t know what I’m doing. “Remember when I said I wanted to plan how I would propose to you?”
She was breathless when she answered. “Yes.”
Mia, please my love, don’t cry. Please. “Well, I…I…” Find the words, damn you. Stop stuttering like a fool. “I cannot let you leave here without telling you how much you mean to me.” Because you’re going to fight a godsdamned Netherbrain and hope you win. You frustrating, brave woman. “I love you. I have loved you from the first moment I saw you in the Grove. I loved you when you saved us from the goblins.” He chuckled, despite tears falling down his freckled cheeks. “I loved you when I lashed out at you like a drunken ass. I loved you when you brought Lia and Cal back safely from Moonrise. I loved you when you saved us from the Shadow Curse. I loved you when you slipped me that healing potion after you saw my bruised face. I loved you when you blasted the bastard dead.” I have never seen anything more beautiful than you casting Chain Lightning and frying the bastard. “I loved…I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you at my side. Please return to me and be my wife, Amelie. I swear I will do everything in my power to ensure your happiness—”
When her lips touched his, he released a strangled moan. The kiss ended far too quickly for me at least, and despite her own tears, Amelie was smiling. “Rolan, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been because of you.” She gave him the sweetest little kiss before whispering, “I promise I’ll return to you, and I would be honored to be your wife…but you must promise me something.”
Oh gods. “Yes?”
“Promise me that you, Cal, and Lia will survive. I can’t lose the three of you.” She laughed softly. “Especially since I’ve saved you like three times already.” She then rested her forehead against his. “I will come back and marry you, love. And you will make it through this.”
How can I refuse her? I cannot.
“I promise. After all, darling---with your wild magic and my intellect, there is nothing we cannot overcome.” Nothing. We can…we will…we must win. After giving her a brief kiss and quietly slipping a ring on her finger, he squeezed her hand. “Now, my beloved, what do you need?”
“You have the full force of Ramazith’s Tower, and its dashing master, at your side, my love. Let us finish this.” Rolan said with confidence when my fiancée approached. She smiled tightly and then took his hand, practically dragging him away from the others. Stopping, she turned and placed her hands on his chest.
“Rolan, listen to me. This is worse than we ever could’ve imagined. It’s a Netherbrain. The magic in the crown evolved the elder brain. I…” Tears shined in her golden eyes. “I couldn’t wield the stones because of it. The Emperor---that fuck---said only a mind flayer can use the stones to stop the Netherbrain…and I…I was selfish.” Now crying, she shook her head sadly. “Orpheus is free only to be damned because I wouldn’t—”
His lips crashed into her in a hungry kiss.
You are not doing this, my lady.
“And you listen to me, Mia.” He growled. “It’s not selfish to want to live, damn you. To have your soul. It’s not. You have sacrificed more than anyone else on this bloody adventure. You have given more of yourself than anyone else. You have given everyone around you, including me, hope. So please, let’s forego your usual tendency to feel awful about not being the perfect hero.” A rueful smile tugged on his lips. “Gods, you are the most frustrating, infuriating woman I’ve ever met.” And the one I love most, and I’m so happy you decided to save yourself FOR ONCE.
She laughed a little, much to his relief. “Frustrating and infuriating? And you wish to marry me still?”
Rolling his eyes, he could not contain his grin. “Darling, there is nothing I want more.” There was a beat. “Well, other than to rain hellsfire on all who stand in your way. I worked very hard on that artillery.” If I cannot be at your side in battle, then I damn well will ensure you have my full support.
Amelie chuckled and then kissed him briefly. “I know you did, love.” One more kiss, sweetheart. One more. Please. Then you can save the world. Thank you, darling. With all the sincerity and earnestness she could muster, she said, “Now, let’s go kick some big brain ass.”
He heard Lia yell from the ground floor of the shop as he magicked away broken glass. But structurally, the tower is stable and did not take too much damage. “What?” He groused. “I’m a bit busy up here!”
“It’s Mia! It looks like one of her friends is hurt…”
My darling.
She…she’s alive.
He never ran faster in his life than he did down the stairs.
And there she was---strands of dark ginger hair in her face as she held her cape over Astarion. Her robes were torn and singed in places. She looked exhausted but happy. At peace. Gods, surely that must mean…
“Love, we need to get Astarion in a dark room immediately. Without the tadpole, he can’t be in the sun anymore.” Amelie said, staring at Rolan expectantly. “In one of the spare rooms upstairs?”
Without the tadpole.
“By the gods, you’re cured! My love!” He cried, taking a step towards her and then stopping abruptly. “Yes. Right. Upstairs. Go. I’ll meet you up there.”
She shot him an amused look then focused her attention back on the charred vampire. Well, he is quite charred.
It was not until well after sunset that he and Amelie were finally left alone. She practically shoved her wrist in Astarion’s face, begging him to feed. That, and plenty of healing from Halsin, Jaheira, and Shadowheart, got him back to good…well, not health. Good undeath? He’s fine. And so is my darling because I told them if they didn’t give her Lesser Restoration, then I would be very peeved. They all returned to the Elfsong Tavern earlier. Cal cooked dinner with Gale. Lia was delighted by Astarion, who seemed to have lost none of his beauty.
And now…
He was in his fiancée’s arms, head resting on her perfect but sadly still clothed chest. One of her hands massaged his scalp while her other hand was on his shoulder. I get to spend the rest of my life with her. How lucky am I?
“What a day, huh?” She chuckled. “An engagement to start and saving the world after.”
Rolan rolled his eyes. “Your gift of understatement is astounding, dear.” You frustrating, infuriating, hilarious woman. I love you. “Because that’s just normal for her ladyship.”
Though he could not see her pout, he clearly imagined it when he heard a little annoyed noise escape from her perfect, beautiful lips. “Rolan! I swear that wasn’t what I was doing pre-abduction.” He grinned as she squirmed and giggled. “My life was very boring. Yes, I wished for something interesting to happen, but I didn’t expect THAT!” They both laughed at that, and she nuzzled one of his horns. “Though, speaking of doing things, you keep calling me Mistress of Ramazith’s Tower, but I have no idea what that even means. I was taught how to a run a household, among other things, but not a bloody wizard tower.”
He made a noncommittal noise. “Running a household sounds appropriate, I suppose…but more than that…” More than that you are my superior in all things. I am the Master of the Tower but without my Mistress, I am nothing. “More than that…you are my partner in all things. I would hope, that is, if you don’t mind, helping me organize and catalog the tower, and perhaps even some of my research, if you would be willing. You have a brilliant mind, and with mine, there’s so much we can discover together.” That is the dream, isn’t it? To learn, study, and discover things with her. Always with her.
Amelie shifted under him and sat up, forcing him to adjust his position. “You…you want me to help with your research? Really?” Her mouth hung open as she watched him mirror her sitting against the pillows.
“Of course! Why would I not share one of my passions with the person I love?” He stared at her, bewildered by her reaction.
“Because I’m not a wizard.” She said slowly. Well obviously, darling. “I don’t know how to do experiments. I don’t know if there are special rules or something…don’t laugh.” Ah. Right. Now is not the time for teasing. “I just…surely there are other, more qualified people who can be of assistance?” She shrugged. “I don’t know.”
She cannot be suggesting…She can’t. No. He tilted her chin up so he could look into her golden eyes. “The only person whose assistance I want is yours, sweetling. And fear not, in authorship you’ll be credited alongside me. As my equal.” Knowing her soft heart, she doesn’t even care if her name is on it. But it matters to me. “If that is what you want, of course.”
She stared at him in disbelief. “You think I’m good enough to do research with you?” As he opened his mouth, she shook her head. “I’m sorry, love, but I’m not as smart as you are.”
“Mia sweetheart,” he smirked. “I would not be madly in love with you if you were not my equal in all things, including intelligence. We are simply on a level beyond most, darling.” When she groaned, he laughed and tickled her substantial sides. But then she laughed and squirmed and gods she feels so damned good.
“Twat.” She smiled and gave him a quick peck. “You know,” Amelie began thoughtfully, gaze drifting from him to their bedroom door. “I saved the world today, and fuck it, I’m going to have some cookies. Would you like some?”
“No thank you, dear. Just hurry back.” I’m not ashamed to say I ogled her as she stood and walked to the door. As he lay back down, he teased. “I need time with my favorite pillow.”
She turned on her heel and laughed. “So that’s all I am to you, hmmm? A pretty pillow?” Still giggling, Amelie put her hands on her wide hips and posed.
Rolan realized in that moment, he had never seen her so carefree.
Such a contrast to a few nights ago. Confessing to me that she was afraid to bear all her heart (and desires) to me. Afraid that I would at best ridicule her or worst discard her.
As if that would ever happen.
“When we are alone together, we will love as freely as we wish. Indulge in each other as freely as we wish. Dote. Make love. Even fucking.” Which earned me a laugh, thank you very much. “I will give unto you my all---my heart, my body, my soul, my mind, all that I am---and I only ask the same of you, Amelie.”
As I vowed that to her, she vowed the same to me. With lots of tears on her end.
The next morning, she told me she felt beautiful for the first time in her life, and it was because of me.
I did not cry. Absolutely not. You can’t prove it.
“On second thought,” Rolan hummed, grinning. He sprang from their bed, grabbed a robe, and tied it around his narrow waist. “I should accompany you.” He offered his arm grinning like a fool but alas, I am a fool in love.
“What? Afraid I won’t come back?” Amelie giggled, taking his arm.
He sighed dramatically. “Is it a crime to want to spend time with my future wife?” His gaze caught hers as they walked into the kitchen. She looks at me with such love that I fear my heart may burst.
“It’s only a crime if you don’t kiss me right now, Master of Ramazith’s Tower.”
I needed no further encouragement.
I kissed her in the kitchen.
I kissed her as she ate her well-deserved cookies.
I cursed her as I cleaned up the crumbs from said cookies and then kissed her.
I kissed her as we cuddled and fell asleep.
And then I shall kiss her in the morning.
After all, darling, you are the reason I am here to even greet the morning.
I am blessed to greet those mornings with you. That I will greet them with you for the rest of my days.
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Pet Names
Rolan's pet names for his beloved. Mostly SFW. The last section veers into NSFW territory but no actual sex.
My dear
Amelie glanced across the ballroom and caught her lover’s gaze. It was Rolan’s first time among the elites of Baldur’s Gate---a fundraising ball for the city’s reconstruction hosted by the Portyrs. So far, so good. Mum’s chatting with the Dowager Duchess, and my grump was speaking to…someone but it looks as if he’s a bit distracted. Distracted he certainly looked as he walked towards her, wine goblet in hand.
“All is well, my dear?” he murmured, standing next to her. His tail lightly touched one of her calves. “I-I’m not sure how long we’re supposed to mingle.”
She chuckled softly. “I think you’ve done enough mingling for now, love.” He’ll need to do more later, especially with a few noble wizards here. But for now… “Shall we get some fresh air?”
He offered his arm, and she tucked her hand into his elbow. “As her ladyship wishes.”
“In public, I would prefer if we…were not so, erm, affectionate.”
“No, it’s not…please don’t cry, my dear. What we have in private…it’s just for us. Do you understand? I want that just for us.”
“So you wish to hide me? Or more accurately, hide your ‘affection’ for me.”
“NO! Damnable woman, listen! It makes me uncomfortable. I can feel the stares, and it makes me want to tear my skin off.”
“Oh! Oh gods, Rolan, I’m so sorry. I understand now. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, but please understand this---I am not ashamed to be with you nor will I ever be. You are my lady and will be treated as such.”
“You seem far away.” He said once they were on the far side of the balcony. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
When she caught his gaze again, she smiled. He’s concerned. He loves me. He adores me. And when I get home, I’m not letting him go again until the morning. “Oh, I’m fine. Trying to mentally keep track of who you’ve talked to and should be talking to—”
Amelie was silenced by a clawed finger on her lips. Rolan’s yellow eyes were full of mirth. “Enough of that tonight, Mia dear. Enjoy yourself. After all, the Mistress of Ramazith’s Tower deserves to have a good time and not worry about such things,” the joy in his eyes faded as he frowned. “Because she does enough already.”
She pressed a kiss to his finger and then took his hand and held it to her heart for a moment before letting him go. “If the Master of Ramazith’s Tower insists…”
“He does.” Rolan took a sip of wine and grinned. “Your mother will be making the rest of the introductions tonight, so please, my dear, relax and have a good time.”
Biting her lip, she tried and definitely failed to appear innocent. “One dance with me and it’s a deal.”
Rolan groaned and drained the rest of his wine. “You drive a hard bargain, madam. Fine, I’ll make a fool out of myself for a few minutes—”
She did not mean to laugh. Truly. “But you’re my fool and that’s all that matters.”
My brilliant, beautiful fool of a man.
My love
“My love.”
Amelie blinked at him.
Rolan raised an eyebrow, his expression more amused than concerned. “My love, did you cast a spell and polymorph into a cat?”
He sighed dramatically, hands on his hips. “Whatever am I to do with you?”
Stritch my ears! My head! MY BELLY!!!!
Chuckling, he bent and lifted his lover-temporarily-turned-ginger-cat and practically cooed. “You are just as lovely like this as you are normally, darling. And purring so loudly! Just for me!”
Unfortunately for Amelie, the belly scritches came to an abrupt end as she changed back into her half-elf form. Thinking quickly, Rolan cast Telekensis and placed her gently on her feet. “Oh thanks, love. I thought I was going to crush you for a second there.” She nervously wrung her hands as she felt heat bloom on her freckled cheeks.
He took her hands in his, pulling her to him. “You know I love how you look---bigger, smaller, as you are currently, it doesn’t matter to me. What matters is that you are safe, happy, and well taken care of.” Rolan pulled her into a tender embrace. “Preferably by me.” Though she could not see it, she knew he was smirking.
She smiled at that. He’s so sweet. “Of course, love.”
He placed a slow kiss on her neck, just below an ear and then whispered, “I desire you. I crave your touch. I ache for you. Surely you must know?” A clawed hand trailed down her back to her plush behind. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. How could you think otherwise?”
“Knowing and believing are two very different things.” She sighed.
“Believe me. I beg of you, please believe me.” He pled softly, now cupping her face. “You take my breath away every moment we are together. Even when I think of you.” A grin slowly appeared, his eyes hinting mischief. “When this is all over, and assuming we all survive, I want to show you off at every function we attend. As Master and…Mistress of Ramazith’s Tower we are to make a certain impression, are we not?” Of that I have no doubt, but I’ve never been a wizard ball before? Wizard dinner? The only wizard dinner I want is something Gale makes, because goddamn he’s so good. “You will be dressed like a queen. No, a goddess. A goddess on my arm, Mistress of the Tower, and they will all be jealous. Oh yes, my love, they will wish they were you---so beautiful, so elegant, so powerful, so stunning, so adored.”
Good gods, Rolan. Suddenly feeling heat rise on her cheeks and bust, she inhaled sharply. “I-I…”
He barely held in a moan watching her blush, his hands back on her behind. “Let me love you the way you deserve to be loved, dearest. Please allow me the—”
“Oh hey you two! Lunch is almost ready!” Lia’s voice called from the hallway.
Once he could no longer hear her footsteps as she walked away, Rolan pressed several kisses to her lips, murmuring, “May I escort you to lunch, my lady?”
Oh. Gods. Amelie nodded and breathlessly replied, “Yes. Yes, you may.”
“Dearest?” Rolan muttered sleepily, waking to find his lover no longer next to him. “Mia darling?” Slipping out of bed, he located the half-elf quickly---sitting in a window seat, bathed in moonlight. He nearly did not wish to disturb her because as always, to him, she took his breath away. However, he also wanted her back in bed with him. “Dearest?”
Amelie glanced at him with wide eyes. “Oh! Sorry! Sorry, I couldn’t sleep. I hoped I wouldn’t wake you, love—” She began to ramble but was silenced with a kiss. The kiss was short but shocking enough to quiet her.
He then sat next to her and took one of her hands in his. “Dearest, what’s the matter? Is something bothering you?” He worries. He worries so much that he can barely contain it, and when it becomes impossible for him to hold in any longer, the worry manifests itself in him not leaving my side and his tail touching me. Like right now. “What can I do?”
She smiled softly and caressed his cheek with her free hand. “It’s just been a long day, and my mind won’t quiet. It’s okay. Besides,” her smile grew wider. “It was nice watching you sleep, love. You looked happy. Like, really happy.”
“If I did, it is because I have you and my family. Having you, Cal, and Lia safe, alive, and happy means more to me than anything else. This tower. All my books and scrolls. My mind. None of that matters if the three of you aren’t alright.” He squeezed her hand, struggling to maintain composure. “Now please, let me help you, darling. I’ll brew the potion myself. There’s far more security here than at the Elfsong Tavern, so you will be completely safe as you rest. I’ve made a few modifications already with you in mind.” He seems very proud of that. “Mia, my dearest,” his expression turned rueful as he smiled. “You are the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met, but please indulge me and take the damn potion.”
She sighed dramatically and grinned. “Fine. Only because you’re making it and you’ll be here.”
“Obviously, dear. I live here.” He sassed as he stood and held out his hand for her. “And when this is all over, you’ll be living here too. I…I hope. If that’s what you want, of course. I wouldn’t assume—”
It was her turn to silence him with a kiss. She then rested her forehead against his. Luckily, we’re close in height. I’m an inch or so shorter. “I want to spend all my days with you---good, bad, everything. I want—”
“Darling. I-I think I know what you are about to say, but I beg of you, indulge me again and allow me to propose.” Oh. “Please don’t be sad, my love. I want to plan something truly amazing for us. I already have several ideas, you see, and I want it to be perfect. Not just for you but for me as well.”
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Oh fuck it. She smiled. “How can I say no to such a heartfelt plea? You may propose to me whenever and however you wish, Rolan love.”
Grinning, he kissed the knuckles on a freckled hand. “I promise you, sweetling, you won’t have to wait too long.” He teased with a kiss to her cheek before leading her to his study. “Now, about that sleeping potion for my future fiancée…”
He held me all night, telling me I was safe and how much he loved me as I nodded off.
He surprised me with breakfast in bed as he read. His tail---his beautiful tail---wrapped around a leg.
I could…we could…get used to this.
“You’re almost there, sweetheart. You’re so close.” Rolan said, trying to keep his voice steady. Since the labor started several hours before, he had not left his wife’s side. “Soon this will all be over, I promise.”
Amelie nodded and then gritted her teeth in agony. Oh my gods. How am I getting this baby out?!?! Push. Push. Push.
Halsin’s eyes lit up. “I can see the head. My friend, it will be time to push and meet your child.” As he rearranged a few items near him, Countess Wildheart (only Mum, Rolan, and Halsin) offered assistance.
She rested her head on the pillows (Rolan arranged them himself) and turned her head towards him. “I love you.”
A tired half-smile tugged on his lips. “I love you, even though you’ve nearly broken my hand.” He teased, his hand in hers.
She rolled her eyes. “Oh hush, you ass—AH!” Amelie inhaled sharply and felt another contraction.
A big one.
“Breathe in, exhale, and push with all your might, Amelie.” Halsin said in a calming voice. “Soon your child will make their entrance.”
She pushed. And pushed. And pushed.
Until she heard a cry and fell back against the pillows, sweat pouring down her face.
Halsin beamed at the child in his arms. “A girl. You have a daughter, my friends.”
As he took care of cleaning her and cutting the cord (Rolan refused when it came up previously), Rolan wiped her face with a cool washcloth. “My love, we…she’s…I have no words. They are gone.” He began to laugh, tears forming in his yellow eyes. “There is only what I feel, which is indescribable joy that I have never felt before. The closest being when you returned with Cal and Lia to Last Light and our wedding day.” He’s trying to control himself because of Halsin and Mum. Oh, love…
“You did so well, Mia sweetie.” Countess Wildheart patted her daughter’s hand. “She’s beautiful.”
Halsin smiled as he placed the baby in Amelie’s arms. “She certainly is and is in perfect health.” He glanced at the dwarven noble. “Shall we tell the others?”
Time to let Mum be in her element as doting new grandmother.
Once the couple were alone (and Halsin guided me as she latched on), Amelie, though exhausted, felt the same as her husband. Indescribable joy. That sounds right. “Hello, my little love. I’m your mummy.” She glanced at Rolan and sniggered. Just a little. “And that sobbing mess next to me is your darling father.”
“Hush you! I’m simply…overwhelmed.” He sniffed and wiped his eyes with his handkerchief. “Cal and Lia are going to love her.”
She chuckled softly. “Love, they already do.”
He put his handkerchief on her bedside table and pulled his chair closer to the bed. Rolan sat and stared thoughtfully at their daughter as he smiled. After a few minutes, he cleared his throat. “Petra. It was Cal and Lia’s mother’s name. It would be fitting to have her back in our family, in a way. That is if you agree, dearest.”
His wife grinned. “Of course it is! That’s such a pretty name.” She turned her attention back to the baby. “Hello, Petra Wildheart.” As agreed upon in our marriage contract, our children will bear my name since Rolan did not and chooses not to have a surname of his own. “Rolan, Master of Ramazith’s Tower suits me well enough, sweetheart.” As you wish, love.
“Petra Wildheart, born of the greatest wizard and sorcerer of the age…” Something flashed in his eyes and then he appeared almost pleasantly surprised? Hmmm? “She’s got your nose. Your little nose---she’s got it. I-I didn’t think she’d have any of your physical features being a tiefling. But she does. Your nose.”
Oh come on, sir. “Rolan! Love, you are brilliant, but fucking hells. I’m her mum! Of course she’s going to have at least some of my physical features! Just because she’s a tiefling and I’m a half-elf doesn’t mean she won’t have any trace of me.” I’m laughing. I’m sorry. I’m not sorry. “Who knows…maybe her ears won’t be as large as a tieflings and be more like mine?” Amelie noticed Petra was finished, so she began to burp her. Thanks for the towel, love. “But it doesn’t matter because I’m her mother. She’s my baby. That’s that.”
Rolan groaned and ran a hand through his unkempt hair. “Yes, your ladyship, of course. If you say it, then it must be true.” It always is, and he knows it. “I was reading about the importance of skin to skin contact with infants. Once Halsin and your mother return—”
“I think he’s going to have me bathe, Rolan love. I feel gross.” She laughed and then pressed a kiss to Petra’s head. Darker strawberry blonde fuzz. So cute!
He nodded. “I know, sweetling. But fear not! Your dashing husband will spoil you in the bath once—”
“Once what, sweetie?” The countess asked happily as she and Halsin returned to the master bedroom. “Cal and Lia are over the moon and want to come in for a brief visit. Oh, and I sent sending spells to Nadia, Astarion, Jaheira, Minsc, Gale, Shadowheart, and to Duke Ravengard so he can pass it onto Wyll and Karlach. Withers said he’d deal with Lae’zel.” Wait, Withers talks to my mum like he does with Gale’s mum?!?!!? “Do you need anything else? Either of you?”
Before Rolan had a chance to snark on his siblings, they were already at the door and peeking in.
“Sooooo…?” Cal began, grinning.
“Zurgan. You visit with Petra, and I’ll see to my wife. She had a bloody baby, you know.” He grumbled, though none of the others took it seriously.
Sorry, love. We know you’re protective of me. Adorably so.
“What is my sweetling up to?” Rolan practically cooed as his wife placed the tray of chocolate chip cookies on the counter. Cal and Lia were down in the shop, leaving the new parents alone in the kitchen while their daughter slept in the nursery. His hands roamed her sides and hips, and she could feel his tail at her ankle. His tail is very…erm…long. It can do…so much…in so many situations…
She giggled. “Well, right now these just came out of the oven, and I need to let them cool.”
“Yes, yes.” He pressed sloppy kisses along her neck punctuating each word. “But. After. Madam.”
“Someone’s excited,” Amelie teased, smirking because she could feel the very large bulge in his trousers.
He let out of an annoyed huff. “I am always excited to see you. You’re my bloody wife.”
She bit her bottom lip, grinning. “That isn’t what I meant, and you know it. You ass.”
One of his hands cupped a breast. “But you’re just as excited, aren’t you, my pretty wife? I can feel it. I can smell it.”
Smell it? Oh. Oh dear. “Love, are you in a rut?” Amelie panted as his other hand reached under her dress and pawed at her smalls.
He stiffened but did not stop his movements. “I…yes. It came on very suddenly. Usually I-I…it’s gradual…not like this.” He let go of her and began to pace. “I need to get the potion. Can’t do anything before that. I-I must.” Rolan stopped and took a deep breath. “I’ll return soon, my love.”
As he turned to leave, she touched his arm. “Wait.”
Turning slowly around to face her, his brow furrowed. “What? I’m perfectly capable of getting you a contraceptive potion. My faculties haven’t all left me, woman.” He grumbled.
He’s going to think I’m mad.
“Or we could…not…do…anything…perhaps?” She offered him an awkward if sincere smile. “I don’t mind. This way Petra won’t be alone---they’ll have each other, like you do with Cal and Lia.”
My poor husband attempted to form words but found he could not for several moments. “I…you are mad. You…” Ah, so he does think I’m mad. “You mad, mad woman.” The grin on his face betrayed his serious tone. “Gods Mia, Petra is nine weeks old.” He said with a disbelieving laugh. “Are you sure? Truly sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I’ll be okay.” She smiled to herself. “I’ve got a good feeling.”
My very poor husband groaned. “A good feeling?! That’s…that’s not…That is not how that works, dearest!”
“Alright, but my good feelings saved the world, so I think I should be given the benefit of the doubt, love.” She wrinkled her nose and giggled, making him groan louder. It’s a valid point.
He ran a hand through his hair and undid the tie. “Zurgan. Whatever am I to do with you, my darling, precious wife?” Rolan growled, gripping her hips and hungrily kissing her.
Amelie could not help but giggle. “Oh dear. I think the little Mistress of the Tower is awake.”
Rolan rolled his eyes and took a few deep breaths. “You see to her, and I’ll be with you in a few minutes. I need to…bloody hells…” Giving one more kiss, he turned and walked towards the bathroom, leaving his wife nearly doubled over in laughter.
Later then, my grumpy wizard.
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Dork Wave Compilation
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How Many Bachelorette Parties?!
After being tagged by the lovely @grenanigans, it's time to explore my ladies' bachelorette parties.
Agnetha and Astarion
When approached about a bachelorette party, Agi is hesitant because she doesn't want a whole ~thing.
After all, her and Astarion's wedding is already going to be the social event of the year.
It ends up being Nadia and a handful of friends from childhood playing card games, eating, and drinking at the Elfsong Tavern.
When she spies a white bat on the other side of the window closest to her table, she nearly bursts out laughing.
Astarion explained later that he was out hunting and wanted to check in on her. :3
"You are such a fucking sap, and I love you, Star."
Lily and Gale
Lily asked for a shared bachelor and bachelorette party with Gale.
"If things do get a bit mad, I want you there of course!" she tells him with a grin.
Gale ensured that nothing got crazy---it was an intimate affair with close friends as food, drink, and good conversation flowed freely along with breaks for stargazing.
Lily gets heart eyes when Gale talks about anything but especially when he describes the stars.
When they had a moment to themselves, Gale whispered that he would make love to her among the stars later.
"You never fail to make me blush, my magic man."
Anais and Halsin
Annie and Halsin don't get married, but Halsin gives in to the children's demand for a commitment ceremony. (He cannot say no to them lol.)
Annie has to explain what bachelor and bachelorette parties are, and like with Gale and Lily, Halsin and Annie decide on a shared get-together.
"Clothing optional, my heart. We have naught to hide from our friends. Let us share our love for all to see."
Annie.exe has stopped working
"That's not...what?!?!"
Amelie and Rolan
Oh lord.
Amelie wants a bachelorette party, so of course, according to Rolan, she should have one. His beloved deserves everything she wants after all.
She has to explain that no, he does not get to plan it---Nadia, her best friend and maid of honor does.
He is not a fan of that lol and worries that Nadia will go overboard with strippers and partying.
What actually happened was Amelie, Nadia, a newly returned Karlach, Shadowheart, and Lia having a girls' night and sleepover at Wildheart Manor. (Lae'zel is still fighting Vlaakith, otherwise she would've been there too.)
Lia and Nadia double-team to tease Rolan the following morning.
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